View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Saying goodbye to Bundy and Joyce

Yesterday afternoon, Garry flew up here from Melbourne to pick up Bundy and Joyce. He arrived at 4:00pm and brought along a couple of bottles of wine to share!

Ruth made dinner for us all, and we spent the evening chatting and drinking wine.

Garry slept in the rig last night out in the street, and this morning we said goodbye.

Garry with his new truck and camper!

We will have fond memories of the two and a half months spent with Bundy and Joyce exploring Australia!

Here are some of our favorite photos from that time...

We set off on June the 1st!

Searching for the pot of gold.

A quiet night sleeping by the graveyard. 
No noisy neighbors here!

Camping with the kangaroos.

Waterfront views.

Camping in the forest.

Enjoying a sunny afternoon.

Bundy, using his four wheel drive to take us to out of the way places!

And the sun sets on this particular adventure.

Record low price on the Sun Joe 2,300 PSI Electric Pressure Washer. Great deal... normal price range is between $175 to $230.

And in Canada...


  1. Loved following you through this one. Onto the next!!! Bundy and Joyce was a good fit for this trip for sure!

    1. Thanks Karyn-Lee, we are glad that you enjoyed our posts from this trip and yes, Bundy and Joyce did work out well for us. We have to admit though that they were not a unit that we could have lived in for any real length of time, we do miss Sherman and his creature comforts.

  2. I really enjoyed your Australia trip vicariously! Thank you for all the sharing you do. How perfect that you were able to purchase, then sell, Bundy and Joyce in the timeframe that worked for you. You two lead a charmed life, I tell ya! Enjoy your time in Sydney. Looking forward to seeing what that is like!

    1. Thank you Emily, we are glad that you enjoyed it. I hope it will be an adventure that you will consider in the future, we highly recommend it. :-)

      It wasn't totally perfect timing but is was really close. We did have to pay to have them stored for just over two months at the being because the previous owners were finished their trip in early March and we weren't arriving until late May but the selling of them worked out perfectly for us.

      We live a charmed life because we make it that way, it all has to do with the choices you make in your life and then you just have to make it work. We definitely make certain sacrifices in our lives to make these things happen but we don't mind because by doing that we can do things we never thought we could ever do.

      We are so looking forward to exploring Sydney and that will start tomorrow. :-)

  3. I hadn’t been able to keep up with all your posts along the way - other adventures taking my time and attention, and the lack of wifi! I’m spending some time with family in Calgary now before we return and have just read through all your remaining posts to see where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. How fantastic. You have seen and experienced so much in SA, Vic and NSW. I love your pictures. You’ve captured the vistas so well - lots of blue sky and beautiful blue seas. It is a lot of what Australia is. Yes, we do have a lot of beautiful beaches.
    I am pleased winter hasn’t treated you too very badly. I hope you enjoy Sydney - i think it’s a great place.
    Thanks for sharing your travels.

    1. We totally understand Terrie, you and Patrick have your own little adventure going. :-)

      We certainly have been to a lot of places and we have seen so much just in a short matter of time. It amazes us when we look back at our pictures and some of them seem so long ago but really it was only a short time ago. Thank you so much for hosting us for a couple of days, it was lovely to meet you both and thank you so much for giving us a tour of the area, we really enjoyed our time with you both and we have no doubt that our paths will cross again sometime in the future.

      Take care and enjoy the rest of your trip. I hope Canada was good to you both. :-)

  4. You certainly had great fortune with your rig...It sure would be nice if everything we did worked as swell...
    I ordered the dash cam but they would not honor your discount code...It was still about $10. less than the one I've been looking at Walmart lately, so I bought it anyway..

    1. We certainly did, they never gave us any problems and they took us to some really out of the way places. We wouldn't hesitate to buy and sell a rig again and hopefully that will happen again in the not too distant future. :-)

      Sorry that the discount code wouldn't work, sometimes there are only a limited amount of code and when they run out then they just stop working. Thanks for going ahead and buying one though.

  5. Moving right along for some new adventures enjoy your next destination.

    1. Thank you George, I have no doubt that we will. :-)

  6. We just want to thank you and Kevin for sharing Australia with us...the pics have been awesome and love the scenery...We feel we were right there with you...looking forward to seeing pics of your next adventure...Barry and Jeannie

    1. You and Barry are more that welcome Jeannie, we are so happy that you enjoyed our adventures here in Australia, we sure had a lot of fun bringing them to you.

      I hope you two and Maggie have had a good summer too. :-)

  7. I really feel like I was along for the ride (although it would have been really cramped, lol!) Thanks for the best Australia travelogue ever. As a money coach, I try to encourage people to think outside the box when they tell me their dream is to travel. It doesn't have to be fancy resorts. As you have proven, you have had the adventure of a lifetime at a fraction of the cost. It's all about planning. See you soon!

    1. We are glad that you enjoyed the journey, virtually with us! :-)

      We have to admit, we are enjoying the little cottage here, it feels a bit like a mansion after spending 2 1/2 months in Bundy and Joyce.

      It is very true, there are so many ways to make traveling work for you without it being expensive. Thinking outside the box, is a must! This little experiment (buying and selling an RV in a different country) really worked well and we can definitely see ourselves doing this again, hopefully in Europe in the very near future. :-)

  8. You have opened a door most of us have heard about but really didn't know anyone personally who did it. So we know it is possible if you do your homework. Good on ya! We enjoyed the views and we wish it were for a longer period. One more place to add to the list.

    1. It is definitely a little bit of a leap of faith doing something like this but it can be done and we are living proof. :-) You certainly need to do your homework and find the right vehicle at the right price and if you are doing it over the internet then you need to do as much research as you can about similar vehicles as well as the people that you are buying from. We wouldn't hesitate to do this again, in fact hopefully the next time we do it, it will be in Europe. :-)

      We actually found our time here was just about right, we were starting to get itchy feet and looking for something different. That doesn't mean we won't be back though, there are still lots of places here that we want to explore but we will leave that for another visit in a few years time.

  9. Really enjoyed today's pictures, a good synopsis of your trip!

    1. Thank you, we are glad that you enjoyed it! :-)

  10. Replies
    1. We sure did and don't forget about Joyce too, they are a pair after all. :-)


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