View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Whiskey has a clean bill of health

Just a short update on Whiskey.

Two days to go...!

I picked up Ruth at the airport yesterday morning. She was a little tired, having gotten up at 3:00am to get to the Halifax airport in time for her flight. But she said everything went well.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Up early this morning

Just can't seem to sleep in. Of course I was in bed by 10pm last night, so I guess it was still a decent nights sleep. Although I did wake up at 12:30am or so to the thunp thump thump of the music.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kentville, NS (Day 3)

Up this morning around 7am had a nice cup of tea and and a short time later Lindsey was up.  We had breakfast and then got going on preparing lunch and dinner for later.  Lunch was an Asian Duck Soup with the leftover duck from supper last night

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kentville, NS (Day 2)

Lindsey drove Justin to work today and I got up after just they left at about 7:30am.  Justin works in the carpentry business.  He just started working for a new business within the last month or so and they work on various jobs in

Officially unemployed

Well, today was my last day doing the blood driving job. And Ruth is pretty much finished at the campground. And I quit my other job at the RV place a week ago.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Arrived in Halifax, NS

Well that was an early morning. I was up at 4:30am, had some tea and cereal and made myself a sandwich for a snack as well as some carrots and grapes to munch on in case I get hungry. I have to think of these thing now, because it isn't so easy to just grab something now that I can't have gluten.

On my own

Ruth has headed to Halifax for a few days and has left Whiskey and I to fend for ourselves!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Had a nice long weekend.

It was Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so Monday was a holiday. We went to my sisters for turkey dinner, and then stayed overnight in my parents condo in Ottawa Sunday night.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

You never know what the future holds

Despite all of the planning that you do, you never know what twists and turns lie in the future that might change things.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What's happening...?

Lol...well now that you have asked that question, LOTS!  First off we would like to say thank you to everyone who commented on Whiskey and expressed concern for her.  Well she is bouncing back AGAIN.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More on Whiskey and budget things

Well we have another update on Whiskey.  Yesterday I took her to the vet's to have the staples removed.  The technician removed two of the staples before noticing that something wasn't right with Whiskey.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Adsense update

Forgot to do an update on our adsense account. We had a good month in September, putting $78.42 towards our travel fund for this winter.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Driving and RVing in Mexico

Some of you mentioned yesterday that you would be scared to drive and RV in Mexico. I don't blame you, as we were also a little unsure about doing it ourselves, and so we drove with other experienced travelers for the first few weeks of each of our last two winters in that country. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

A new pot!

Exactly two weeks ago today, I wrote a slightly humorous post about a pot that was part of a set that we received as a wedding gift over 26 years ago.