View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Inverness, Cape Breton Island

We don't really have any plans as to how far we drive each day, and yesterday it turned out that we didn't drive very far. We just stop if we see a spot worthwhile to stop at. If not, we keep driving.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Port Hood, Cape Breton Island

We said goodbye to our friends in Antigonish, but will probably stop in again on our way back through in a couple of weeks. By the time we left it was after 10:00am. We made a quick stop for some groceries because there won't be any large grocery stores along the Cabot Trail.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

We hit the road fairly early yesterday, about 9:00am. We took the long route that runs close to Halifax because it's a nicer road and it's actually about the same amount of time as the shorter route. I expected a bit more traffic, but the roads were actually fairly quiet.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the road again!

Well we took off yesterday for our two week tour of Cape Breton Island and the Cabot Trail. We didn't make it very far, but that was by choice.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Only four hours until our contest closes

Just a reminder for any last minute entries.

Medical Insurance

We've hinted a couple of times that we might return to Mexico a little earlier than normal. We're thinking September. Reader Elaine from Canada asked the following question...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May expenses and Adsense income

Well May was a little cheaper, coming in at just over $1,500 in expenses. And our Adsense had a record month! So overall, it was a decent month.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New shocks

I have ordered new front shocks for Sherman! I'm pretty sure that the front shocks on our motorhome are the original ones from 1995, and now have 66,000 miles on them. Now, that number of miles is still pretty low for a 1995, but when you've driven on Mexican highways you can probably double that!

Anyhow, I've ordered Bilstein HD shocks at a cost of $93 each and hopefully they'll show up by Friday so that I can have them installed during our trip out to Cape Breton Island.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Out and about

Well this past weekend I have been out and about visiting.

On Saturday, I went out to breakfast with two school friends that I have known since Grade 1.  That was so long ago, but we always manage to get together at least once a year.  It was nice to get see them and catch up on all the news.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


I was looking through our pictures over the years, trying to figure out when the last time was that Ruth and I were apart for a full two weeks. Ruth will probably pipe in and answer that question real quick, and I can't recall offhand but I have a feeling it was quite a long time ago.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Everybody loves a parade

I stopped in town this morning to pick up some clips that I needed in order to put Sherman's dash back together. After that, I was on the way to Lindsey and Justin's because we were going to the 79th Annual Apple Blossom Parade.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Guess what?

It's been raining again.   I know, I know everyone is tired about everyone's post complaining about the weather. I guess we are lucky, considering we just have to deal with wet weather while others are dealing with floods and tornadoes.  We really feel for those people, some have lost everything or are trying to save everything from rising waters.

Almost like summer

Less than a week to go until Ruth returns and we can hit the road again. When she gets back, we're heading to Cape Breton Island to explore the Cabot Trail. We were there in the summer of 2008 and it's a beautiful part of the world so we're looking forward to going back there for a couple of weeks.

Thursday, May 26, 2011