View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Back on the road, and into Netherlands

On the road early, and on a Sunday morning there was no traffic at all. Very pleasant driving through the Germany countryside.

We made a breakfast stop at a forest parking lot for walkers, then we went for a walk ourselves.

Nobody on the road...

Sunday morning drive.

Looks like the start of a nice day.

Out for a walk in the forest.

Holly trees.
Never seen so many.

Entering Netherlands.

Of course Netherlands has the ever present cycle paths all over the country.

Scenery along the way.

Huge field of onions.

Just a church.

Yesterday's drive.

We made our way to a nice free camping spot in a trailhead parking lot. We probably would have gone out for another walk, but the rain started and so we just stayed inside. Played some backgammon and had our first happy hour back in Max.

Ruth is happy to have her own kitchen back!

And this is what she was creating.
Meatloaf with potatoes, carrots, and brussels sprouts.

Speaking of brussels sprouts, we will be in Brussels at some point over the next couple of days! We are crossing into Belgium this morning, and visiting friends just north of Antwerp. Hoping to do a quick tour of Antwerp tomorrow, and then on to Brussels for another quick visit. Then into Luxembourg.

Yes, we know there is a lot to see in these cities, and we could easily spend longer, but we are on a kind of a mission to get to warmer weather! We'll play it by ear though, if the weather warms up enough, we will slow down and take our time.

Cheapest prices ever on 24", 32", and 42" TVs.

And in Canada...

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