Out for a walk beside the Ottawa River in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Heading to Nova Scotia around August 1st.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

A nice view of the sea at Oualidia, Morocco

We actually slept quite well in the parking lot at Casablanca airport. I think we were pretty tired though, so that helped.

First on the agenda was to get some food. We had left the fridge totally empty and turned off, so we needed to do a decent grocery shop. 

(I have figured out what is causing our photo problem, and it has been reported. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next day or two. In the meantime, you can still click on the photo to make it full screen, and it will be nice and clear when you do so.)

We paid 432 dirhams ($56 CAD, $43 USD) for 12 nights of secure parking at the airport while we were gone. We thought that was pretty reasonable actually. 

Then we headed to a Marjane grocery store.

Which lane is which?

I found a grocery store on the outskirts of a gated golf community. It was probably more expensive than we wanted, but it had easy access parking and I didn't want to go into Casablanca any more than absolutely necessary. I've read about driving in Casablanca, and the word that keeps coming up is "chaotic".

It always takes us forever to do grocery shopping in a foreign country. Just finding the products that we are looking for takes time. It was 11:30am by the time we finally got out of there!

And, we still had a long drive to do. There is nothing of interest to us in Casablanca. It's just a big industrial city. And the coastline south of the city isn't the best, and there are no decent places to overnight. 

So our destination was the small beach town of Oualidia. But it was still a 200 kms (125 mile) drive, so we hopped on the toll road, We don't normally do that, but south of Casablanca isn't the most scenic. Max enjoyed the easy driving and good road with his cruise control on!

Nice to see some green after being in the desert!

The Oum Er-Rbia River.
Second longest river in Morocco at 550 kms (341 miles) long.

The highway passed through the outskirts of the city of El Jadida.

Not very attractive.

But the rural scenery after that was quite pretty.

Not sure what they are growing here.

Lots of little yellow flowers.

Heading towards the sea.

We turned off the toll road and headed towards Oualidia. We paid 103 dirham ($13.50 CAD, $10.25 USD) for that 200 km (125 mile) stretch from Casablanca to Oualidia.

Can you put any more stuff on the roof?

There was a big market taking place on the outskirts of Oualidia.

Yesterday's drive.

We are staying at the Laguna Park Campground here in Oualidia. It's a bit expensive by Moroccan standards at 130 dirhams ($17 CAD, $13 USD) including electric, but of course that is still pretty reasonable to us. And, it's a nice place with a beautiful view and a washing machine so we can get our bedding done. And, there's lots of walking to be done in the area. We'll probably stay three nights.

We do have a view out of one corner of the windshield.

This is the view.

Sunset is now at 7:05pm.

End of another day.


And in Canada...


  1. Nice view! Looks like they fixed your photos. I would be interested in knowing what the problem was -- I can't be the only geek who reads your blog! ;-)

    1. It really is a very pretty view from the campground.

      I am sure that Kevin will mention that in today's post.


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