View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Visiting with family

Although we love traveling full time, it is always nice to come back to Ottawa once or twice per year.

We purposely made it back here before August 28th because it's granddaughter Sadie's 6th birthday today, and we have never been with her on her birthday!

And school starts next Tuesday with Sadie entering grade 1, and her older brother Cameron (age 8) is starting grade 3.

We didn't do much yesterday. Still trying to get caught up on our sleep!

Daughter Lindsey with their pup Chester.

Sadie playing with Grandma's hair.

Hm. Grandma's hair is looking a little green!
It washes out... apparently.

Sadie with Husky the cat.

Chester, Cameron, and Sadie.

Cameron, Lindsey, and Ruth.

Cameron, Ruth, Lindsey, and Sadie.

Lindsey and Saide.

Sadie, Chester, and Cameron.
Chester weighs more than Cameron and Sadie put together!

Later this afternoon, we are going with the family to take Sadie to a child's version of Escape Room. Then, she was asked where she wants to go for dinner... and she said "the pub!". I like the way she thinks!

TOSOT Window Air Conditioners. All three sizes on at record low prices.

And in Canada...


  1. Is it just me or does your daughter and your grand kids look just like Ruth!

    1. I think it must just be you, lol! I always thought our daughter looked more like Kevin and the grandkids a mixture of Kevin, Lindsey and Justin but maybe it is just me that thinks that. ;-)

  2. Wow, if Chester is that big as a pup, how much bigger he'll be when full grown. Hope the house will be big enough for him and the family! :cD

    1. Lol, we still call him a pup because he is only 2 1/2 years old. He shouldn't grow any more at least not in height but he might fill out more. They have a small house but they should all be nice and cozy in it, it's not like Chester is Clifford the Big Red Dog! :-P


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