Igor and the sunset at Victoria RV Park, Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

St. Andrews, New Brunswick

It snowed overnight, just a dusting, but it was still snowing a bit when we left. Made it through Bangor and into the eastern part of Maine where there is still a lot of snow on the ground.

We have taken to running Shermans furnace to stay warm while driving. I’m thinking we have a blocked heater core or something, but we’re going to live with it considering we only have one more day of driving. We’ll worry about fixing it sometime over the summer.

Funny mural on the back of this trailer!

Lots of snow still in eastern Maine!

Kind of a strange entry into Canada. The Canadian border guard (who had a thick British accent) didn’t even ask for our passports or any form of ID. He asked for our licence plate number, then asked how much alcohol and goods purchased we had. We were way over the allowed amount in booze, but they were all opened bottles. He told us that we’re not allowed to “mix and match” the amounts, but they’ll let it slide this time. Welcome to Canada…home of high taxes, cold weather, and expensive beer. Oh yeah...and expensive gas!

Filled up with gas again in Calais, Maine, right at the Canadian border. We have been paying between $3.35 and $3.52 per gallon($0.88 and $0.93 per litre) since crossing into the U.S., but paid $3.65 in Calais. Still, this will seem cheap compared to the $1.23 per litre ($4.68 per gallon) it is in New Brunswick.

We took a side road down to the summer resort town of St. Andrews, New Brunswick. Of course it’s pretty dead at this time of year, and we found a great, scenic overnight spot overlooking the Bay of Fundy. It will be a quiet night, with the exception of running our furnace because it’s supposed to get down to -6C (21F) tonight.

Sunset at St. Andrews, New Brunswick

We have a long drive tomorrow, and we lost an hour because we are now on Atlantic time. We’re going to try to make it to our destination, but it will be a long day.

Today's drive, 223 miles (357 kms)


  1. Welcome back to Canada (said from sunny & warm Mazatlan)! Love this photo! One of the rvers here had their odd levels of booze in a number of bottles actually measured by Canada Customs entering B.C. and then had to pay on the total!

  2. Beautiful sunset! We started following your blog (got the link from Tioga George's Shout Box) when you were in Mexico. Being from Michigan and now living in Arizona, I've never seen the NE so I'm enjoying seeing it for the first time through your eyes. Thanks for taking the time to share your journey with us. Give Whiskey a scratch for us and Congrats on the new little one soon to be!
    Grace (& Steve)

  3. Please remind me again what snow is and also what minus is???? I bask in yet another glorious SMA day....glad you made it home and the header photo is beautiful best wishes Les

  4. You guys are really putting away the miles, Tell Kevin to get rested up.I can tell you after a lifetime of law enforcement, that most guys are pretty flexible and just want to enjoy their day,Like the guy you got. There are a few that don't comprehend something that isn't perfectly square, and won't get out of the box for anything, those are the ones that give you trouble.A big Welcome Home to your Homeland. Be safe out there, we have sure enjoyed the ride. Sam & Donna....

  5. Loved the stories and photos just great and beautiful. Hope the stories continue while you are down east. Be safe. Dale & Mary-Lou

  6. Welcome back to Canada, I love the drive and the areas that you are in, I have spend many years (along time ago) exploring, New England, and all of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEIm, such beautiful country. Enjoy the summer there, and hope you keep posting.

  7. Welcome back to canada, put your parka on!!!

  8. Contessa...We wish were in sunny Mazatlan right now! Technically customs is suppose to consider an open bottle a full bottle even if there is a mouthful left. If they looked at it that way I think we probably would have dumped some of our booze rather than pay the extra duty.

    Grace...Thank you for following along with us. I feel bad that we couldn't have given you a better look at the NE, as we travelled through it so fast, not our normal way of travelling. Hopefully we can make that up to you as we explore Nova Scotia this summer.

    Les...OK, OK, enough is enough about the beautiful weather there, you know how much we are missing it, lol! Thanks for the comment of the header picture.

    Sam and Donna...Thanks!

    Dale and Mary-Lou...Thanks, and yes they will continue.

    George and Suzie...Wish we had more time to explore them. There were so many parks and hills to hike. We will definitely be continuing with the blog over the summer.

    WBY...Thanks, we need parkas!


    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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