View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Sebastian del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Figuring our route to Arizona

We had a good day yesterday!

We had been in contact with a couple from Louisiana. Pat and Geraldine had never driven in Mexico, but they were prepared to ignore the negative American media reports and not listen to the friends who called them crazy. They wanted to drive their little Toyota motorhome to Mexico! So we had several emails back and forth and we gave them some tips. Fortunately, they also contacted someone to travel with, and they made their way from the Texas border down here to Puerto Vallarta area.

Pat and Geraldine have found themselves parked up at a little RV park in La Cruz, on the bay about 30 kms (18 miles) or so north of Puerto Vallarta, and they invited us for a visit!

So we got a ride in to the highway from Patty and Rick who are staying at our park, and then took the collectivo to La Cruz. Sure enough, we found the little RV Park, and their little Toyota motorhome.

A little crowded for our liking. They have a Quebec rig on either side of them, and someone with Arizona plates on the far end. We didn't meet any of the others.

But the grounds are quite nice, and they have the use of the hotel swimming pool...

Nice pool.

Nice view from the hill above the pool.

We sat and visited with them for a while and got acquainted. Interestingly, Pat is a semi retired shrimp fisherman! He still owns and captains a 50 ft shrimp fishing boat on the coast of Louisiana and still goes out to make some money at the height of the shrimp fishing season. He invited us to come out and crew with him someday. Now that would be a cool experience!

Guess who?

Geraldine and Pat.

We went for a walk down to the nearby Vallarta Yacht Club. Wow...there is some money parked up there!

It's a pretty spot. to go for a walk.

What do you think? Straight trade for Sherman?? might cost $10,000 to fill the fuel tank in that boat! Hmmm. I think we'll keep the motorhome!

For people with extra money.

We then wandered back through town and sat and had some lunch. By the way, Pat and Geraldine don't speak any Spanish. They are a prime example that you can RV (and survive!) in Mexico without knowing the language. Now, of course it helps that they are staying in an area where English is fairly common. But, you have to start somewhere, and good for them for making the effort!

Pat (being funny as usual!), Geraldine, and Ruth.

So that was a fun day, and we enjoyed meeting them. Thanks again for lunch Pat and Geraldine! Looking forward to seeing you some day in Louisiana!

We're starting to think about getting on the road. Probably this coming Monday. We want to make our way to Mazatlan for Christmas (two weeks from today!). Our friends Chris and Juan are going to be there then, and we want to see them.

From Mazatlan, we want to head to the Copper Canyon. But the route along the coast up to Hermosillo doesn't have a lot to offer, so we're going to go in the back way, up through Durango to Creel. There is a new toll highway from Mazatlan to Durango, but it's expensive for a motorhome so we're thinking we're going to do the same "Devil's Spine" highway that we did in February of 2008. There will be less traffic on it now that the toll highway is open. Plus, we've done it before and although it's slow going it is in itself a very scenic route.

From Durango, we would take roads we've never been on before, so that will be a new experience. And when we get to Creel, there is a ton of hiking and exploring to be done.

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The easy route, shown above.

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The route that we want to take!

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  1. Mexico is not nearly as dangerous as the media hype makes it. We really loved it and wish I could get Suzie in the mood to return. Travel safe there and enjoy your travels north.

    1. It's dangerous if you are mixed up with drug gangs, in the military or the police or doing something stupid otherwise it is just like everywhere else, you need to be aware of your surroundings and be cautious. We travel the same way in Mexico as we do when we are traveling in other countries.

  2. Good fun to meet up with folks. I'd definitely do the Shrimp Boat thing.
    Let's see, 10 grand to fill that yacht (the lines of which I didn't really like, actually) or just take that money and buy another used motorhome?
    Once upon a time when we rented a houseboat on the Trent Severin Waterway, I saw a fellow fill up his somewhat larger boat. It was *only* $1200 and I darned near crapped.

    1. Yep, don't think we will be buying a boat/ship/yacht anytime soon. We prefer to keep our feet on solid ground for most of the time.

  3. Mazatlan has always been a favorite of mine, first went 25 years ago - they didn't even have a McDonalds back then.

    1. Which I might add was a wonderful thing lol.

    2. We enjoyed Mazatlan when we were there twice before but again it is just a little to touristy for us. I am pretty sure that they have McDonald's there now! I think we have only been to two countries that haven't had McDonald's and they were Iceland and Namibia and I have to say that we love to see that (or not see which ever way you want to look at it).!

  4. I envy your visit with Chris and Juan.... we're hoping to catch up with them again one of these days. Also, good hearing about RVers who still travel in Mexico.

    1. Thanks The Odd Essay, we will have a drink in your honour when we meet up with Chris and Juan. It is always a fun time visiting with them. We are also happy to see that new people are still coming down here despite the negative news that is put out about Mexico.

  5. I like Mazatlan for the shopping and the Fuller's restaurant But that was 25 years ago. Not sure if it's still there!

    1. I have to admit that I won't be surprised if we don't make our way into Mazatlan itself other than to stop and pick up groceries on the outskirts of town before heading up into the mountains. Having been there twice before and not into "shopping", it really isn't our kind of place.

  6. Hello Everyone! Kevin and Ruth are a wonderful, fun, interesting, and down right nice couple! They helped us get here (Mexico). Kevin, you forgot to post a photo of our personal escort and bodyguard dog, named Flecker; who adopted us. Open INVITE to ALL -- I start shrimping again in May. Diesel $2,000.00 plus other expenses (not ya'll). Fun, food even better. Great Inspirational Blog; listing of costs very helpful. Blog main reason we're in Mexico!

    1. Thanks so much for those kind words Pat. We really enjoyed our time meeting up with you, Geraldine and Flecker (sorry, I'm not sure if Kevin actually got a picture of her). She really is a sweet thing and I think she may just want to go home with you when you leave.

      I am so happy that you found our blog helpful with your travels here and we are always happy to help anyone out with any questions about traveling in Mexico.

      Enjoy your time here and hope that you have such a good time that you will return again next winter. Take care both of you.

    2. We might be in LA in May and would at the very least buy some of your shrimp...

    3. We are going to see them again on Sunday we will let them know and then they can contact you heyduke50.

  7. I hope this works out. It's been a while since we've seen you guys. That reminds me, I need to look for that special bottle of scotch!

    1. We are hoping it works out as well Chris. Looking forward to seeing your both again. As for that "good" bottle of scotch, are you really wanting another headache?


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