View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Punta Perula (day 3)

Went for a bike ride to explore the town yesterday morning. Quite a few Canadians have bought property in the area and built winter homes. Most of them previously showed up here in an RV, then decided this was where they wanted permanent winter digs.

Saw one nice home with a for sale sign and a guy outside washing his van. Stopped to say hi, and was soon invited in for a chat. Eric and Trudy are from British Columbia (as are most people down here, I don't think there's anybody left in BC!) and feel they are getting on in years so have listed their place at $250,000. It's interesting the disparity between what are obviously Canadian homes and the rest of the homes of the people who are native to the area. I'm sure there is a disparity in price as well! But, they have a beautiful spot on a large property.

Ruth, with Trudy and Eric's little puppy. He sure was a friendly little guy!

Phone number and email if you're interested, or you could email Eric directly at [email protected]

Eric sent us an interesting email in the afternoon. Remember that old deserted hotel from yesterday? Turns out it had been built in 1986 and was almost finished when an earthquake struck the area and it was structurally damaged. It was supposed to be demolished a couple of years ago, but for whatever reason that never happened. This email informed us that the demolition was going to take place at 6:00pm yesterday! They were going to blow it up!

This sounded fairly exciting, so just after 5:00pm we walked (with a bunch of other people) closer to the old hotel. Grabbed a seat on a log, and waited.

Everyone coming to watch the building blow up!

6:00pm came and went. Soon after, the sun was setting, and we decided to walk back because it looked like nothing was happening. All of a sudden, we heard an explosion, and I managed to get a couple of pics...

But that was as far as it went! It was a little more crooked, but it never fell down! Maybe they need to hire someone from Al-Qaeda to blow it up!

So that was out fun for the day. On other news, our daughter Lindsey and grandson Cameron have booked their flight to Mexico. Son in law Justin will be staying in Canada for work. Lindsey and Cameron arrive in Acapulco January 18 and will be spending 3 weeks with us! Very excited about that!

We're heading out of here idea where we'll end up for the night, so stay tuned...


  1. Oooh! Always fun to watch stuff getting "blowed up". Of course, you do realise when they said, "Six o'clock", they were no doubt referring to "Mexico time"?
    I learned to tell time that way from our year in Puerto Rico. "9:00 a.m. usually meant, "in the fore noon, if you're lucky".
    Maybe they'll knock it the rest of the way down in the next twenty years?

  2. How exciting that Lindsey and grand are going to visit you! There is nothing like kids and grandkids.

  3. Having been there you soon learn Mexican time, its just a generalization, meaning it may happen sometime, don't hold your breathe. And the further you are from the large cities the more this becomes true.
    Such a great laid back society.

  4. Wow what fun.So after xmas off to Acapulco.That well be great to see your daughter and grandson.
    By the way thanks for the info on Altarose.And i'm sure I will love the cold.

  5. I love reading about your adventures in Mexico!
    Happy Holidays!

  6. how nice that lindsey and Cameron will be there soon :)....I'm sure you will see a big difference in Cameron...I always referred to mexican time as yah yah sooner or later usually meaning later...:) have a pun intended glad you got some are definitely always on your game :)

  7. I have seen only one building blown up, but I must admit I enjoyed it:)

  8. That's a dynamite sunset picture!! :-)

    How wonderful for your daughter and grandson to leave Canada for warmer temps. How wonderful for you all to enjoy the holidays together IN MEXICO!! Memories no one will ever forget.

  9. Just realized they are coming Jan 18 not leaving Jan 18. I still think Christmas in Mexico sounds fantastic. Maybe next time!

  10. Sounds like a smashing day:)

    Where will you camp In Acapulco?

  11. just to keep you informed..we are busy keeping the light on for all the Bc'ers who have headed south! is a tough job but someone has to do it!!

  12. That's great that your daughter and grandson are going to spend time with you in January.

  13. Bob and George and Suzie...We know all about Mexican time. We would have been surprised for it to have happened at 6 o'clock. We ended up leaving after the sun went down because at that point we wouldn't have seen too much and any pictures probably wouldn't have turned out. Also just figured when it got that late that they would try again the next day.

    Contessa...We will probably stay at the Acapulco Trailer Park. We won't stay at the Diamente RV Park again unless we really have too! We like the Pie de la Cuesta area better anyway.

    Kevin and Ruth


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