View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Facebook has some big problems

I wouldn't normally talk about something like this, but other than our 5km (3 mile) power walk we didn't do much due to the weather yesterday. And I think this is important.

We've been using Facebook for more than 10 years. We keep in touch with our kids and friends through their messaging system. We join various discussion groups that we might be interested in. We operate an RV'ing in Mexico group that has over 5,000 members. We operate a Travel with Kevin and Ruth page that directs people to this blog. And lastly, we make money from an Amazon group that has over 24,000 members.

But, there is a lot of crap on Facebook. A lot of stuff that I think is a total waste of time. I think the whole program causes a lot of overall dissention in society. (Yes, I know of the documentary "The Social Dilemma, but we haven't watched it yet). Ruth likes Facebook, but I feel that if I wasn't making money from it, I would lose interest pretty quick.

Well, on October 7th I went to log into my account, and instead of logging in, a page came up that looked like this...

Review Recent Posts and Likes

So they want to me to review my stuff to make sure that things were actually posted by me. But when I click the "Get Started" button, the following page comes up...

Sorry, something went wrong.

And that's it. There is no way to access anything more.

I figured it was just a glitch, So I waited for a day or two, but nothing changed. 

Then I went through the process of learning how difficult it is to actually contact a human being at Facebook. I have reported the problem and complained through all possible channels. It's been over three weeks now and I have yet to receive any communication back from Facebook.

I've also found out that I'm not the only one with this exact problem. There are quite a few references online with people not being able to log into their account and coming up with the same pages that I get. And of course because you can't log in to your account, you can't complain or report errors the way you would be able to if you were logged in.

If not for the money making aspect, I wouldn't really care. But Facebook just made a 3 month profit of $7.8 billion dollars (for better perspective, that's $87 million per day), and they did it because of people like me. For them to make that kind of profit, and not have a system in place to fix problems like mine is just not right.

Then the other day Ruth received a notification that her account is under a one week restriction from posting or commenting to any groups, or starting a new group. No explanation given. Otherwise, her account is working fine. She filled out the form to appeal the restriction, but hasn't heard back.

In the meantime, the other day we each received the following email...


We have done nothing different that we haven't done in the past. 

The thing is, it isn't someone at Facebook who personally makes these decisions. It's their algorithmic computer program that decides whether or not we've done something wrong. And it's gone whacky, in our opinion.

The fact that you can't contact an actual person is very frustrating.

Facebook also announced in their most recent earnings report that their U.S. and Canada user base has dropped. No wonder! They have become too big and they don't care.

Because I no longer have access to my Amazon Deals group on Facebook, I have started another website that will do the same thing without relying on Facebook. I know that some of you use it so now you can access the deals here...

The actual website URL is if you want to bookmark it so you can check back there regularly. I try to post new deals at least twice a day. I put it together quickly and it's a work in progress, but if you want to get some great deals and help us out at the same time, that's where you go.


  1. Something is definitely wrong with Facebook for sure. That totally sucks. I book marked the new link and have had your blog bookmarked for a long time already so will continue to follow.

    1. Yep, I think more and more people are not liking the where Facebook is headed. I see more ads on Facebook then I ever did before, they don't show you things that you want to see, they show you things they "think" you want to see! The only reason I stick with Facebook myself, is that as Kevin mentioned it is an easy way to stay in contact with family and friends and see what they are up to. I also like it for our Facebook page Travel with Kevin and Ruth because it is an easy way for many of our "fans" and readers to stay in contact with us and it is an easy medium for commenting and communication.

      Yep, it is best to bookmark the link to our blog on you browser and then just check in to it each day, just in case our Facebook page does disappear. I know you have followed us this way because when we first started the blog, we didn't have a Facebook page. Thanks for continuing to follow us after all these years. :-)

  2. Don’t worry - we will find you - HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!💕

    1. I know that you will continue to follow us through our blog link and thank you for always being there. :-)

  3. My sister in law has had a similar issue. She breeds dogs and post pictures of them and dog shows on her page. Well, the page that she used to have. About 4 months ago, apparently someone hacked her page and posted some flag or something that had something to do with ISIS, and Facebook froze her account. She contacted them through that same method you used and she had to submit her license to them to prove who she was, and since then she has been getting messages that her account is under review. She has no idea when or if she will ever get access to her account again. And of course, like you, she hasn't actually been able to contact an actual human being.

