Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We are not normal.

We read quite a few other blogs, mostly written by other RV'ers. It's very apparent that in most ways we are not normal RV'ers. In fact, we're not normal in a lot of ways outside of RV'ing!

We don't have a television.
This has got to be the number one thing that makes us not normal. What? No TV? Nope. Not having a TV means that we don't have to pay the fees for access to satellite. And even more important, we don't have to spend hours trying set up the satellite dish to access the signal. Seems that a lot of RV'ers spend more time setting up the dish than they do watching TV. Also don't have to carry the damn thing around. And, didn't have to buy it in the first place. However, we do watch movies on the laptop!

We don't have a microwave.
Nope. Because we are rarely plugged in to electricity, we hardly ever used it anyhow. Besides we like cooking with our gas oven and stove. And, it was heavy and made for a lot of cupboard space when we got rid of it.

Hot water heater?
Yep, we have one. Can't remember the last time we turned it on though. We heat up hot water for coffee and tea in a pot on the stove. And we have a solar hot water bag that we set out in the morning that gives us hot water to wash the dishes with in the afternoon. Any time we need a little hot water otherwise, we put a pot on the stove. The only time we turn the hot water heater on is if we are not close to shower facilities and we need a shower REALLY bad. And then it's a pain because we have to clean out our storage bin...which is the shower stall!

We don't eat in restaurants.
Okay, we do occasionally, if there is exceptional value in what we're spending.  We find most restaurant food overrated and overpriced. But it seems to me that most RV'ers eat out A LOT! We like our own cooking. Ruth does most of the cooking, and she is a great cook. And when I take over once or twice a week it seems to turn out pretty good too! And, it is a lot cheaper to make your own food. We win all the way around! Even when we go out for the day, we try and pack a lunch, or at least some snacks.

We don't tow a vehicle.
It's expensive to tow a vehicle. The tow setup alone can cost well over $2,500. Then there's the wear and tear on the vehicle itself. And a little extra gas for the motorhome. And reduced maneuverability for the motorhome. It just doesn't seem worth the effort, especially in Mexico where public transportation is so cheap and readily available. Are there things we've missed along the way? Of course, but our regular readers would vouch for the fact that we do a lot of extracurricular activities despite the fact that we don't have a tow vehicle.

RV Parks?
Occasionally. But where is it written that an RV has to stay in an RV Park? We like our space. Most RV Parks have you crammed in like sardines. To us, there is nothing worse than opening your blind in the morning to stare at another RV parked 8 feet away. And then you're sitting on your patio having a beer, with your neighbours sewer hose only two feet away. Nope. Not for us.

But, we know that everybody is different and people are happy doing their own thing. That's what makes the world go 'round. Besides, if everybody did things our way, we would have a tough time finding somewhere to park for the night!


  1. interesting post with regards to your 'different lifestyle'!..like you say if everyone were the same life would be pretty darn boring!!..carry on with what you do..as long as you are happy that is the most important thing!!

  2. Great posting!

    What is normal? It seems that your lifestyle is perfectly normal for you guys. You have just fine tuned it better than a lot of people. Ours is fine tuned (almost) to our wants and needs and works good for us.

    Like you said, good thing that we are not all the same we would have no place to go that was not crowded. Our choice is smaller campgrounds or some dry camping near small towns or villages, stay away from the big cities and crowds.

  3. As long as you both agree, you should do what makes you happy! The two of you obviously are very happy. I agree with the eating out. We rarely eat out, and most times when we do, it's a disappointing experience. The food never seems to be as good as at home and much more expensive. I enjoy reading about your "not normal" lifestyle.

  4. Loved this post. We're with you all the way other than the tow vehicle. And I wish we could get rid of it but getting fresh food in the states if you are staying in out of the way places is tough if you only have your motorhome and don't want to pack up and drive every 4 days or so. But we're still working on it. I know, come to Mexico. :-) I worry about being in a country where I only know how to say yes and no.


    1. Sherry, when we first came to Mexico in the motorhome in December of 2007, we didn't know much more than yes and no in Spanish. But, we came with other, more experienced world travelers and learned the ropes from them. I think that for new people they should RV Mexico with someone else who is experienced in Mexico RV'ing and it won't be long before you're ready to head out on your own. Maybe one day we will lead an informal group of beginners down and show them the ropes.

  5. the old saying comes to mind "To each his own"

  6. I should mention too....we don't use a cell phone, and we don't have any antivirus protection on our computers! How abnormal is that??!!

