View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

March Expenses

We spent a total of $1,343 in the month of March. Not bad, but a little higher than we planned partly because we pre-paid for Sherman's storage fees for the summer months. Also spent a little more for gasoline and toll roads. In fact, we were a little higher than we wanted to be in just about every category!

Whiskey's Tree

Our regular readers will remember the sad day at the end of September when our faithful traveling companion Whiskey passed away. We buried Whiskey here at Hacienda Contreras RV Park and to mark her grave with a memorial at the time, we planted a tree.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sherman goes for a drive!

And, we've made some blog changes. Most of you won't notice, but we've removed the ability for someone to comment as "anonymous". We were getting a lot of advertising comments, and while the spam filter blocked most of them, they were still a pain in the butt! So, anybody who really wants to comment will have to take the five minutes to register for a google account.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Great visit to the dentist (part two)!

You'll remember last week when I went for a cleaning and inspection at our local dentist here in Valle de Juarez. She had mentioned that I had a tiny cavity beside an old filling and so we had made an appointment to have that repaired. On Wednesday, I went and had the repair completed!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

We really miss traveling

In the motorhome!

I know, we've done lots of traveling over the last year. But poor Sherman was a little jealous of the little blue car's adventures over the past couple of months while he just sat here. Sherman has been sitting here for over a year now!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lunch out with the crew

Sal's cousin Chema owns a restaurant here in Valle de Juarez, and Chema's son owns one closer to the campground. A lot of the campers over the winter frequent the restaurants (as well as Chema's Saturday carnita stand) and so he wanted to thank the campers for their business!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

10 Things You May Not Know About Mexico

The majority of people don't know very much about Mexico. When asked about Mexico, they think of beaches or resorts. After all, that's the only reason you would come here, right? Or, they think of murders and drug kingpins because that's all you hear about on the news. Well there is much more to Mexico...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Mexico

Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the official start to Semana Santa  (Easter Holy Week) celebrations that go on all week. The little town of Valle de Juarez (population 4,006) goes all out with processions and parades to celebrate this holiday.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Next stop, Aguascalientes!

You may have noticed that we placed an answer to our "Where are Kevin and Ruth going next?" question above. The answer is the city of Aguascalientes!

A Fancy Mexican Wedding.

Saturday morning was market day here in Valle de Juarez, so we took Tioga George and Renate into town with us. They both have motorhomes with them and we also have the little blue car so we know how much it's appreciated when someone offers a ride!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The rigs keep coming!

Boy, it's getting busy here at Hacienda Contreras! Another six rigs showed up yesterday. I think I counted nineteen RV's here now! Barb says their record was twenty two at one time so it's getting close. We've never been here when it's been this busy though.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Meeting Tioga George!

What a great day we had yesterday. We went in to town for a parade in the morning, and then we had a good hike with beautiful views in the afternoon.

And, popular internet personalities Ms. Tioga and George showed up at Hacienda Contreras RV Park!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ciudad Juarez

"The most dangerous place in the world outside of a declared war zone." So said a city newspaper back in 2009.

Our route north in early April is going to take us to a Ciudad Juarez border crossing.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Beautiful start to spring!

Looks like not too many people in Canada can say that! Our old home town of Ottawa is cold at -9C, while the prairie provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are stuck in a deep freeze. Looks like about -23C (-9F) in the city of Price Albert, Saskatchewan. It had better warm up a little over the next month!!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A great visit to the dentist!

What? Who says that??!! Can a visit to the dentist ever be "great"?

Okay, it may not have been great, but it was as good as a dentist visit can be. Pain free, and inexpensive. That's what I look for in a visit to the dentist!