    1. Your sister-in-law is lucky that she at least had a bit of communication with Facebook although it doesn't look like it did her much good if she is still locked out of her account. Kevin hasn't had any communication with Facebook! :-(

      His problem is a glitch in the system though because the page that they send him too says "Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on getting this fixed as soon as we can." It has now been 3 weeks and it still sends him to the same page and nothing has been done. I think the reason that we possibly have had other issues since then is because he used my account for posting our blog link to our Facebook page, not knowing that this seems to be a no-no. He has now stopped using my account so hopefully the issue with that is corrected but is still doesn't bring his account back. :-(

  4. Agreed! In Facebook's attempt to moderate political discussion, they have cranked their algorithms so tight, they broke! PLEASE let us know how/if you ever are able to make contact with a real human who can look at your situation and correct things.

    1. Yes, the problem does seem to lie in their algorithms, and not necessarily because of politics since Kevin normally stays away from that subject on Facebook, especially in the groups that he manages and our Travel with Kevin and Ruth page. Kevin's issue is definitely a glitch in the system though and it is one that a lot of other people are having too from the research he has done. The problem is that the page that they send him to, to correct his issue isn't working and they say they are working on it but it still hasn't been fixed, it has now been 3 weeks!

      Trust us, if we learn more, we will pass the news along.

  5. Sorry you are having such a problem with this fb program. As mentioned in previous comments, it appears that maybe this censorship is directed by the present government in an effort to minimize any potential damage to themselves. Maybe! But no worries, If I don't see any posts, I will google ya :)

    1. We absolutely do not feel this has anything to do with the government or politics in general!

      Kevin's problem is a glitch in the system, because the page that they send him too says "Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on getting this fixed as soon as we can." It has now been 3 weeks and it still sends him to the same page and nothing has been done. I think the reason that we possibly have had other issues since then is because he used my account for posting our blog link to our Facebook page, not knowing that this seems to be a no-no. He has now stopped using my account so hopefully the issue with that is corrected but is still doesn't bring his account back. :-(

      You don't need to Google us, you just need to bookmark the link to our blog as a favourite in your browser and then each day just click on the link. It's easy peasy that way. :-)

  6. I think the problem might be Turkey. This happened after you arrived there right?

    1. Oooh...Cary's got a point. Especially since Turkey is currently fighting with -- Greece, right?

    2. Nope, it has nothing to do with being in Turkey, the problem for Kevin started back on Oct. 7th when we were still in Canada.

      Kevin's problem is definitely a glitch in the system, because the page that they send him too says "Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on getting this fixed as soon as we can." It has now been 3 weeks and it still sends him to the same page and nothing has been done. I think the reason that we possibly have had other issues since then is because he used my account for posting our blog link to our Facebook page, not knowing that this seems to be a no-no. He has now stopped using my account so hopefully the issue with that is corrected but is still doesn't bring his account back. :-(

      We think that any other problems we have had since his first issue with Facebook stem through Kevin using my account which we never realized was against their rules! Of course this is just a guess on our part because Facebook doesn't come right out and tell what the problem is so that you can correct that problem. :-(

  7. I can't agree with you more. I stopped posting on FB (except for RVing in Mexico about three times) because it's too much b.s. My purpose for FB was to make people aware of what was going on in the world but then discovered most people just don't care and want to live with their heads in the sand.

    1. For me, I like Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends. I don't necessarily like all these jokes and stuff but I also like to escape from all the crap that I hear about in the news which is so depressing, so going to Facebook and seeing all that stuff there is a bit of a turn off for me. Facebook is definitely many things to many people but yes, there is way to much garbage on it!

  8. Replies
    1. I have to say that we don't agree with this statement. We have been using Facebook for years and have never had an issue. There are definitely some posts on Facebook that are click bait but we just don't click on them.

