View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Barra de Colotopec (day 5)

I spent most of the day on the computer yesterday, while Ruth and Lindsey went into Puerto Escondido to do some shopping. Ruth bought 3 pairs of shorts for 240 pesos ($19.20).

Last year at this time we tried to go to a bull riding rodeo at a local village fiesta. The same fiesta was being held again, and sure enough, they were advertising a rodeo. This time, we arrived around 5:30pm and watched most of the rodeo. What a fun time we had! We didn't make it back to Sherman until almost midnight last night!

Unfortunately we didn't have decent seats for taking pictures. And so the pictures I took didn't turn out well enough. But, here's some of the pictures I tried to take, it gives you an idea anyhow...

Nataly having a great time at the rodeo.

This afternoon, we go to pick up Sherman's bumper. I didn't mention it before, but we're having Sherman's rear bumper repaired and painted. Not because of anything was actually bent when we bought Sherman four and a half years ago. But it was starting to rust pretty badly, and now seemed like a good time to get it done. The bodyshop doing it is charging 850 pesos ($68.00). Hopefully it's ready when he said it would be because we leave here tomorrow!


  1. The bullfight sounds like a great time.
    Gotta love getting work done in Mexico, we found they do good work and very reasonable!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Travel safe.....what a face on Nataly....she is such a doll.

  4. Nataly is such a cutie and it looks like a fun event. Hard to believe you can get a bumper fixed for that. Makes me realize how overinflated all our US prices are.

  5. What a beautiful child! Ah, to be back in Mexico, enjoying the cost of living there! Hopefully your bumper will be ready on time and not Mexico time. Sometimes, as we know, those two times are inconsistent. Have fun in your future travels!

  6. great pricing on the bumper...can't go wrong with that...Nataly is adorable what a cute little safe!! We move on Sunday to our next spot :)

  7. Now I know what they mean by cheap seats:) Travel safe!

  8. Sounds like a great deal on the bumper repair.

  9. Now am I going senile or didn't you have a slight bump and bend the bumper in the car park at Tijuana when we first got into Mexico. Seem to remember you backing up into a tree to try and straighten it!


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