Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Huatulco (day 3)

When we got up yesterday morning, we had sort of planned to move on. But we got a little lazy and before we knew it, it was past 9:00am and we hadn't lifted a finger to get packed up. So we decided to stay another day!

This place has some pretty interesting birds flying around. I don't know anything about birds, and I don't really want to, but I know when they're kinda pretty.

Looks like a parakeet to me, but what do I know...

Two of them together.

Some kind of jaybird? Doesn't matter to me, but like I said, they're kinda pretty.


So anyway, with all of these pretty birds flitting around, it's sure to attract some bird people. And it does.

Whenever a cruise ship parks up in Huatulco port, one of the day trips is bird watching. So a bunch of cruise ship tourists showed up to the campround in fancy white vans and with cameras that cost more than the little blue car.

It turns out that cruise ship people don't like camping people.

I didn't know this, but our friend David mentioned that the cruise ship people won't talk to him when they come into the campground. I decided to test this out and walked up to a group of them to tell them about the parakeets that were over near our tent. 

I asked them if they had seen any parakeets yet. One snotty woman said "Well, we've seen parrots, but we haven't seen parakeets" and a few of them snickered. I said "Well I'm not a bird person, I just know that they're a pretty green bird and thought I would mention that there are some here". Their tour guide said "thanks" but they never did come over. That was that.

Then, half an hour later Ruth and I are house sitting for Joyce and David while they were out. We were actually sitting in their chairs because they're more comfy than ours! Anyhow, two bird women walked by talking in English and I could clearly hear what they were saying. One mentioned that she had friends in Ottawa. I piped up in a loud voice "Hey, we're from Ottawa"...the woman looked at me, didn't say a word, and kept on walking. So I said it louder...no response. Very strange. Ruth and I looked at each other and shook our heads. People sure are funny aren't they??!!

We finally decided we should go out and do something, so after lunch we drove to park in the nearby town of La Crucicita. It was baking hot though and we walked around a bit, but the park is pretty run down and there's not much to see.

Ruth on the park paths.

So then we drove over to the marina and had a look at the expensive yachts...

Maybe the cruise ship people would talk to the guys living on these expensive yachts?

Then we found a mirador lookout near Playa Arrocito.

Careful...it's fairly steep!

Playa Arrocito is a pretty little beach.

Then we went back to the campground until it got closer to dinner time. We really like that roast chicken place in town, so we went back there for another 70 peso ($5.65) dinner for two!

But this morning, we're definitely outta here. Up early, tent packed up, and on the road. We've got a fairly long drive to do, about 400 kms I think. Next stop, Puerto Arrista, Chiapas!


  1. You guys sure know how to live it up. LOVE the way you tested out the rumor of "snotty cruise ship tourists"--- too funny!

    Karen and Steve
    (New Blog Name) RVing: This Country Is Our Big Backyard

  2. Beautiful are there and you sure could have fun teasing the tourists.

  3. Maybe you guys look too scary for the silly bird people? Having a starter pistol handy to scare away all the birds would be my first thought, but I have a bit of a nasty streak that way. Whatever makes for good fun I say.

  4. They are a species of Amazon parrots. I don't remember cruise ship passengers being so nasty here in Mazatlan. But perhaps the further south you go the worse they get.

    1. They weren't nasty, they just wouldn't talk to us or just ignored us. I believe that they are probably told not to talk to strangers when they do their little excursions.

  5. They were not snotty, it was the beauty of your lifestyle that made them speechless! ;c)

  6. Dang those snotty's - like they say it takes all kinds to make a world - their loss, your gain!
    Connie in PA

  7. Some people are very strange. How much of an effort does it take to say hello? People like those two women drive me crazy.

    Sent from my iPhone

  8. People are just plain strange. Every once in awhile we run into people like that even in the RV community but not very often. Tent campers not liking RVers, Class A people not liking trailers or 5th wheels or people that stay in private parks that look at those that like the public spaces as trailer trash. Its just funny how people are intent on having their prejudices. Luckily most campers (RVers,tent,etc.) are great people so we'll just ignore the snotty few.

  9. Awwww, I love Puerta Arista. I used to live in Tuxtla Gutierrez, so it used to be the weekend beach get away. Nothing flash, just good food and a great place to relax

    1. It is a nice spot for sure but I don't think we enjoyed it as much as we might have if it weren't for the heat and the fact that I think we have now had our fill of beaches for a while. It is a wonderful, quiet little spot and off the beaten path for "gringos" which is what we like.

  10. Pretty birds. Yeah, those cruise people are full of themselves.Well, they look really full anyway.

  11. I am sure the cruise ship scares them to death of locals... Be my guess.

  12. My thinking is cruise ship people go on cruise ships because they are afraid to go anywhere else. They want to feel at home while leaving home but not really leaving home. Some don't get off the boat. They visited foreign countries but never left home. Might as well watch TV. So with great trepidation they venture forth from the comforts of the ship to see what the natives are like and hope they do not get eaten. Then some really dangerous looking weirdo approaches and speaks and it is all they can do to keep from running back to their cabins and hiding under the bed. Having met folks from Ottawa who travel in a little blue car at least a few times in the past couple years I admit to being a little fearful myself. Had you told them you were an American Ax Murderer they probably would have welcomed you with open arms - as long as you say you are American. It's those foreigners that frighten them. You have got to learn not to be so threatening Kevin.

  13. I've only been on one cruise in my life, never again. Birders can be weird people, now combine the two, enough said. I read your blog every morning while enjoying my coffee, nice way to start the day. Cheers.

  14. butterbean carpenterFebruary 10, 2013 at 2:28 PM

    Howdy R&K,
    Now, Kevin had Ruth approached them they wouldn't have run away!!! I'll agree 'cruisers are not friendly folks, except our g-son's bunch, they're divers... My 'rich' nephew & niece on the other hand would probably have acted just like 'your' bunch; they're scared of their shadows!!! Have a safe and enjoyable trip!!!

  15. We just call them the boat people and give them wide berth.
    We do a beach walk every day at Xpu-Ha and the beach is full of mostly Europeans. The French rarely say hello, the Italians & Germans say hello sometimes. The Spanish always say Buenos Dios. The Canadians & Americans say hello about 60% of the time. People are funny, many just look away from you so as not to make eye contact.


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