The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Friday, July 31, 2015

We don't often comment on news items

But the recent killing of Zimbabwe's Cecil the lion by an American trophy hunter has us wanting to give our own perspective on the incident.

First of all, the research I've done shows that there are approximately 3,000 lions in Zimbabwe. The country issues between 50 and 70 trophy hunting permits per year to hunt a lion. The lions are almost all located on public and private nature preserves.

Want to know how easy it is to hunt a lion?

Lions really are just a big cat. What do cats do all day?

They sleep!

Lions sleep for 20 hours per day. They hunt for four hours per day, usually in the dark. And once their bellies are full, they sleep. And when their bellies are full, they don't even care about their next meal. In fact, the lions that we saw were so close to other prey, but because they weren't hungry they simply didn't pay any attention to the nearby food source.

In our experience, it would be totally easy to kill a lion. So even though I don't "get" hunting of any kind, there would be no sport at all involved in the hunting of a lion.

This was taken from our truck window. Yes, we were that close.

I wonder if I could hit him with a bullet from that distance. Sure would be tough, wouldn't it??

Hmm. Maybe I could get him with a crossbow. That might be slightly more difficult than a bullet. But I'm sure if I had the opportunity for three or four shots I could ding him with at least one of them!

Right between the eyes.

Dead? Nope. Just sleeping...

So while we simply don't understand the "thrill" of hunting, we understand even less the thrill of killing something that would be so easy to kill.


Who spends $143 on a flashlight? I thought this was a typo, but it really is a $143 flashlight...


  1. And the flashlight is $100 off!! Too funny. Interesting perspective on the lions.

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we would never pay $143 for a flashlight, I think we would have a hard time paying even $43.

  2. So sad about the dentist killing the lion. I totally do not understand why a person would ever want to do this. I can kinda understand hunting if you are doing it legally and using the meat. We used to go hunting but I just can't stand the thought of it anymore. In our case it was more just a time to get a camping party together.

    1. I guess this guy has a big ego and had something to prove! I totally understand hunting when it is done the proper way and for the proper reasons (mainly for food), but I think what this guy did is wrong and I hope it has totally ruined the rest of his life!

  3. ! don't understand hunting either unless it is for food.

    1. If every bit of an animal is used then I can understand the reason for hunting but if it is just for the skin, antlers/head then I think it is totally wrong!

  4. Replies
    1. We would much rather have pictures like the above and the memories than to see it sprawled out on the floor or mounted on the wall!

  5. Replies
    1. I think the majority of the population feel this way!

  6. This cruel behavior was made worse in the fact that they lured the Lion out of the bounds of the secure area, so they could kill it with the crossbow. THEN to make matters worse, they didn't even kill him the first time. It's reported he wandered around for about 40 hours before they caught up with him and finished the job. So it was torture for the wounded lion before he actually died. He was so used to people, he probably just stood there and watched them shoot him. For him, people only shot photos, never guns or bows.
    Trophy hunting is wrong, on so many levels. The poor animal isn't "hunted" it's just killed. More like murder.
    Hunting gives the animal a chance. Trophy hunting there is no chance. And a crossbow doesn't always mean a clean kill (Trophy hunters don't like to use bullets as they might make too much of a mess for the photos). In many cases the animal suffers until the "hunter" comes and finishes the job with a large knife.
    It's just not humane. People are outraged however, nothing will be done. Others will continue to "hunt" and poorer countries will benefit largely by the payouts that these people are willing to offer for this "sport".
    Can you tell I love hunting? LOL

    1. I re-read that last part... I don't love hunting, hunters or any such thing. Just wanted to clarify

    2. Totally agree with you Karyn Lee! You hit the nail on the head with your comment. What he did was wrong in so many ways. He claims that he didn't know that what the guides had done was illegal but once you pay your money then it is his responsibility to make sure things are done properly, it was his responsibility to do his homework first and know all the laws. I hope he does time in an African jail!

  7. Now he's being extradited to Zimbabwe. Good. I hope they string him up and quarter him. I doubt he will have much a dental practice ine future anyway.

    1. Is sure hope that he is! I hope his lifeas he knows it, is ruined

  8. Didn't they see that the lion had a tracking collar? This story makes me so sick. I am not a hunter and am with you two. See no thrill in killing one of God's creatures...unless it is a mosquito.

    1. If he did see it, it obviously didn't stop him and I really doubt that he could not have seen it so he just didn't care!

      Yep, don't mind killing all those mosquitoes! ;-)

  9. I don't get it either. Never have, never will. Beautiful animals "hunted?" Trophy animals, "hunted?" For what ... to hang their dead heads on a wall. Some sport, huh? Shame! Now a spider in the house? That's a different matter altogether.

    1. We have a bigger problem with people that "trophy hunt" then with people that actually hunt and use the animal for food! That doesn't mean the we like it but we understand it better. We would much prefer to see the animal out in the wild and just enjoy looking at it and shooting it with a camera!


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