View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

December expenses

Once again, we are under our $1,000 monthly budget. Not by much though, and we'll have to be really careful in January when our daughter and grandson come to visit, plus we will have higher gasoline expenses because of our upcoming drive south of Acapulco.

We spent a total of $974.64 for the month. It breaks down as follows...

Gasoline: $117.86, but the tank is now near empty and we will have to get some when we leave here on Tuesday.

Toll roads: $29.59

Propane: $42.90, but the tank is now full and we won't need to buy any in January.

Grocery: $184.30. Our grocery expenses now average $176 per month for each of the last three months here in Mexico! Not bad for two people considering we don't eat out very often.

Alcohol: $130.31. A little high this month, but it was low last month. We average $100 per month here in Mexico.

Miscellaneous: $170.63. Again, a little high but this included my bike tire repair at $27, our monthly internet at $39, and Ruth ordered a bunch of stuff from Bodyshop for $50 that our daughter will bring down with her.

Entertainment: $133.30. Again, higher than our budgeted $100 per month. Most of that was in the last week because we donate a little to the cause at these fiestas we've been going to. Sure have been entertained though!

Overnight: $165.75. Just under our budget of $175 per month.


  1. I like how you keep changing the header of your blog!

    Wishing you a wonderful 2012!

  2. I think January is going to be tough!!

  3. Oh you're killing me here! :-)
    More for alcohol and entertainment combined than for camping fees. Life is a party!!

  4. Thats not bad for living the good life.. Happy New Year!!!

  5. if my alcohol budget equaled my camping budget I could save a lot of money on diesel since I would never be able to drive :)

  6. Happy New year to you and Ruth!!!.we wish you good health and safe travels in 2012!!

  7. You do so well keeping to your budget and still having a great time. Happy travels and blogging in 2012!

  8. Well at least the upkeep on Ruth is more than on your bike. *phew*
    Glad to see that.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Wishing you a year that brings good friends,good health, good luck, good things & safe travels!
    Happy New Year


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