Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

What's on the schedule for the rest of 2019?

I mentioned yesterday that it is almost August. That means there is only five months left to the year. But, a lot can be accomplished in five months. So I thought I would tell you what's on our schedule for the rest of this year.

Our Australia trip is coming to a close. We've been here for two months today!

We've got just over two weeks left with Bundy and Joyce, and then we will spend a few days after that exploring the big city of Sydney.

We fly from Sydney to Honolulu, Hawaii on August 19th.

Hawaii is an important destination for us... it will mean that we have visited all 50 of the U.S. states. That in itself is quite an accomplishment, but then consider that we have also been to all 32 of the Mexican states, and all 10 of Canada's provinces as well as 2 of the 3 northern territories. (Yes, Nunavut is on our list to complete Canada... but it's not cheap to get to!)

There are probably quite a few people who can say they have been to all 50 U.S. states, but not many who can include all of Mexico and most of Canada!

So, we are excited about Hawaii.

We will only be 3 nights in Hawaii, and then we fly to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where we have a rental car booked to go back to Cabri Park to visit friends for the weekend. Then, we fly back to Ottawa on August 28th, in time for granddaughter Sadie's birthday on the 29th!

We will spend the month of September in and around Ottawa visiting family and friends.

Then on October 13th we fly to Ecuador for 3 weeks. Really excited about that as well.

Back to Austin, Texas on November 5th to pick up Sherman (thanks Tom!) and then our Mexico RV Caravan trip starts November 15th, and boy, we've got a great itinerary planned for the participants. Can't wait for that!

We'll be in Mexico until March. It's going to be a fantastic trip!

In the meantime, we continue to explore Australia's coast south of Sydney.

Beautiful beach at Shark's Bay.

We had great weather today. Blue sky and sunshine, and hardly any wind. High temperature of about 18C (66F). Just beautiful.

Ruth spotted this big spider!

That spider measured about 3" from leg to leg. He was a big fellow!

We walked around Broulee Island.

With the tide out, Bloulee Island has an odd shoreline.

This little crab did not seem happy with me taking his photo.

Odd looking thing in the tidal pool.
It's called a snakeskin chiton. 

White-faced heron.

Looking inland, with a float plane in the sky.

At the Moruya River.

Not much left of this old boat!

A grey butcherbird.

We ended up parked at Moruya Beach.

Once again, there are a lot of spots on this part of the coast that forbid overnight camping or sleeping in vehicles. But, we're finding there are also quite a few places that have no such restrictions. For example, the spot we are at tonight has a big parking area and bathroom facilities with room for perhaps twenty RV's and yet we are the only ones here.

Nice price drop on the Lasko 20" High Velocity Fan.

And in Canada...


  1. I love seeing all of the different birds. I too have been in all of the states and almost all of Canada. One trip to Puerto Penasco Mexico. I would have loved to caravan with you, and I had the right size rig, but travel is slowing down for me now. No RV anymore, just some flights and hotels. I continue to get my travel fix through your wonderful photos.

    1. Us too, and there are certainly a lot of different birds here.

      Good for you, mind you we don't consider Puerto Penasco as Mexico. :-P

      I wish you could have explored Mexico with us, we would definitely have shown you the "real" Mexico. :-)

      Nothing wrong with other modes of transportation when it comes to traveling, it doesn't always have to be in an RV.

  2. Great photos, thanks for sharing! Hope to be traveling with you some day - my tig too big for Mexico this year, and timing not quite right for me. Safe travels, keep posting!

    1. Thank you!

      Yes, if you want to travel with us in Mexico, then you definitely have to have a small rig. I hope you will enjoy reading about our travels there this winter. :-)

  3. That is quite an accomplishment!!! A shorter list would be places you have not been to. My dad went to Australia on R&R in WWII. Makes me wonder where he went.

    1. Not really because there is a much longer list for the places that we haven't been to but want to go to! :-)

      I guess it is too late to find out where he went to in Australia? :-(

    2. Yes. He died 55 years ago when I was 12.

    3. Oh my, that is so young! And at that age you wouldn't have as many questions to ask him as you would have once you were older. :-(

  4. Great job in seeing so much of North America! I made it to Hawaii at the ripe young age of 24, for our honeymoon! We have since been to all of the US states other than Alaska. But we've only been to handful of the states in Mexico and have not traveled at all in Canada. Must rectify this!

    1. Thanks Emily! Even though we have been to so many places in Canada, USA and Mexico there are still so many places that we want to see in all of these countries. There is no end to the possibilities. And, then of course you have to add in all the other countries around the world.

      Sounds like you need to get yourself up to Canada sometime, there are so many beautiful places there to see as well. I can't believe you haven't made it up here yet. :-)


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