View of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Waterton Lakes National Park

Sunday November 4...8:10pm

What strange weather we had last night. It was supposed to go down to about 2 degrees so we left the electric heater on. We woke up around 2am to a loud crash that sounded very close to us. There was a lot of wind, yet it was 22 degrees inside
Sherman! We turned off the little electric heater, and went back to bed. In the morning, it had gone back to about 10 degrees inside, and was noticeably colder outside. Sure enough, there was a big tree branch that had crashed down just beside us. We went for a nice walk around Henderson Lake in Lethbridge which was right beside the RV park we had stayed at. There were quite a few people who were staying long term in their motorhomes and trailers at the RV Park...we expect that some were staying right through the winter. These places tend to charge about $400 a month to stay there, which is not bad actually. We may stay for a month or so on Vancouver Island at a similar (but nicer!) place.

The branch that almost fell on us!  

Stopped at the Lethbridge visitor centre to use their free dump station (they had wanted an extra $5 to use the one at the RV park!!...I don't think so!), and then headed on the highway down towards Waterton Lakes National Park. We hadn't originally planned on going to this park, but it was too close to pass up. So we're going to spend the night there and then go up to Pincher Creek before going through the Crowsnest Pass area into BC on Tuesday. Sure is nice to be able to have flexible plans!!!

Topped up the gas tank at 91.9 cents/litre! We like that!

Ruth has never been to Waterton Lakes Park, and it's been about 30 years since I've been here. My sister Alison worked at the Lodge hotel here back around 1983. It's a beautiful park, and I wanted Ruth to see it. As we got about 30 km's from the park, it started snowing. This wasn't unexpected as we had checked the forecast before we left Lethbridge and they were calling for 2-4 cm's of snow overnight, and a temperature dropping down to -10. There's no campsites open in Waterton, so we don't have power. Will run the furnace until about 10pm, then run the generator as well for an hour or so before going to bed. That should do us until we put the furnace on again in the early hours. Maybe it won't get as cold as they said, but it's still snowing out there and it looks to be getting close to the 4cm mark. We wonder what we'll wake up to??!! We found a great spot to park for the night in a special "winter camping" area that has no services, but does have a small cabin with a wood stove (no electricity though) that some other people were using as we arrived. They said they were just leaving and were kind enough to leave the fire going and some extra wood. We spend a while sitting by the wood stove with a glass of wine. It was really nice.

Sherman parked for the night at Waterton Lakes National Park

Tomorrow we'll go for a hike up to Bertha Lake. It can be an 11 km hike for the entire length, but we'll probably not do the whole thing. At last check, they're calling for a nice day around here for Monday and Tuesday. It's such a nice park that maybe we'll stick around. We'll see.

Total Nights Sleeping in the RV... 22...

November Fuel $ 201.84

November Grocery $ 68.83

November Overnight Costs $ 62.38

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