Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Galetta, Ontario

Wednesday April 29…11:00pm

On the road at 7am, and our first stop before leaving Plattsburgh was to fill up with propane. Even with the exchange rate still at 1.25, we are cheaper filling up here before entering Canada. The propane level in the tank had never been this low, and I was hoping that maybe by filling it up, it would fix our problem with the fridge not running on gas. For whatever reason, this did not fix the problem. Not a big deal, because we’ll be plugged in to electric for the next 6 months.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 7)

Monday April 27…11:00pm

It warmed up again today, and peaked with another record high, this time at 92F (33C)! Very strange weather.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 6)

Sunday Apr 26…11:30pm

How quickly the temperature changes! Yesterday was a record high 88F (31C), and today we were lucky if it hit 55F (12C).

And they played baseball again, so Ruth and I sat and watched the games while wrapped up in our sleeping bags. Have I mentioned we don’t like the cold!? Anyhow, they were great games, and Plattsburgh won them both, 6-5 and 10-9.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 5)

Saturday Apr 25…11:00pm

We were at the ballpark for 12 noon, and it was shorts and t-shirts weather. High today turned out to be a record 88F (31C) so it was fantastic. Plus the baseball was great.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 4)

Friday Apr 24…11:00pm

Got up this morning and the fridge was making funny noises. Sounded like the gas flame would light and then go out, and then light again, sputter, and go out. I couldn’t see that the burner would be dirty again, because it wasn’t that long ago that I took it apart and cleaned it…but I took it apart again anyhow. Put it back together, and this time it wouldn’t light at all. Now, I know that our propane is low, probably lower than it’s ever been but that shouldn’t make a difference until it’s actually empty.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 3)

Thursday Apr 23…11:30pm

Again didn’t do much today. It’s supposed to warm up tomorrow, and be a nice hot sunny weekend…so we can’t wait for that. Our suntans are starting to disapppear already!

Ruth did some grocery shopping with Kathy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 2)

Wednesday Apr 22…11:00pm

Didn’t do much this morning…too cold outside, and still showers on and off so we stayed in the motorhome.

But around noon, Kathy (who’s driveway we are staying in) asked us if we were going to the baseball game. We weren’t going to because it looked like it might get cancelled, and it’s an hour and a half south of here in Vermont. She said she wouldn’t mind going, but she didn’t want to drive. Then she asked if I would drive if we took her car. I said sure, and so the 3 of us took off to Middlebury Vermont to watch baseball. They ended up getting the whole game in, but they lost 5-7…and then it started raining right at the end.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York

Tuesday April 21…11:15pm

When checking email this morning, we found that Alex’s baseball game was cancelled for today due to wet weather. And when checking the weather forecast for Middlebury Vermont, it’s not looking very promising for tomorrows game either.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Verona, New York

Monday April 20…10:00pm

Slept fine in downtown Fredonia.

We decided to take some of the backroads through the area south of the New York Thruway. We could have taken the Thruway, and it would probably have been faster...and even though the tolls are pretty reasonable, it was a very windy morning. Sherman doesn’t like the wind. Either does Kevin when driving Sherman in the wind!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fredonia, NY

Sunday April 19…11:15pm

It was only an hours drive from Erie, PA to Fredonia, NY. We found the ballpark with no problem. Temperature was about 55F (12C) and it started off sunny, but it got cloudy and cooler as the day went on.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Erie, Pennsylvania

Saturday April 18…11:00pm

Got on the road early, but there sure was a lot of traffic for a Saturday morning. Everybody out and about I suppose. Tons of busy stores around Lancaster, Ohio. You’d never know there’s a recession on.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lancaster, Ohio

Friday April 17…10:30pm

Used the shower at Anne and Ed’s house this morning. It’s funny because their bathroom is almost the size of our motorhome!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lexington, Kentucky

Thursday April 16…10:30pm

Not a bad sleep at the Walmart, except for the parking lot cleaning machine doing it’s job at 3am. Oh well…what do you expect for free! But the noise didn’t last long, and otherwise it was fine.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bardstown, Kentucky

Wednesday April 15…11:30pm

We left Nashville around 9:00am. Thanks for the parking space, Tom and Beth!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nashville (day 2)

Tuesday April 14…10:00pm

We walked down to the mall at around 9:45am to catch the bus downtown. It was only one bus, a 50 minute ride, and it took us right to the center of Nashville. Cost was $1.60 US ($2.00 CAN) each, one way.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Monday April 13…11:30pm

Got on the road before 7am, and visited a couple of the nature sites along the last section of the parkway. We were only about 75 miles from Nashville, so didn’t have that far to travel.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meriwether Lewis campground (day 2)

Sunday April 12…10:00pm

A relaxing day today.

