The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Relaxing in La Barra

"La Barra" is the village of La Barra de Colotopec. It's located about 7 kms (4 miles) SE of Puerto Escondido. It's mostly local Mexicans living a very basic lifestyle, with the odd gringo passing through on his way to surf at the beach ten minutes away.

It's a pretty laid back place!

Yesterday morning, we were told that we were walking down to Alfredo's mother's for breakfast. Never sure what we're going to eating, but they keep us very well fed! Maybe I'll gain a couple of pounds while we're here!


The puppies are having breakfast too.

We're going to do some shopping today so that we can get some more fruits and veggies. And beer! Haven't had a beer since we got here! That's not right.

We took Nataly (age 6) for a walk with us down to the lagoon and the beach. 

An egret by the lagoon.

Going to have to give you a "part 2" later today. I'm using the ridiculously slow internet from the school here, and we're going into town to fill up our cell stick internet!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Kevin was pretty happy with this one as well!

  2. I can honestly say we have never had that for

    1. We you are in Mexico and eating with the locals, you can never be too sure what you are going to have for breakfast. This family never has cereal for breakfast!

  3. Now that looks like a very tasty breakfast and healthy too.

    1. And it was a tasty one. The fish are caught right out of the river or ocean here in the Barra.

  4. Replies
    1. Good for you, Peter! It is funny how people end up having certain concepts and don't want to sway from them. We enjoyed our breakfast.

  5. We also love the header photo of the egret by the lagoon!


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