The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Our huge apartment in Pristina, Kosovo!

It was moving day yesterday as we made our way from Peja to Kosovo's capital city of Pristina. 

I had sent a note to our new accommodation asking if could have earlier access than the standard 2:00pm arrival time, but hadn't heard back from her. So we just took off, hoping that when we arrived at about 12:30pm that we would be able to get in.

Oh, I have to show you what we observed in the backyard of the place next door in Peja. Our kitchen window looked down on this...

The vine is full of kiwifruit.

Or at least it was. Look how many fruit they get!

It's about an hour and a half from Peja to Pristina.

And there's not really that much to see along the way...

Stones for sale.

Working on a Sunday.

Ruth was trying to get a shot of their office building, made from the stone.

Part of the drive is on a very modern highway.

Scenery along the way.

I'm not a fan of "graffiti", but some street art is very well done.
Lots of new building construction going on.

Making our way to our Airbnb.

We booked a place that's located a 15 minute walk from the central area. It got really good reviews, and so we paid a little more than we normally would. Sometimes it's difficult to judge exactly what you're getting though, so it's always a bit of a surprise. 

We are paying €25.75 ($34.75 CAD, $25.35 UD) per night for this large one bedroom apartment.

I found parking on the street, and was lucky to get it right outside the building. I still hadn't heard back from our host though, so Ruth stayed at the car while I went to knock on the door. A really friendly lady about our age came out. She spoke zero English, but seemed to know who I was and quickly gave me a set of keys and ran me up the stairs to show me around. 

The place is huge! I went back down to get Ruth and our things.

The living room itself is huge. And with a huge sectional sofa... super comfy!
And a nice dining table for two, and lots of windows.

The kitchen also has a table.

And a dishwasher!

Very often, a listing will say "fully equipped kitchen", but that can mean different things to different people. Very often, Ruth finds that the kitchens aren't even close to fully equipped. In this case, it's not bad, but while there were two frying pans, there were no pots at all... of any size. We mentioned this to the host when she finally got back to us, and her mother (the friendly lady downstairs) was quick to bring us up some pots. 

We thought this was an odd coffee mug to find in the cupboard!

The bedroom is also huge. Even with a king size bed, there is tons of space.

With all of this space, the bathroom seems a bit small.

Don't get me wrong, it's totally fine... and recently renovated. It just seems small compared to the rest of the rooms.

So, we think we did okay with this place and it will be just fine for a week. Only one downside, but nothing we can't deal with...

This is the view out our back window.
We are just above a fairly noisy road.

We got ourselves settled, then went out for a walk to familiarize ourselves with the area...

We are only a 15 minute walk from the posh Swiss Diamond Hotel.

This is the hotel where our friends Han and Michelle are staying when they arrive later this afternoon. They are from Singapore, which is where we met them in May 2019. They are on some kind of whirlwind tour of European capitals or something... we'll find out more this evening when we meet them for dinner. They are only on Pristina one night, so we're lucky to be able to have arranged this meeting.

We found a nice park near the center of the city.

Downtown scenery.


Lots of people on Mother Teresa Blvd, a popular pedestrian street.

Statue of Gjergj Kastrioti. He was an Albanian feudal lord and military commander who led a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire in the 1400's.

Ruth, and a modern statue in a square.

Hmm. I guess somebody had some spare wheelbarrows lying around.
They are still lying around.

More amazing street art.

It's supposed to be warm here in Pristina today. They are calling for a high of 25C, and although the sun is shining, it's looking really hazy out there. But we are off to do some exploring!

Record low deal on this big 8' x 18' Reversible RV Patio Mat.

And in Canada...


  1. Wow great apartment you will be very comfortable. I really like street art so much nicer than big blank walls or ones that have been tagged

    1. The apartment is great and it is in a good location too, we will definitely be comfortable here.

      We enjoy street art too, some of it is so well done but we hate graffiti/tagging, that just looks like a mess!


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