Went for a walk with Whiskey this morning. Then Ruth and I went for a bike ride around the park, and to visit the monument marking Meriwether Lewis’ grave site.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Meriwether Lewis Campground

Saturday April 11…10:00pm

We were up at 6:30am, and we hit the road right away. The next free campground, at the Meriwether Lewis site, was 200 miles (320 kms) to the north east, so we had a fair bit of driving to do today.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Jeff Busby Campground

Friday April 10…11:00pm

For some reason, it never got cold last night. I figured it would get chilly again, but I woke up in the middle of the night with too many covers on and checked the temperature and it was 23C (73F)!

We got another early start and made it to Jackson, Mississippi (pop 178,000) around 9:30am. Stopped and filled up with gas at $1.789 per gallon ($0.60 CAN per litre). Stopped at the Walmart for groceries and internet, and decided there wasn’t anything worth seeing in Jackson.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rocky Springs Campground (day 2)

Thursday April 9…9:30pm

It was totally quiet for us last night. At one point I woke up and specifically noticed that I couldn’t hear a single thing!

I did some cleaning of the windows while Ruth was getting a picnic lunch ready for us. I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing some rain over the next several days, so I treated the front windshield with Rain-X. I was checking back, and noticed that we have not had any real rain since January 15th. I think we had a little drizzle around February 1st, but hardly enough to count as rain.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Rocky Springs Campground

Wednesday April 8…10:30pm

Had a good sleep at the visitor center. Left there around 9am, and made our way around the town of Natchez towards the entrance to the parkway. Our GPS unit has maps that are a few years old now, and they’ve built a new road and interchange so by following the signs we get to the new entrance to the parkway. The road itself is in brand new condition, and has a 50 mph (80 kmh) speed limit. It’s a pleasure to drive on.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Natchez, Mississippi

Tuesday April 7…10:00pm

We woke up early, but stayed at the Leesville, Louisiana Walmart until about 9:00am taking advantage of a good internet connection.

Drove about 128 miles (206 kms) today, and made it across the mighty Mississippi River to Natchez, Mississippi.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Leesville, Louisiana

Monday April 6…11:00pm

Had a great nights sleep at the Walmart in Livingston, Texas. Left there early and headed towards Louisiana.

We made a minor detour to the Leesville Lake Reservoir State Park in Louisiana. Actually, it was a really nice spot, and we paid the $2 US entrance fee for the day use area. Too bad it was such a windy day again, but we still managed a nice walk on their nature trails and still enjoyed a blue sky day. Found a little turtle…he sure didn’t seem like he wanted his picture taken, but at least we didn’t step on him!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Livingston, Texas

Sunday April 5…10:30pm

Got up early and stopped for internet before leaving Victoria. When we did leave, it became fairly windy. It was a strong cross wind, and I really had to hang onto the steering wheel at times.

Very boring scenery until we got to Houston. We decided to take the toll road that rings around Houston, but even on a Sunday it was fairly busy. Reminded me again of why I will never live in a really big city like that.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Victoria, Texas

Saturday April 4…10:45pm

Well we got up in time for the sunrise this morning, but it was too cloudy on the horizon!

We got an early start, and were on the road by 7:30am. Once we got off South Padre Island, Highway 77 is 4 lanes, with a 70 mph (113 kmh) speed limit in most sections. We only do 55 mph (90 kmh) at the most though, and that’s what I had the cruise control set at for much of the day. The road surface was near perfect (especially compared to Mexican highways!), and with Sherman’s new suspension, tires, and wheel alignment it was a very comfortable drive.

Friday, April 3, 2009

South Padre Island (day 2)

Friday April 3…10:15pm

We planned on waking up in time for the sunrise, but we missed it by ten minutes!

We walked Whiskey on the beach, and then Bill and Bonnie came over for pancakes mid morning.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

South Padre Island

Thursday April 2…midnight

We made it to the suspension and alignment shop at about 8:00am. They got to work right away, and we sat in the motorhome while they worked.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mercedes, Texas (day 3)

Wednesday April 1… 10:30pm

Made it to the Goodyear Tire Center in Weslaco, just about 7 miles from the RV park, at about 9:30am, and it was almost 1pm by the time we had two tires installed and one wheel moved from front to back. To be fair, I had said we weren’t in a rush and to look after anybody else first, and they were pretty busy.