Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Just outside Maryland

I just posted the update to yesterdays blog, so you can read that first! We got up just after 6am this morning, and hit the road early to get out of Harrisburg traffic before it started getting busy. So we drove for an hour or so and are posting this from a Staples wi-fi hotspot just outside of Gettysburg. Temperature on a sign we saw leaving Harrisburg was 37F (3C).


After leaving Gettysburg we continued south on Hwy# 15.  This is a nice four lane highway, not as busy as the interstate, a lot less truck traffic.  We crossed over into Virginia, very pretty countryside, lots of horse farms, it reminded me of Kentucky.  Skirted around the bottom of Washington D.C and onto the I-95, yuck!  This highway is VERY busy.

We are seeing alot of damage to the trees here, especially the fir trees.  Many are bent over and others totally snapped off, from the heavy weight of the snow that they had had.  Most of that snow has disappeared now.

We have just had lunch at the Virginia Tourist Centre right before Fredericksburg. Looking like we will make it to some RV'ing friends who found our blog and invited us to visit them near Suffolk.


So we followed the I-95 down to Richmond, Virginia. There was no snow on the ground by then. We were following the GPS unit’s directions to get to Marc and Cathy’s near Suffolk, Virginia. We took the I-295 which is the bypass highway around Richmond, and there was very little traffic.

Exiting the I-295, we stopped at a church and took Whiskey for a little walk. It doesn’t look like winter down here, but it still feels like it! I don’t think the temperature has changed much, and there’s a bit of a breeze. I had my baseball cap on, but I should have had my winter hat on!

Then we were about an hour on the 460 towards Suffolk, but we turned south on some back roads at the town of Windsor. These back roads were paved, but very narrow and once we had to slow right down and go off to the side in order to let a school bus pass in the other direction. It started raining lightly just as we were getting close.

We pulled in to Marc and Cathy’s about 4:30 pm. Marc had come across our blog online and had sent an email saying that if we were ever in the neighbourhood we could stop by. So we made a little detour, and here we are! . They’re out in the country, and have a long dirt road leading to their place, with a great little spot behind the house to park Sherman. He plugged us in to electric, and we went in the house and socialized for the evening.

Marc, Cathy, Chelsea, Kevin, Ruth. Whiskey didn't want to be in the picture!

At one point, Whiskey wanted outside, and so I went to let her out. It was SNOWING! It is virtually unheard of for it to snow in this area in the month of March. They said they’ve had a terrible winter.

They only have dial up internet here, so this blog post will have to wait until Wednesday!

Went to bed just after 10pm.

Distance driven today: 323 miles (516 kms).

Distance driven total: 706 miles (1,129 kms)

March fuel: $185.50 CA

March Groceries: $73.91

March overnight: $0.00

March Misc: $20.21

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