View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Kirk Smeaton, North Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Sunday, July 31, 2022

July Expenses

We started the month in Geiranger, Norway which was about as far north as we went in Norway. And we finished the month close to Max's "home base" in Germany. So we did a fair bit of driving in the month of July!

This means that our fuel expenses were quite high, and of course everybody knows about the price of fuel lately. Especially the price of fuel in one of the most expensive countries in the world!

Putting on the miles

Or the kilometers, in this case. We're doing about 150 kms (93 miles) per day and that will get us to our destination as planned on Monday August 1st. I know that doesn't sound like a lot to most of you, but we are sticking to the back roads so it's still about two and a half hours of driving each day which is enough for us.

We spent last night beside the wide Elbe River that leads from Hamburg to the Atlantic Ocean.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Ladelund Concentration Camp

A somewhat depressing, but interesting, story today.

Many tourists to Europe make an effort to visit the famous Nazi concentration camps like Auschwitz in German occupied Southern Poland. But Germany was itself a land of concentration camps, even before the second World War had begun. In fact, Hitler became chancellor of Germany in January of 1933, and by October 1934 he had already established camps that held 2,400 prisoners. By 1938, there were 24,000 prisoners. By 1944 there were 524,000 prisoners.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Engelsholm Castle

We actually slept in yesterday morning. Didn't get up until almost 8am! That rarely happens, but I guess we just needed the extra sleep. It sure makes the morning go by fast though... kind of a waste.

Still, we managed to get an hour or so driving in before lunch. And then another hour after lunch. We ended up near the village of Nørup and Engelsholm Castle.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Got the new laptops set up!

First thing I did Tuesday morning was walk over to a computer supply store in Hirtshals. 

Now, Hirtshals isn't a very big place, with a population of about 5,500 people so I wasn't expecting very much from a computer store located there. But I was pleasantly surprised and the guy who was running the place knew exactly what I was talking about, and he even had what I needed.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Back in Denmark

Monday was our last full day in Norway. And it was wet. Yes, we managed to make it out for a walk around the town of Vigeland, but that was it. Otherwise, it was just wet.

Then on Tuesday, we actually got some sunshine for our ferry crossing to Denmark. We went into Kristiansand early and found some free parking about 3 kms from the center of town, then walked into town. Our ferry departure wasn't until 4:30pm, so we had lots of time to wander around.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Norway trip complete!

Almost. Our ferry departs Norway at 4:30pm this afternoon so tonight we will once again be sleeping in Denmark. 

We were reflecting on our time in Norway, country number 52 for us. It's been a great trip. The only thing that could have made it better was a little more sunshine! 

Monday, July 25, 2022

Parking, or camping?

While looking for possible overnight spots, we often come across warning signs at the entrance to whatever parking area we're considering overnighting at.

Here in Europe, they are quite distinct about the differences between parking and camping. This is especially true in the country of Spain, but also here in Norway.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

More travel plans finalized!

We drove into the town of Lyngdal. There's not much to see there, but they do have a really nice culture center with a library, so we sat and used their fast free internet for a while. They also have small private soundproof study rooms, so we used one of them to do a video call with Ruth's cousin Helen and her husband Tony. 

We wanted to firm up our plans with them for the end of September and early October.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

It feels great to be booking some travel again!

We decided to stay a second night at our free campsite in the forest. It was just a really quiet, peaceful spot. The German couple left in the morning, but the family from Belgium also decided to stay another night. 

So what did we do all day? Well, not much of anything! It's good to take a day like that every now and then.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Camping for a couple of nights!

Up before 6:30am Thursday morning, and we hit the road right away to the next town of Flekkefjord. 

We had noticed the day before that the hill heading up the road from where we had been parked at Ana Sira is very narrow and we saw vehicles having to reverse to get out of the way of oncoming traffic. So we figured we would avoid any traffic problems by leaving early, and that's exactly what happened.

4 hobbies you can take on holiday

As adults, we rarely find the time to indulge in hobbies

Between the demands of family life, the bustling world of work and any other constraints you might face on your time, it often feels as though there simply aren’t enough hours in the day. 

Our holidays are a fantastic opportunity to relax and indulge in those activities we so rarely get to make time for. With that in mind, these are just four hobbies you can take on holiday – or anywhere. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

We were well prepared for the "expert" part of the trail.

I know I sound like a broken record, but Norway is such a gorgeous country. And so many fantastic hiking opportunities. Yesterday we were back on the trails again.

This time, we drove to the small town of Ana Sira and found nice day use parking at their small marina. I had read that the parking lot nearer to the hiking trail gets really busy and it was a beautiful day so we just decided to walk right from the marina.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

There is absolutely nothing worse...

Once again we got up and drove at 6:30am. And once again, we didn't go very far... only 9 kms (5.5 miles) to our next stop!

There's a lot to see and do in this area, and we've still got six days until we get to our ferry departure in Kristiansand which is only 150 kms (93 miles) from here. So there is no need to do much driving everyday.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

We decided to get to the main road and try to hitchhike back to Max!

Monday was one of our warmest days yet in Norway with a forecast high of 23C (73F) and cloudy with sunny periods. It actually felt like summer! We had a good hike planned, so it was the perfect day for it.

The hike was 10.8 kms (6.7 miles) round trip. We were trying to figure out if we should bring a lunch, and Ruth asked how long I thought it would take. There wasn't a whole lot of elevation involved, so I figured maybe three hours. Boy, was I off!