The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Off to the Mexican Doctor...

Ruth has been having a problem with one of her ears feeling like it's blocked up.We know there are over the counter and homemade solutions for trying to fix and maintain ear wax build up, but she was also having some itching and minor pain, so we figured we had better go have it looked at.

Especially since we're hopping on a plane again today!

We went to the Angel del Mar Medical Clinic. It's the private hospital where Mary works as a cleaner and translator. She knows the doctors there and got us in quickly without an appointment.

After having a look and testing her hearing with various instruments, the diagnosis was Cerumen Impaction!

Yes, ear wax buildup!

He went to work with various other instruments to clean out the ear canals. All of a sudden, Ruth had a big smile on her face...she could hear once again!

For our less than half an hour doctor visit, the cost was 500 pesos ($43.50). Paid in cash, directly to the doctor.

He also prescribed an antiseptic ear drops solution. Off to the pharmacy, and another 230 pesos ($20.00) for that.

So, there's that problem out of the way.

From there, we went for lunch, and then to the market. Ruth was making a big pot of spaghetti for everyone last night. So we picked up a fresh half kilo (just over a lb) of ground beef for 50 pesos ($4.35) and then to the Super Che grocery store where they even had a small package of gluten free corn pasta spaghetti for us.

 "Hey, can you grab those flowers way in the back for me?" Too funny.

The market.

The butcher. 

Sandals anyone?

These guys are selling mamey fruit. We asked for a taste. Not bad. Can't really describe it though! Apparently it makes a really good fruit smoothie when blended with milk and ice.

We went back to La Barra in the evening and had spaghetti dinner with our friends. Said goodbye to everyone because we won't see them today. Our flight leaves around 4:30pm this afternoon. In fact, who knows when we'll see them again. No idea what's on the agenda for next winter. That's too far in advance to be able to say. One thing we do know is that we miss traveling in the motorhome. Next time we're down here it'll be in Sherman, and we'll just put up with the price of gas! Either way, it's still cheaper than Canada.

So...back to Mexico City this post will be from there!


  1. Have a good flight. Should be a better one for Ruth, now that the ear situation is in check.

    1. Thanks Bob, we did have a great one and no ear problems. :-)

  2. I tend to have the same ear wax problem and deal with it by candling my ears every 6 - 8 weeks. Amazing the amount of wax that comes out each time. Where does it come from?

    1. I was asking Kevin the same thing! We will look into this candling.

  3. 18 months ago I had also all of a sudden a problem of not hearing anymore on one ear. I also thought it was an ear wax problem. I was in a small fisher village 100 km south of Puerto Valleta, Mexico, without any doctor. One week later I was in Manzanillo and went in a clinic to check. It was a "Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) It should be considered a medical emergency. Anyone who experiences SSHL should visit a doctor immediately. But after 10 days there is no more help. Since then I am nearly deaf at my left ear.

    1. I believe that my Dad has had the same thing happen to one of his ears as well. Good thing I was in before it had been 10 days, although I was almost certain that it was wax. I have had this happen before many years ago. Sorry that you weren't quicker at getting your ear checked. Definitely something for people to keep in mind if they have a similar problem.

  4. Glad Ruth can hear again. I just love this market. It has something of everyone.

    Safe travels.

    1. I am so glad that I can hear properly again too! Yep, we love the market here, actually we love any Mexican market!

  5. Glad the hearing issue was resolved. Hearing loss is no fun, I have permanent hearing loss from noise exposure.
    Enjoy Mexico city.

  6. Glad to hear that Ruth can hear again. Excellent idea to have it taken care of before boarding yet another plane. I don't know how you guys avoid getting sick with as much air travel as you do. Airplanes are as bad as hospitals for germs. That market looks wonderful. Is it all local produce? Do you know if your corn spaghetti is non GMO? Is that a problem in Mexico too? Monsanto owns the world wide corn crop or no?

    1. We are both very healthy and have good immune systems and I think that is what makes the difference on flights. People who get colds have a lower immune system and therefore in the confines of a plane, especially for longer flights they are more likely to get sick. We also stay away from doctor's offices and hospitals unless it is absolutely necessary.

      I doubt that the corn pasta was GMO free, it is hard enough trying to find a gluten free pasta down here let alone one that doesn't contain GMO's. According to a number of different websites that I have looked at it seems that Mexico has put a ban in place on GMO corn about a year ago but like many things in Mexico, you just never know. Here are two of the sites that I have looked at.

  7. Very glad Ruth's ear problem was easily fixed.

    1. Easily and fairly cheaply, so I am a happy camper once again!

  8. What is all that stuff hanging from the top of the butcher stop stand?

    1. The lighter stuff on the left hand side is fat I believe and the rest is all very thinly sliced meat, most likely pork and beef, that is use in certain dishes that they make.


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