View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Cute things and funny things

So we're just taking our time exploring the little coves and coastal villages south of Sydney. Not in a real rush to get anywhere, and just relaxing.

We woke up this morning in a little forest area that borders a National Park. I got out of the camper, and looked over to see three kangaroos really close by! They didn't seem bothered by me at all. Further down the dirt road, I could see more of them.

Ruth noticed that one of them had a fairly large pouch...

What is she hiding in that pouch?

Sure enough, there's a little joey.

She looked like she was trying to hide him.

We stopped and had some breakfast, but the scenery was nothing spectacular, so after breakfast we moved on. We were driving through a residential area, and I was only doing about 40 km/h (25 mph) when I had to hit the brakes!

There was a family of masked lapwings trying to cross the street. The mother was on one side of the road squawking at the dad, and there were four or five little ones in various stages of actually crossing the road. I actually had to sit there for a minute waiting for them to clear themselves.

Dad on the right, with one of the little ones on the left.

What a funny little guy!

We found a place to park up beside the river and went for a walk. It was another beautiful day. Sunny blue sky, and they say the temperature touched 20C (68F).


Ruth, doing some exercise.

Pelicans are my favorite bird.
I think they are so funny looking!

Speaking of funny looking, some people in this area have a real sense of funny when it comes to their mailboxes... check this out!

This is a mailbox!

And this one!

Sign outside a bottle shop.

Looking across the bay at the Point Perpendicular Lighthouse.
We might try to go there tomorrow.

Point perpendicular is also an Australian Naval Training Base.

Australian Sea Eagle.

Australian beach selfie!
More selfie than beach... sorry!

We found a state forest that had a couple of free campsites, but the area right opposite where we are has recently been logged and it's not very attractive. Still, a decent free site for the night, and close enough to the coast to make it worth our while returning to see more of this area tomorrow.

Another great free campsite.

Countertop Ice Maker deal from Aicok. Clip the 5% off coupon showing on the product page, then enter code 4DVL242D at checkout for another 31% off.

And in Canada...


  1. Aussie love their quirky mail boxes but that one takes some believing. There's a whole town in Tassie that prides itself on the fancy mail boxes

    1. Yep, they sure do and we love the creativity that they show with their letterboxes. I guess this just gives us even more intensive to return to Australia, especially to Tasmania. :-)

  2. Cutest kangaroo with joey picture ever! She was definitely trying to hide him

    1. Isn't it though! Maybe she thought we were the Paparazzi, lol! :-)

  3. Never seen such a pretty pelican until this picture. Thanks Kevin!

    1. The pelicans here seems to have such a definitive markings, they are very crisp and clear. :-)

  4. Great pictures. The best are the little joey, the pelican and the fuzzy baby bird! Who knew that a good use for an old propane tank is a Minion mail box! Cheers!

    1. Lol, only you would notice that, that mailbox was made out of an old propane tank. The guy who made it actually makes various things from old propane tanks. We were asked to pick up a "fire pit" for someone from this guy and it is made out of an old small propane tank. Kevin will post a picture of it soon.

  5. I agree with Carwash Scott on my fave photos in this post! And the final campsite photo is pretty sweet too. Really enjoying your trip vicariously!

    1. Thanks Emily, yep that little joey and the baby masked lapwing sure won the contest for cutest pictures. The campsite looks nice from that angle, not so much from the front but it has worked well for us and we are there again tonight.

  6. Are you going to the Blue Mountains? I would say they are worth it.

    1. We had every intention of going to the Blue Mountains but unfortunately it won't be happening on this trip. One, we have run out of time and two, it is just too cold up there at the moment, at least during the night. When we return again some day we will pick up where we left off and we will do our best to get to them then. They were high on our list of places to visit but sometimes things to always pan out the way you hope they will.

  7. Love the photos...especially the forest camp sites. cute little fuzzy bird and that joey was the cutest. Love the miles and miles of beaches.

    1. Thank you Rita! We really loved seeing that joey and the little baby masked lapwing, they were just so sweet.

      Yep, Australia sure has lots of beautiful beaches!


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