Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Monday, May 15, 2023

It all comes out in the wash, as they say.

They were calling for an overcast day with rain, so we figured it was a good time to find a laundromat. Here in Ireland they have over 500 locations with a Revolution Laundry. They are located at some fuel stations, and in the parking lot of some grocery stores. 

They're convenient... but very expensive. The only problem is that there aren't many other options.

When we woke up, the forecast turned out to be correct. Overcast, and spitting with rain.

On the road to Youghal.

We got to the parking lot of a Tesco superstore and found the Revolution Laundry. They are normally located outdoors, but under a shelter. Most have a single bank of machines... one large 18kg washing machine, one small 8kg washing machine, and one large dryer. This must be a busy location because there were two banks of machines.

We had to do our bedding, so we needed to use the big 18kg machine. There's been a recent price increase, and it now costs €11 ($16 CAD, $12 USD) for the wash, and €3.50 ($5.15 CAD, $3.80 USD) for a 15 minute drying cycle. And we needed two 15 minute drying cycles, so the total cost to do our laundry was €18 ($26.45 CAD, $19.55 USD) to wash and dry one large load of laundry!

Yikes. I guess what we save on groceries, we'll spend on laundry. It all comes out in the wash, as they say.

And, when we first put the load in the dryer, we came back after 15 minutes and it hadn't dried at all. So we moved it to the other dryer for two more cycles and I had to put in a refund request for the first one. 

After lunch the skies cleared up, and it actually turned into a nice afternoon. So we went exploring in the town of Youghal (pronounced "y'all") There's actually a sign at the entrance to town that says "welcome to y'all" which we thought was funny until we learned that is actually how Youghal is pronounced.

First stop was the historic Collegiate Church of St. Mary. Lots of interesting stuff to see in this ancient church. It has been operating continuously as a place of worship since the mid 5th century. The current structure dates from the year 1220. Amazing. We've been in a lot of churches, but this ranks as one of the most interesting. And, it is free to visit!

This church was built around 1220!

The Collegiate Church of St. Mary in Youghal, Ireland.

Most amazing is the oak timber roof structure which is the original wood. Carbon date testing of the wood at the University of Belfast resulted in the year 1170, so pretty close. 

A sign explains about the roof...

Sawmills weren't invented until 1328.

The original oak wood roof beams from the year 1220.

The church has had several organ pipes over the years. This one is more recent and was moved here from a church in England.

The baptismal font.

This tomb is dated 1619.

The oldest stone that has a legible date is 1557!

However there are some tombs that are undated that they believe go back to the year 700. One has a rough engraving of a Viking ship, and there was a known Viking settlement nearby.

Sir Walter Raleigh was the mayor of Youghal for one year.

Interesting stuff!

We walked up behind the graveyard for a better view.

The Collegiate Gardens.

The Alms House, built in 1624.
One of the earliest examples of social housing.

Moby Dick's Pub.

Youghal was the filming location for the 1954 movie Moby Dick with Gregory Peck. We downloaded the movie last night and watched the first half. We'll finish it up tonight.

Scenery along the way.

The clock tower was built in 1777 as a jail.

Parking in town is free on Sundays until 9"00am Monday. We were lucky to find a spot right downtown in front of the harbor.

View out Max's window with the tide out.

We went for a walk before sunset.

Looks like the sunshine and blue sky has returned this Monday morning. We're off to do a cliff walk along the coastline!

Record low deal on Bluetti Power Stations

And in Canada...


  1. Collegiate Church of St. Mary is amazing. Well worth the trip and one of the most interesting posts I have read (well, that's an exaggeration because all of them are). Your trip to the ruins in Turkey is another one. This year Spain, next year the UK.

    1. That church was amazing, just the year that it was built is amazing and that other than the chancel being rebuilt in the 1400's, it is all original from 1220. The roof trusses were incredible. Definitely a lot of history in and around the church and graveyard. The town itself was lovely and we didn't really find it touristy at all, just a quaint and colourful seaside town.

      We are looking forward to hearing about your trip to Spain this summer, we think you are really going to love it there. And we have no doubt that you will enjoy the UK if you go there next year. :-)


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