Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Ready to head out

Yesterday, we took advantage of our last day with unlimited electricity and water. We gave Sherman a major interior clean up including windows, screens, bathroom, floor, vacuuming, freezer defrost, etc.

I also took advantage of our last day with unlimited fast internet and spent about two hours planning our route out of here. I love Google Maps Streetview, and the fact that you can use streetview with most of the Mexico roads.

The problem is that there is no easy way to get from Cuernavaca to our destination at Valle de Bravo. And some of our route goes through the greater Mexico City "hoy no circula" (today you can't drive) zone. The driving restrictions mean that we can't drive from 5am to 11am.

I applied for and printed off a tourist pass that allows us 7 days of unrestricted driving, but we are going to do it based on the restricted rules anyhow in hopes of saving us any encounters with the transito police.

Transito Police are famous for targeting tourists driving in or around Mexico City and the neighbouring city of Toluca. Our route takes us right in between those cities...

Only 200 kms (124 miles) but I'm guessing it'll take us five hours!

There are also two different small Mexican National Parks that we drive through. You don't see them on the map, but it looks like they have camping Not sure if there will be accessibility for a small motorhome though. Provided we can find somewhere suitable for an overnight stop, we will break this drive into two days.

Should be an interesting day...tune in tomorrow to see how we made out!


  1. Good luck with your drive thru the city and hopefully ou will find and nice overnight stop along the way.

  2. Looks like a crazy route. I didn't know anything about a tourist pass. Thanks for the explanation. Some of our cities could use the limited travel. Try to get through Houston at 7 and you are about committing suicide. Terrible. Safe travels. ~wheresweaver

  3. Looks like you've done your research. Good luck! Hope you can find a nice spot to break it up with.

  4. Good Luck.
    There have been times in different cities (San Juan,P.R. for example, or even here in Vienna) when the thought has crossed my mind, "Oh, I don't think I'd try that in a motorhome!".
    I guess the southern route to the Valley is too hilly? All of the roads look like someone followed some livestock through the bush and then built a road, so I suppose there's no "best way".
    Take it easy.

    1. Yes, the roads that you see on the southern route would be tough in a pickup truck, let alone a motorhome. In December of 2010 we drove the opposite direction from Valle de Bravo through the southern edge of Toluca...and it was a nightmare. We did get lost, but never had any altercations with police. This time, we are taking the northern toll bypass around the top of Toluca to avoid going anywhere close to the actual city itself.

  5. Good luck and travel safe!! I also didn't know about tourist passes...hope you find a nice spot to park up..

  6. Safe travels, hope it is an uneventful ride.

  7. You are making me feel guilty with all the cleaning you did. We have water and electric "most" of the time and poor Winnona seldom gets such treatment.

    Safe and easy travels!

  8. Good luck.....have done it both directions and many problems. That has to be the workst area to drive thru in Mexico,

  9. In the year 2000 we got a 3700 peso ticket in MX City. We had a plate that was letters, I still think we were taken, but little to do, they even drove us to an ATM, in our car, to get the $$. Sure was a bummer. Loved Mexico City. Sooo Big and interesting. Love your blog. Keep traveling. C, H, and Boo too

  10. You are smart to be careful with those Mexican Police. I've also heard that they target tourists. It's probably best to avoid them altogether. Good luck finding your way to your next stop, and safe travels! :D


    RV Travel Destinations


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