View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Relaxing at Lake Corpus Christi State Park

That's what we're doing for the next four days!

Yesterday morning, we left Freer, Texas and headed towards the thriving town of Alice, Texas. Found a place near downtown to park Sherman, and went for a walk to see what there was to see.

Well, it turns out that there is not much to see in downtown Alice, Texas!

Ruth, on Main Street, Alice, Texas.

Just a hive of activity.

I think we saw one other person on the sidewalk the whole time we were there.

The County Courthouse.

With that city tour quickly finished, we headed out to where all the activity is along the main highway west of town. That's where the Walmart and other box stores are located. We didn't need anything except drinking water, and we found one of those self serve water fill stations where we filled up our 5 gallon (19 liter) jug for a buck!

And then it was off to Lake Corpus Christi State Park. 

Here is our drive from yesterday...

Yesterday's drive, 63 miles (101 kms).

Lots of spring wildflowers are out in south Texas.

We had been to this state park in November of 2017 and we remembered that it was great for walking and biking. And, we remembered that there is a tent camping area that has several sites by the water that fit Sherman perfectly. The lady in the office said that you have to be under 24' to use these sites, but I explained that we had been there before and she didn't hesitate to let us stay there again. Right by the water, and nobody around. 

These tent sites are $10 USD per night, with a water hookup at the site. No electric, and no sewer. Using our Texas State Parks Pass, we get our second night at half off, but we also decided to stay for 4 nights. So it came to $35 USD ($47 CAD) for our four night stay.

First thing to do is to go for a bike ride!

The old park pavilion.
Can you see Ruth?

There she is!

We rode through the full hookup and partial hookup camping areas, and they are actually fairly busy. Not sold out by any means, but busier than I thought they would be mid week.

Sure glad we are where we are though!

Sherman is quite happy here!

Ruth on her bike.

A juvenile white ibis.
It will turn white eventually!

Back at the motorhome after our bike ride, we had a few games of backgammon. Then, I got out the table and the Weber grill... because it's steak night! There had been a couple of rib eye steaks mis-priced at the H-E-B store, and I scooped them up.

Ruth, getting a salad ready.

Grilled potatoes and rib-eye steak.

It went very well with the bottle of wine, thanks Paul!

And so we are just going to hang out here for the next couple of days. We plan to relax, and do some hiking and biking!


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  1. "Why don't you meet me down in Corpus, there's so many things I have to say
    If I can keep it on the Interstate I'll be there by Saturday
    And if you beat me down to Corpus find that little place we like to stay
    Take a day or two make it all brand new on Corpus Christi Bay"
    (Meet Me Down In Corpus, Larry Joe Taylor)

    1. Never heard of the guy or the song! Guess it would help if we listened to country music. ;-)

    2. You'd have to be kinda familiar with Texas country music to have heard of LJT. Texas has great country, blues, and Tejano music traditions, and we make several trips to Texas every year for the music. But I always thought that song should be the official city song of Corpus Christi.

    3. We sorta figured that one out! You are right it should be the official song for Corpus Christi.

  2. Looks like a wonderful place to relax for a few days. Dinner looks yummy!

  3. Looks like a lovely meal and a great parking spot. You might want to re-think a dry Australia....I hear they have some amazing wine!

    1. It was a delicious meal in a lovely spot!

      I am sure that we will still have the occasional bottle of wine or beer while we are in Australia, it just won't be a regular occurance. When you are traveling around in an expensive country and doing it on a budget, you have to cut out the expenses that aren't a priority!

  4. Waterfront property, peace and quiet, and a yummy home cooked meal - PERFECT!!!

  5. Love a good ribeye! Thanks again for the one we had in Saltillo! The sign reads Civilian Conservation Corp. My dad graduated from high school in 1929, he was given two choices as that's all there were; CCC boys or the military. He chose the military. The movie, Grapes of Wraith, depicts the CCC boys as well as the harest times ever in the history of the U.S. Hard to find the movie though for free.

    1. So do we but these steaks weren't nearly as good as the ones we had in Saltillo, those ones were delicious! :-)

      Yes, that building was built by the CCC as many buildings in many of the USA's State and National parks. We have always loved the stonework that these guys did. I think if I had been your dad I would have opted for the CCC over the military. We will have to have a look and see if we can find the movie. I am not sure if we hadn't seen it already though but it would have been a very long time ago.

    2. Those steaks were absolutely amazing!!! Never had a steak that melted in my mouth like that....drooling here just thinking about

    3. that unknown comment was me Jeannie for some reason it comes up unknown..:(

    4. I was pretty sure it was you, Jeannie! :-)

      We agree totally with you, those steaks at the restaurant were melt in the mouth delicious.

  6. Replies
    1. Not really ours though, we have definitely seen prettier and quieter places that we would live if we had too!

  7. We were there for a few days with Pauly in August last year in the sweltering heat and it was quite full. Do you see some of those “red” ants? I had a few bites and they are nasty. Perhaps the weather isn’t warm enough for them at this time of year. You’re lucky to have that site right by the water. We thought the lake was quite pretty especially from the lookout of the CCC building.

    1. Yep, I bet August would have been really hot!

      W have seen some red ants and the first site they gave us, had them right at the door, luckily we were able to move one site over and we haven't seen any at this here so far. That is the nice thing about not needing hookups and being relatively small we could get one of the nicest sites in the park and at the moment we don't have a soul around us. :-)

  8. Another wonderful location , and a tasty meal. Gotta love when they misprice food items.

  9. Now come on Kevin. How come you didn't book for your self for 1 night and 1 at half and then do the same with Ruth !!!


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