  7. I guess it depends on the definition of "normal" I think. We don't happen to have a microwave, which took some getting used to. Also, we don't watch TV, since we have no connection to any kind of TV service. We had TV in the Netherlands, but they tend to keep programming in the original and use subtitles. The Germans and the Austrians prefer to dub everything. That wouldn't work for my wife, since her German is pretty much non existent. Having internet though is pretty much "de rigueur".
    Having said that though, about the TV that is, she mentioned to me Monday night how (since she's presently in the UK) she was taking some delight in watching English programming. I suppose that means we'll watch TV once we get back to Canada, but even then, there's not much on. We tend to do what you do, and that's watch media files. Only difference is, I have a gismo that allows us to watch through a TV set. We tried watching using just a computer, but that was fraught with frustration.
    I think my biggest joy of having a motorhome (back in the day) was dry camping at places like Mosport Raceway. No TV, no hook-ups. Just buddies and beer.
    And in the ten years that we had our motorhome, we never had a tow vehicle either. Takes a little extra planning, or the use of someone else's vehicle, but it wasn't worth it at the time.

  8. Kevin and Ruth, You guys are living two seriously excellent lives. A great balance of minimalism in material things, but also maximizing those aspects of life that matter to you. And seeing and experiencing so much. And you guys have probably about as "green" of a lifestyle as one can have. Good luck and keep on posting (and living well like you do).

  9. As long as the two of you agree on what is 'normal' that's the important thing to make the life-style work.

  10. Amen to you guys! That is why we travel in a VW Westfalia (named Euri!!)One thing you learn is that you can't bring anything but the essentials!! (certainly no TV's on board here!)We are glorified campers only!

  11. I think it's wonderful when both parties agree on the lifestyle. When they don't, sad things can happen. I do love my TV especially when Jim is out fishing. More for the noise and company, but we only use the antenna. I will not pay for TV.

  12. Hola Amigos,
    We are always impressed with your travel style. We too have lived in MX sans car and bus travel is fun and adventurous. I do wonder how I could get American TV on my Satellite atop the Rig. We had Mexican Cable when we lived in Tequisquiapan and Ajijic. We certainly understand how you can travel your way and be fulfilled. It is especially impressive in MX as things tend to be sometimes tedious. I do Spanish pretty well. Talk more than I understand and YES...it is essential for your type of travel. I memorized numbers, time, and money after a few bobbles. (lesson from a big billete de trafico in MX City for travel on the wrong day) Thanks for sharing with the world. You two are Awesome!!!!

  13. Interesting post. If it works for the two of you then that is all that matters.

  14. I would like to travel in a similar way to you but being alone I am not ready to go in the middle of nowhere by myself. I have no TV, no towed car. I walk, ride my bike or ride the bus. I have a micro, my RV is a 2008, don't think I should rip it out - use it for making tea, I don't have a stovetop or oven. I eat mostly fruits and veges - don't need to nuke those. I only turn on the water heater when using it then turn it off when done. The only thing I store in my shower is the laundry basket and dishpan - even enough to put outside the bathroom door for a few minutes. I love the way you guys travel, love to read when you walk, hike or bike somewhere. I do stay in some big RV parks but I prefer the state or county parks with lots of walking and hiking paths.

  15. I love hearing about you do things. We have a tv but only get what comes over the antenna unless we are parked somewhere that has cable. John would do without this I'm afraid that is my vice. We still are not boondock worthy, John wants solar rather than a generator so its on hold for awhile yet. I agree with the eating out but since I am the only one who cooks about once a week we go out. We do find that we enjoy the activities that cost us the least like hiking and biking rather than touring different places but we do a little bit of everything. Thanks for sharing how you do things.

  16. I am ready to travel your way, but hubby is not. He loves his TV and creature comforts. We could probably just manage 3 or 4 days before he gets withdrawal. Pity.


  17. Agreed, normal rver no, fascinating life style yes yes!!!

    Stoutie from Alberta

  18. It seems to work well for you both and that's all that matters.

  19. I love reading your adventures and as long as you guys like it all is good. We do all the things you don't ~ except our satellite is auto so we don't set it up... BUT I love and admire your style too!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hey, cool! We're the same people! No, wait, we do tow a vehicle. But, I do find that I feel "not quite normal," even compared with other RVers. Thanks for writing this!

    The Good Luck Duck

  22. Interesting, I admire people who can get down to just what is necessary.

  23. Fantastic post. Out of curiosity, if your RV shower is defaulted to storage, and you don't stay in RV parks most of the time, what do you use for a shower?

    1. Well, we're also not normal in that we don't feel the need to shower every day! Occasionally we do clean the shower out and actually use it as it was designed, if we really need to.


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