The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Busy day today...

Busy day today! Up early at just after 6:00am in order to help some of the campers set up the hamster balls pool. You'll see pictures tomorrow! And that was after hardly getting any sleep last night due to a group of drunk teenagers. Didn't properly get to bed until almost 3:30am, so I'm going to have to make time for an afternoon nap...if I make it as far as the afternoon!

And, in a few minutes I'm going to help our son Alex and his friend Matt do their CityChase race.

I'm one of their online clue solvers as they do the various stages of the race. By the way, they ended up raising $1,050 towards the charity! Thanks again to those of you who contributed!

(Edit: They came in 2nd out of 300 teams!)

Gotta go...the race is about to start!

Any "House" fans?...The complete series is on sale...

House, M.D.: The Complete Series


  1. Online clues vet sounds like a fun job. Good luck to the boys. Hope they enjoy their day.

    1. They had a great day and came in second place so they get to continue on to the National Finals in late September.

  2. Hope your day goes well despite the nighttime problems and best of luck to your son & his friend :)

    1. We had a really good day, thanks Lori. Kevin even managed to get a bit of a nap in!

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, for the top three teams, ..not sure what though.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, they should be pretty proud of themselves!

  5. Replies
    1. Sometimes this is part of what you have to deal with when managing a campground. Luckily it isn't a common occurrence.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep, we are pretty proud of them. They are looking forward to the Nationals in September.

  7. 2nd place that is quite an accomplishment.

  8. Hamster balls? I'm intrigued. Does this involve actual hamsters? Can't wait to see pictures.

    1. No actual hamsters, but you might consider some of them guinea pigs! ;-)

  9. Teenagers? Drunk in a campground? I'm shocked! ;c)

    1. No we must have been mistaken, that would never happen! ;-)


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