View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Last day in Australia

Wow, we've had a great stretch of weather here in Sydney to end our time in Australia. Ever since we arrived here last Tuesday, it's been decently warm with clear and sunny skies! Could not have asked for better.

There is so much to see and do in Sydney. Yes, a lot of it is geared towards expensive touristy things but we found that we had no trouble using up our time just sightseeing the free stuff.

Today, we made our way back downtown, this time with the intention of spending most of our time out on the water. Part of the Sydney public transportation system involves ferries, and they have a lot of different routes covering the various bays and inlets.

And, on Sundays the most you will pay is $2.80 because that is the cap for the system. Again, only on Sundays! Any other day of the week it would become a lot more expensive to explore this way.

The customs building.

At the main Circular Quay Ferry Dock.

On the water.

Going under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Big skyscraper being built.

Scenery along the way.

At the Australian Maritime Museum.

We got off the first ferry at the Museum. Not with the intention of going in, but only because it was the closest stop to Chinatown, and we knew that we could get a decently cheap lunch there.

Lots of people out enjoying the day.

Odd building!

Entrance to Chinatown.

Mongolian Beef Stir Fry.

Lunch was filling, but not as good as our other lunch on Thursday. Still not bad for $12 AUD ($10.80 CAD, $8.15 USD).

After lunch, we made our way back to the Barangaroo Wharf where we hopped on another ferry boat, this time headed for the Sydney Olympic Park. (Sydney hosted the 2000 Olympics.) We had no intention of getting off the ferry, we just wanted to go for the ride!

Again, lots of people out enjoying the day.

Pyrmont Bridge.

Looking back at the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Gladesville Bridge.

Heading back to downtown.

Once again, we walked the 3.5 kms (2.2 miles) to the bus stop and then a 45 minute bus ride back to the cottage.

We could easily have spent another few days in Sydney... we really liked the city and there is a LOT more that we could have kept ourselves busy with in the area.

But, we will just have to return one day!

And so, tomorrow (Monday), we fly to Honolulu, Hawaii. We will be doing some time travel during this trip because we leave at 4:25pm... but we arrive in Honolulu at 6:00am... the same day. We pretty much get to repeat Monday!

No idea when the next blog post is coming your way, but we should be able to update you again from Sydney airport before our 9 hour flight to Honolulu. Of course you can always check in with us at our facebook page


And in Canada...


  1. Have really Enjoyed following your trip to Australia and looking forward to more adventures.
    Be Safe!

    It's about time.

    1. Thank you Rick and Kathy, we are glad to hear that. We will do our best to keep the adventures coming. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Yep, it sure is! Obviously not every day is going to be like this throughout the winter but overall they have a decent one.

  3. My cousin is lucky to be living with a fabulousview of the sydney bridge in her neighbourhood. We have been invited to visit. Maybe some day.

    1. You have a very lucky cousin. Sounds to me like you need to take her up on her offer.

  4. Very satisfying posts of your wonderful Australia adventure! Thanks for all the information and beautiful pictures! Safe travels to Hawaii.

    1. Thank you Lynnette! we are happy that you have enjoyed reading about our adventures here. :-)

  5. Thanks for sharing your experiences. It brought back memories of our trip a few years back. Nice country and great people.
    travel safe. doug

    1. You are welcome Doug and Bev, we are always happen to help rekindle some good memories. We totally agree with you, nice country and great people. :-)

  6. Replies
    1. We could have spent several days touring around on the ferries! They are fantastic and cheap compared to doing an actual tour boat ride. :-)


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