View of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Carousel Horse Farm, near Casco, Maine

We left the winery yesterday morning and drove on the back roads to Freeport, Maine. Freeport's claim to fame is the headquarters of L.L. Bean, and their factory outlet store.

But we are not big shoppers. And although they had one rack of very cheap bargains, most of the other clothing and items were only discounted between 10-20% which is not a great deal when the items are pretty expensive to begin with. We spent a total of about 20 minutes looking around, and then decided to move on. Besides, why would we buy anything here when we are going to be in New Hampshire where there isn't any sales tax.

After the L.L. Bean store, we drove a few miles down the road to the Cold River Vodka Distillery. This one of the few distilleries that make their vodka from potatoes rather than grain. This is only a small operation, but they go through 20,000 pounds of potatoes per week!

Vodka isn't our drink of choice, in fact I've probably never bought a bottle. But we had a small taste test anyhow. As expected, their regular vodka didn't do anything for me, but they make a special blueberry vodka that we both thought was quite nice. But at $38 a bottle, we didn't buy any....just a little out of our price range.

Then, we took the back roads to the town of Casco and parked Sherman just outside of town. We both hopped in the little car and drove into town. Stopped for an ice cream (it was beautiful hot summer day!) and then drove up to the Carousel Horse Farm where owner Tiffany had said we could park for a night or two. We came across Tiffany on the couchsurfing website, but she does charge $10 to use her camping spots. A little tough to get into, with some low branches, but suitable for smaller units boondocking. (GPS 44.00008 -70.52501)

GPS 44.00008 -70.52491

Camping with the horse at Carousel Horse Farm

We finally bought some steaks to do on our little Weber grill. They turned out great!

Yesterday's drive, 90 miles (144 kms)

This afternoon we're going to take the little car into the city of Portland and wander around. Then, we're going to a Portland Sea Dogs baseball game. They are a Boston Red Sox minor league AA team.


  1. Looks like a nice spot to stay for the night and the blueberry vodka sounds interesting, but pricey. Can't wait for our barbie to quit (soon I think) so we can get a Weber.

  2. The Blueberry Vodka sounds interesting but at $38 per bottle, I wonder if a more appropriate title would be Goldberry. By the way Kevin, Gold is over $1600 per ounce this morning.


  3. Not a Vodka fan and somehow blueberry vodka doesn't even sound good to me. The steaks look really good. Their on our menu for tomorrow night.

  4. No vodka for us, we also enjoy a good steak, but the Midwest is famous for good steak. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  5. I never could drink vodka, caused memory loss with one drink but a lot of people like and compared to the $42.00 bear in Canada, I think it,s a good deal.

  6. your dinner looks very delicious! for the blueberry vodka..not this girl!..enjoy the game..didn't know their was another Portland??

  7. We will definitely have to give that vodka a try.

  8. As a former fulltimer from Canada I just wondered how you can afford part of your six months to be in the U.S. in the summer. Don't you need it all for winter?

  9. I like both, vodka and steak! They look pretty good! Hi Whiskey!

  10. I would have been in trouble in that LL bean store. They are my favorite. There regular prices are a little high but their sale prices online are great. They also back up their products. John bought a watch from them that quit right after the warranty expires I called and they said "no problem" and sent a new one right away. They also make all their women's clothes in sizes for us short people. Ok, enough advertising. Maine looks incredible and so does that dinner :)

  11. George and Suzie...Our spot reminded us of our camping spot in Mexico a few years ago when we were in the field with the cows. It sure was nice and quiet.

    John and Ellen...Yep, a little pricey for us, but it did taste nice. Kevin is watching gold carefully!

    Jim and Sandie...Actually we really liked the blueberry vodka, it just had a hint of extra flavour to it.

    Sam and Donna...We will have to keep steak in mind when we come throught the midwest in September.

    Mickey...Compared to Canadian pricing it is cheaper but not by much. Having said that if it was that price in Canada we still wouldn't buy it. When we are in Canada, we rarely buy hard liquor it is just too expensive.

    Sue and Doug...The steaks were so good! It was a great game, first one this season for me (Ruth).

    Chuck and Anneke...We would definitely recommend it.

    Sandra...We spend our winters in Mexico so we normally only spend a coulple of months in the States each year.

    Chris...Thanks Chris. Whiskey wagged her tail to you!

    Janie and John...Kevin's sister really likes L.L.Bean too. I know that they have good quality stuff, but for us it is too expensive. Definitely a very popular place, it was pretty busy.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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