      Kevin's problem is definitely a glitch in the system, because the page that they send him too says "Sorry, something went wrong. We are working on getting this fixed as soon as we can." It has now been 3 weeks and it still sends him to the same page and nothing has been done. I think the reason that we possibly have had other issues since then is because he used my account for posting our blog link to our Facebook page, not knowing that this seems to be a no-no. He has now stopped using my account so hopefully the issue with that is corrected but is still doesn't bring his account back. :-(

  9. I never trusted them or really any of this type of social whatever they are...
    I just joined to be able to keep in touch with my silly sisters and folks such as you..
    I never gave FB any correct information when I joined..
    If the wacko's can hack Big-bucks-billy and major banks, what chance do I have?

    1. Up until now we have never had a problem with Facebook, I think since they did the big change to their "New Look" things just seem to have gone bonkers. I don't think they had all the kinks ironed out before they rolled in this new format and they don't have the manpower to go around and fix all the glitches. :-(

      As Kevin mentioned most of the stuff on Facebook in our mind it a total waste of time but I do like it for keeping up to date with our families and friends and our Travel with Kevin and Ruth Facebook page. It is an easy way for many people to comment. I guess we will see what happens to our page in the near future.

  10. Replies
    1. I think you might just be right on that! ;-)

  11. What a pain! Just another example of 2020 craziness. Like Ruth, I use FB to keep up with family and friends, as well as a few groups (Boston Terriers, former co-workers, high school friends, etc). I hate many things about FB but would miss knowing what is going on with people if I were to quit it. Sure hope you can get both issues sorted eventually. It should not be this difficult; as you say, as much money as FB makes, they can afford to provide excellent customer service. Shame on them for deciding that is unimportant!

    1. Yep, definitely some craziness going on this year.

      You would think that Facebook would offer some kind of "customer service" at least to address situations like we are having and to acknowledge what the problem is and how we can go about fixing it but many people say that we aren't "customers" because we don't pay for the use of "Facebook" and they are right about that but without us they won't be making the tons of money that they are!

  12. Thanks for the link to the new group. I have added it to my Feedly feed, so I will see all new posts there. Feedly is an app I use on my Android device to bring all new posts of the blogs and websites that I follow into one convenient place. And it keeps track of what I have and haven't read. I find it very convenient. So sorry for your FB troubles and hope that it gets straightened out soon.

    1. You are welcome and thanks for telling us about the Feedly app. We will look into that for ourselves. Does it notify you when a new post is posted and is it instant or does it take a while to show up?

  13. It does not notify you by sending an email, but the unread posts are bolded in the Feedly app, and you can set it to JUST show unread posts if you want. And you can make that choice individually for each blog. I have some blogs that I read every day, and others that I catch up on every week or so. I like that I can organize them in folders, and can read on my phone or tablet and the app stays in sync across devices. Good luck with it; I find it fits well with my brain. And I think that is the trick with technology tools; they must make sense to YOU.
    Thanks for taking us all along on your adventures. Oh, and I think Feedly is pretty instantaneous in terms of picking up new posts. But I've really never checked that closely.I

    1. Thank you for the feed back we will definitely look into it. :-)

  14. I also joined Facebook 10 years ago specifically as a means to communicate with family and friends outside of Canada. However, I have been increasingly bothered by the ads and the disinformation that this platform has allowed. It’s really quite disappointing so I have been using it less frequently....toying with the idea of discontinuing my account but concerned about the possibility of loosing the connections I have found through Facebook.

    1. Yep, that is the same with me and I would hate to give it up just for those connections that I have made with old school friends and people that we have met along the way as well as family and friends. I also find that it is an easy way for people to follow along on our blog and post comments easily. We have found that some people can't seem to comment on the blog for some weird reason, so doing it on facebook is much easier. I just don't enjoy all the other crap that we see on it.

  15. I made a fb community help post about this too. Share it and like it on fb so more ppl are informing them this is a rising issue.

    1. Kevin has already done that and it has not done one bit of good at all! :-(


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