Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Mexico RV Caravan Travel Day - Salina Cruz to Ocozocuatla. And, donation update!

Lets get to the donation stuff first, because it is the most important!

Our group has arrived at the Hogar Infantil Orphanage in Ocozocuatla, Chiapas, Mexico. Ruth and I have been here before, and we have learned about the care that goes towards the kids who call this place home. If you haven't done so already, please take the time to read the following..


And now that you've read it, please take five minutes out of your day to do something about it. So far, we are up to about $2,400 CAD and while that is fantastic, I think we can do better. There are quite a few regular readers here who haven't sent anything in yet. But, you still have three days. So far, donations have ranged from $5 to $500 and everything in between. Even the small donations add up, so don't think that your donation is too small to matter!

For Canadians, e-Transfer to [email protected] is easiest and best.

For others, paypal is easiest and best. Paypal Hogar Infantil

Thanks for your support. Tomorrow, we will show you some photos of the property.

Okay, so yesterday we drove from the beach to Ocozocuatla. We won't be seeing the beach again on this trip. Quite happy with that. Between the bugs and the sand and the heat, I've had enough beach time after two weeks.

Aron and Owenita at sunrise.

We got moving right at 7:00am. Good thing too, because it would take us about 15 minutes just to make our way out to the highway.

The road out was a bit washboard.

Getting ourselves onto the toll road.

Scenery along the way.

Not much traffic at that hour.

We left that early to try and avoid the wind. Ruth and I have driven this route several times before, and sometimes you get lucky... but there is almost always a strong crosswind.

You know it's a windy area when they build hundreds of wind generators.

Yep, it's windy!

It was on this road that Sherman broke down in March of 2018 and Ruth and I spent 28 hours at the side of the road. Not fun, and we did not enjoy passing by that spot!

We eventually got past the windy section, and climbed almost 3,000 ' in 30 kms (18 miles).

You could feel the temperature cooling off!

We followed this family for a few miles. 
They were happy and waving at us!

Mango trees.

Starting to get a view as we climb.

Scenery along the way.

State police checkpoint.

It is normal in Mexico to come across state police, federal police, and military checkpoints. We even had a ministerial police checkpoint that day, which is not often seen because the ministerial police is an investigative arm of the police. But, they are all friendly. They ask where we are going and simply wave us through.

A straight stretch of road!

Going through the town of Lázaro Cárdenas.


We arrived at Hogar Infantil at about 1:00pm, about an hour ahead of what I thought we would. Traffic was good, and we made good time through the windy section.

It was Sunday and the kids were having lots of visitors. And because it was Sunday, the directors were off visiting their own families.

Tomorrow, we will show you some photos of the orphanage itself.

Sunday's drive, 293 kms (182 miles).



  1. Hello Kevin & Ruth! Just sent a small donation for the orphenage through e-transfer. The answer to the security question is : Infantil. You need it in order to accept the transfer. Good luck with this endeavour at the orphenage! Very nice project! Will look forward to future posts!

    1. Thank you very much for your donation. It is a fun project for sure and we enjoy being able to help out the orphanage with items that they may otherwise have not been able to get or would have had to wait a lot longer for. :-)

      We can't wait to show pictures of all the stuff that we buy for them.


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