Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Yesterday morning, Edith dropped us off at the nearby Metro station and we took the subway to it's end stop on the line. Then, we took a light rail train further south to the borough of Xochimilco.

The area is most famous for it's leftover system of canals that used to be used to transport goods. But it also has one of the best markets in Mexico City and that's where we stopped first.

This market has the freshest looking fruits and vegetables, and among the best prices we have seen. We bought 1 kilo (2.2 lbs) of strawberries for 10 pesos (80 cents)!

We were hungry and we stopped at the food court to have "huaraches con huevos" for a late breakfast. This dish originated in Mexico City so it's popular here. Forgot to take a picture of the finished product!

Then we went to the plaza and sat and people watched for a while. After, we walked around looking at the various embarcaderos (boat launch areas) where the canals are now used for tourist boats. You can rent a boat similar to a gondola with a driver to push you around. We had heard this was worthwhile, but we were disappointed. First of all, it is only on weekends and fiesta days where they do collectivo boats at a price of 15 pesos ($1.20) per person. During the week, you have to rent a complete boat that seats between 8-12 people at a cost of 200 pesos ($16.00) per hour. So unless you can find someone to share with you, it's fairly expensive. But, we bit the bullet and went for it.

The majority of our hour boat ride was spent saying "no, gracias" to the various other boats that approach you trying to sell you anything from tourist trinkets to food, and even boats that had musicians trying to get you to give them a few pesos to play a tune. It was annoying. Then, the ride was only 50 minutes (I timed it) but I didn't complain because I had had enough anyhow. Not worth it, in our opinion.

The colorful boats for rent. The canal system runs about 170 kms, but I expect it is quite busy on the weekends!

Our boatsman, Jose.

One of the trinket boats trying to sell useless crap.

Finished our boat ride and went back to the plaza and sat for a while again watching the people. Then back to the market to buy a pineapple and some strawberries. Then hopped on the train and the metro to get back to Edith's house. Walking from the subway back to the house, we came across a baseball game being played by 16 or 17 year old boys and we stopped and watched a few innings. They were quite good, about the same level of play that our son was involved in when he was that age.

Today we are off to downtown again to finish seeing things we didn't see on Sunday!


  1. butterbean carpenterMarch 7, 2012 at 10:05 AM


    Howdy R&K,
    This header is almost as colorful, thanx!! Ruth just looked like she was having so much fun!!!
    Those vegetables look so fresh and good; strawberries for less than $.40#,uuummmm!!!
    So sorry, your expensive gondola ride was such a flop and not romantic!!! Did the boatman sing to you?? The pics were great, thanx!!

  2. It looks like downtown is THE place to go in DF. I hope you make it to some more museums. Thanks for all the great pictures. I really love the way you compose your shots!

  3. The market looks amazing and what a bargain. The few times we have been to Mexico it was always in a tourist area and the people selling the useless junk were all over the place, it was the one thing I really disliked when we were there. Looks like you have only run into it in those same types of places.

  4. I enjoyed our canal trip, loved the flowers and nurseries and homes along the canals. The vendors are just part of the experience. Great header shot.

  5. What a great header photo with all those color-coordinated boats. Sorry to hear the ride itself was a bust ... but I can understand why. I know the vendors are trying to make a living, but ... when it detracts from something that is supposed to be fun, it just becomes irritating.

  6. All the colors are just so bright and cheery. Doesn't seem the US ever has such intense colors on anything. Sure were some great deals on food if not so much on the boat ride. Live and learn. IF I EVER get there, I'll take your advice and skip it.


  7. Another wonderful day in the Big Tamal. What next?

  8. Strawberries for how much?? holy hanna! Great deal, could live on those for sure! All the fruit and veggie pics look so good down in Mexico.
    And the price sure is right!!!


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