View of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Went for a walk along the beach yesterday morning before leaving Manzanillo. Beautiful sunrise with the ships in the harbor, and as we were walking a cruise ship was coming into port as well. But we wanted to get out of this part of town before things got busy, so we left right after our walk, just before 8:00am.

It was a bit of a maze getting through the city in the direction we wanted to go because they’re building an overpass at one part and they had traffic re-routed. I had to pull over and check our directions a couple of times to make sure we didn’t make a wrong turn. Fortunately, Sunday morning traffic was light.

Manzanillo harbor at dawn.

We had planned on walking into the old part of town, but we couldn’t find somewhere that looked suitable to park and leave Sherman alone. So we carried on towards Cuyutlan. When we got to the turn off, we realized that this is a toll road to Cuyutlan. It’s also the same toll road that leads out of Manzanillo to Colima. It wasn’t a long drive, maybe only 30 kms (18 miles) and the toll was 214 pesos ($16.70). But, it was a beautiful highway and taking the free road would have probably used up another $10 worth of gas, so maybe it was worth it, who knows.

Yesterday's drive, 41 kms (25 miles)

Whenever there is a toll road in Mexico, there is an alternative free road. But the free road is always slower, and sometimes in poor condition. Usually the free road also goes through many towns and with the topes there is a lot of stopping and starting. So when you make the choice to take the toll road, you might save money or you might not. We usually choose the toll road simply because it’s easier on Sherman and his driver!

The malecon at Cuyutlan

Pulling into Cuyutlan, we ended up at the central square. This is just a small Mexican beach town, population around 800. The main roads are easy to navigate, and there was hardly anybody around. We thought this was kind of strange for a Sunday before Christmas, but it turns out that for whatever reason, Cuyutlan isn’t very popular any more. Apparently it’s heyday was in the 1940’s and it’s been going downhill ever since. The 1951 movie “Robinson Crusoe” was filmed here. There are a lot of empty buildings and a lot of “for sale” signs. There are also a lot of easy spots to boondock in a motorhome. Very strange that there are no other RV'ers here.

The beach here is black because of the volcanic particles in the sand.

We wandered around town and checked out the salt museum. Not worth the 20 pesos each admission, so we’re glad there was nobody there to collect the money. We were in and out in less than ten minutes anyhow.

Then we drove to the far end of the road where there is a turtle sanctuary. Spent the afternoon there, because they have a swimming pool that is included in your 25 peso ($1.95) admission price. We asked if we could stay in their parking lot overnight, but they said they lock the gates at night. However we were welcome to park just outside the gates and they said we would be safe there. And we were, in fact the only vehicles that came to the end of the road after dark were both police patrols.

Hundreds of baby turtles. They were just in the process of cleaning the tank.

They put all the babies in a bucket to clean the tank. They were squirming like crazy. We think all these babies are going to be released soon.

They also have iguanas there. This guy was about three feet long!

Sherman, at sunset.

Heading for the city of Colima today, and should be back at Hacienda Contreras tomorrow!


  1. Looks like a nice place, and not crowded is good too.

  2. Those turtles are sooooo tiny! Iguanas are one of those animals that I can't quiet get over. They are so strange looking but so intriguing also. Great photo.

  3. Loved the little trutles... so cute!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  4. Another great stop on the tour, I would have enjoyed the beach if it is warm water. Have fun and be safe out there. Sam & Donna. PS Rigg's and Sadie seem to be okay with taking their prescription everyday.

  5. Love finding out where you've stayed each night. Like always, this looks like a great one.

    What's the water like? Do you ever swim in it??


  6. Oh those baby turtles are just soooo cute!

  7. Nice to see the effort to help the turtle population. Hope many of those little guys (and gals) make it in the wild.

  8. No other RVers? Well, now you've spread the word so I suppose the place will be over run next year. (grin)

    Have a Merry Christmas

  9. looks like a great spot to boondock!!!..enjoy the view!!

  10. My sister lives in Cuyutlan and we have visited several times.

  11. Hola tombien, Cindy here. The blog monster ate my comment. My sister also has a home in Ajijic for the summer months. Her house is on the road to the turtle sanctuary. My nephew lives with her now, she is 85 and it is a struggle to keep everything going due to the salt content in the air and sand. We find it pretty hot and humid year around but, many are building big houses with AC. The infrastructure of the small village cannot handle all the air. I will follow your blog now. We sure do miss MX, lived and traveled there for four years. Las Vegas now. Buena Suerta y Feliz Navidad. Found you on the Bayfield Bunch Cindy Garvin


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