The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Time flies when you're having fun

Tomorrow morning, we fly to San Francisco! Can you believe we have already done four days in Seattle? Wow.

I know we've already told you about some of the attractions we've seen, but there's been a lot more going on behind the scenes...

We went to the Seattle Aquarium on Saturday afternoon. It's located right downtown, so it was a convenient way to waste a couple of hours on a bit of a chilly overcast day. We were at the Chicago Aquarium in 2012, and the Seattle one is a bit smaller so we weren't going to go. But they do have some interesting things. A great place to take the kids too.

Diver getting ready to feed the fish.

We were under the "dome"...kinda neat.

But the real fun was watching the sea otters. These two loved to show off, and it was a lot of fun just standing and watching them. Funny, but they act just like dogs when they're being fed. They'll do tricks and everything. I think one of them has actually lived it's whole life at the aquarium, so it knows nothing else. On one hand sad, but it seemed quite happy!

Funny creatures.

This one really took to Ruth. I think it's because they have the same color hair. :-)

Feeding time. They were eating mussels that day. 

Outside the aquarium.

Then, we had the pleasure of meeting up with some longtime blog readers on Saturday. Karyn and her son Skyler drove down from Vancouver to spend the night in Seattle and meet up with us. Karyn has been reading this blog since the old days back in 2008 when we had everything written up on mytripjournal. Great to finally meet up.

We met up around 5:00pm and went for dinner. We found a place that did hamburgers and offered a gluten free bun!

Been a long time since we've had a hamburger and fries!

Then, Karyn and Skyler came with us on the Underground Paranormal Experience!

Here's Karyn's son Skyler all kitted out for some ghostbusting!

After that, we all went up to enjoy the night view from the Space Needle...

Seattle at night.

Karyn, Skyler, Ruth and Kevin.

What a fun evening we had. Thanks for coming down guys...we had a few laughs, didn't we? We really love meeting the people who follow our travels.

Sunday was a "relax" day, although it wasn't without its activities. We were changing couchsurfing hosts. The original Seattle host we had who cancelled because her sister was in a car accident had returned to town and invited us to stay Sunday and Monday night, so we moved over there. But first, our replacement host Lauren (thanks Lauren!) brought us to a downtown couchsurfering coffee and tea get together.

The couchsurfing community is fairly active in Seattle and they have regular get togethers. Sometimes for coffee, sometimes for beer, and sometimes for other events like squaredancing or something like that!

Saying goodbye to couchsurfing host Lauren.

Oddly enough, the place we were moving to was only a mile and a half away. But it was pouring rain, and one of Lauren's roomates Steve was going to the university which was along the way and offered to give us a ride. (Thanks Steve!). He suggested we come in and look at the library at the university. 

It's now just a study hall. But seriously, can anybody figure why tuition is so expensive? I couldn't believe the buildings they have to maintain. Beautiful.

A very cool globe.

We made it over to Heather's place about 4:00pm. She in her 20's, so it's always interesting. We get along with everybody, no matter what their age is.

Wow...we've been busy. That's okay. Plenty of time coming up to relax in Mexico. 

Oh, by the way. The camera that we use to take all of our pictures is currently on sale at Amazon...

Wouldn't hesitate to recommend this camera. The zoom lens is amazing. We actually use the P520, this is the upgraded version, the p530. Great price.


  1. It was great meeting you as well, will have to find a way to hook up again sometime! Take care, travel safe!!!

    1. There are people you know you will see again in the future and we know that our paths will cross at least once more. We had a such a super day, thanks for coming down.

  2. Thanks for the link on the camera. I assume you get notice of when the link is used.
    This deal was too good to pass up.

    1. Thanks Page and yes, we will be notified. Kevin is really happy with the camera although he is still fiddling with some of the features, in order to understand it even better. He loves the zoom! Glad you were able to get such a good deal on it.

  3. Were your blog reader friends from Vancouver Canada or from Washington state?

    1. Hi Contessa, we are from Canada :)

    2. Thanks for answering Contessa, Karyn. With it being a travel day, I just wasn't fast enough. ;-)

    3. I knew you were flying so all good :)

  4. That is a beautiful library,it looks like a cathedral!! I could spend hours in that place, it gives meaning to the term "hallowed halls of learning"!

    1. It was a beautiful library building or at least that part was. There was an addition that was added on but it is more modern. We would have loved to have spent some time wandering around the campus at the University of Washington but unfortunately it was raining and that is also why there was no exterior picture of the library. Even the outside of it looks like a cathedral!


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