Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Beautiful Australian ocean scenery

We started driving early this morning, heading for the Great Ocean Road. We had purposely gone inland for the night because the Great Ocean Road area is pretty busy with tourists, and as such it is difficult to find free camping close to that route. And we are not Caravan Park (RV Park) type of people, and we're not interested in paying those prices.

So for us, it makes sense to spend just a little extra on fuel to find a free spot that we're happy with.

We took some of the back roads to drive the 20 kms (13 miles) or so back to the coast.

A lovely morning.

The day started off with blue sky and sunshine... much better that what had originally been in the forecast.

Our first destination was Childers Cove. Despite the fact that it's easily accessible from the Great Ocean Road, not many people make the detour to go there.

We love that fact!

Admiring the view at Murnanes Bay.

There was finally enough sunshine to make it worth our while to put the solar panel out!

Australian Shellducks.

Ruth, on the viewpoint at Childers Cove.

We had lots of blue sky and sunshine, which was definitely most welcome... but it was still windy. We're fine with that though. We have warm enough clothes to be out hiking, and we would rather have this than the baking hot temperatures in summer. It's the recent rain that we could do without!

Beautiful coastline.

Ruth found a well hidden path that went up the left hand side of the car park. It led to the most magnificent views, and we're sure that most of the people who make the detour to Childers Cove don't make the effort to explore very much.


We had breakfast there, and let our house battery get some solar energy. Then, we headed off on one of the dirt tracks that runs off the Great Ocean Road. 

The Great Ocean Road itself is a paved highway that runs along the coast. But there are many unpaved tracks that lead off the paved road. Lots of exploring to be done, especially if you have a 4 wheel drive vehicle like we do!

This is the road we took.

Never seen so many cows in one field!

The track ended here!

Most people say there is no more free camping left along the Great Ocean Road, and to a good extent that is true. But, you can still find places like that spot above where explorers can stay the night and not be bothered by anybody.

Only problem was, it was too early to be looking for somewhere to spend the night!

Bay of Islands area.

Every five kms (3 miles) or so, there is somewhere to pull over and admire the view. Often, even less than that!

Ruth, looking for birds.

Pied cormorants nesting.

Ruth on the beach.

This beach reminded us of Harrismith Beach in Barbados. Except it was much warmer in Barbados!

There's a reason this area is so popular.

We pulled into the village of Peterborough and had some lunch in the camper. It had clouded over by this point, and they were calling for showers in the afternoon. We decided to head inland to the town of Timboon where they have a nice donation camping area, with washrooms and hot showers!

Living and traveling in such a tiny space is okay. We're really not having a problem with adjusting. But it sure makes a normal hot shower enjoyable when you have the opportunity!

Oh, they have a free dump station here as well. Ruth wanted to show you what a typical RV Dump station looks like here in Australia...

You open the lid, and pour it in!

Ruth, modelling the dump station!

We'll sleep well here in Timboon for the night, and tomorrow we will drive back to the Great Ocean Road and more amazing Australian ocean scenery!

Record low prices on PNY Memory Products.

And in Canada...


  1. What fantastic scenery! We are following along with all your adventures since discovering your blog, and learning a lot along the way.

    1. We are totally amazed with the beautiful coastline scenery along this stretch. I guess that's why the Great Ocean Road is so popular.

      Thank you for following along and I hope that we are able to provide you with lots of helpful information. :-)

    2. Yes, always a lot of useful information. We had already planned a couple similar trips when we "discovered" you. Since the far north is on our list, we read your Alaska series with great interest and we sure will be taking advantage of your expertise there in a year or two! Shorter trips for now though.

    3. We are so glad to hear that the information has been helpful to you.

      Our trip up north really concentrated on Yukon and very little on Alaska itself because we think many people overlook the fabulous places and view that are in the Yukon with a lot less tourists to have to deal with.

      Nothing wrong with short trips for now, have fun on them. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Yep, this whole drive is just fantastic! We are really loving the scenery. :-)

  3. What dramatic ocean cliffs ! Looks like chilly winter weather has begun down under.

    1. This is the kind of ocean scenery that we love! :-)

      It is a little chilly but not bad at all, especially when you compare it to a Canadian winter. When the sun is out is it wonderful, but the wind makes it a tad chilly.

  4. Nice sewer treatment model lol. More neat birds and such beautiful scenery.

    1. Lol, who would model a sewer dump other than me, right! :-P

      The scenery along the coast is breathtaking. We are really enjoying the drive, and seeing all these new birds to us is just a bonus.

  5. Those pictures remind me of parts of the Oregon coast but the water in your pictures is prettier.

    1. Yes they do a bit. We were just traveling along the Oregon coast last fall and we loved that drive too! :-)

  6. Wow. The Great Ocean Road is moving to the top of the Aus. list! How do you know the names of all those different birds? Are you guys ever smart! BTW thanks for the propane price info in previous post. Yep I also usually charge the cheaper 20 lb price for 2 small tanks. 15$ tax in so, I'm a few bucks cheaper, but, that is the current price war price and I was 20 last year . Not a bad price. Great photos !!! cheers

    1. Just make sure to do it in the shoulder season or the off season like us. Even now we are finding lots of bus tourists and it would only be worse in the high season. We can't even imagine what it must be like then, we are sure it would be a zoo!

      We did pick up a few pamphlets at a visitors centre that showed some of the different shore birds and seabirds and if the one we are looking for isn't there then I find it on the internet or ask on the facebook page "What's this bird" but I haven't had to resort to that yet.

      Glad you enjoyed our bit about the propane prices and the tanks. Kevin forgot to get a picture of the tanks, we will try to remember that the next time that we refill them.

  7. Really nicely photographed today. Ok, yes the subject matter is pretty good. I don't think I have ever seen so many cows in one paddock either, and I grew up on dairy farm.

    1. Thank you Andrew! We hope that we are doing Australia proud. :-)

      Yep, that was a heck of a lot of cows.

  8. Good pics of the dump station. It gives people an idea of what to expect. Now come on Kevin, I know you guys are fanatics about power pedestals, hoses, cables and even the roar of a generator at 7 a.m. :)

    1. I think Canada and the US could do with dump stations like this. It would make the whole situation of dumping that much cleaner. We have seen how some people leave dump stations back home, using a system like this should make it so much easier to keep the site clean and tidy.

      Don't get Kevin going on generators, lol!

  9. The views according to your pictures must be Breath Taking especially that blue water.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. The views certainly are breathtaking. We are really enjoying this beautiful drive, especially at this time of year when there are a lot less people out and about looking at them. It must be crazy here in the summertime.

  10. Awesome pics!!! The scenery is absolutely outta this world...so glad you are having such and amazing trip and both Barry and I are living vicariously through you.... and I agree would not want to be there in their "busy" time...Jeannie

    1. Thank you Jeannie! The scenery is fantastic and we are having an amazing trip. We are glad that you and Barry are enjoying our pictures and our posts.

  11. Love the sewer dump pics...the things RVers get excited about! Spectacular scenery.

    1. It is always interesting to see how other countries RV and that includes the "dumping", lol! ;-)


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