Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cookies and pizza and homemade RV's!.

Now that we have a full tank of propane, Ruth can use the oven. Many RV's don't even come with a decent size oven, but Ruth really enjoys using ours. Yesterday afternoon, she made some gluten free chocolate chip cookies!

Then for supper, she made some chicken and broccoli pizza.

My favorite!

Pizza going in the oven.

Pizza coming out of the oven!

While Ruth was doing all that baking and cooking, I began doing some exterior cleanup. Sherman is filthy! So I got out the ladder and started giving him a bath. And, I inspected the roof caulking and found some areas that need some attention. Fortunately, it is unlikely that we will get any more rain so I can do that when I get around to it. Some of the caulking needs to be completely removed and redone.


Ruth spotted this Vermillion Flycatcher. They usually don't sit still long enough to get a photo!

We hosted happy hour at our place yesterday afternoon.

  We got to talking about their RV's and at least one reader commented yesterday about Whit and Jan's RV so we thought we'd show you some more pics. Both other couples are moving on this morning, so it's just be us and Sal until someone else shows up.

Whit and Jan's rig is on a 2001 Dodge 2500 series 4x4 chassis. 

He bought it just as a cab and chassis and built the RV living quarters himself! Took him about six months, and then they hit the road in 2002. This rig has been all the way from Alaska to Panama and a lot of places in between. They travel with two dobermans, Max and Sassy!

Whit in his rig.

How's this for a heavy duty front bumper?!

Then I went over and had a look at Tom and Sharon's van. Set up for a totally different kind of adventure, their 2005 Chevy Astrovan is going to South America with them. Again, built by themselves, this used to be a regular panel van and they kitted it out for camping.

Tom and Sharon and their rig.

Sleeping and living quarters.

The kitchen area is in the back, and they also have a tent that fits over all of this.

We like seeing what other rigs that people travel in. We've met people camping Mexico in anything from a tent and car to a 40 foot diesel bus and everything in between. What we've learned is that there is no right or wrong vehicle, it's just that each one has it's own limitations and benefits and drawbacks. 


  1. There always seems to be good looking food on view right around the time that I'm getting a pre-dinner hunger on. Friggin' time difference!

    I figured Whitt's rig was a "home built". Fun to be nosy.
    That bumper looks like a combination Roo-bar/cow catcher. Serious business.

    1. Sorry to be making you so hungry Bob, should we stop posting pictures of our food?

  2. Those cookies look DElicious and gluten free, wow. Please please post the recipe. I must make some. One of the big reasons we bought an older RV (2004) is so we could have a real oven. Love mine too.

    1. I will post the recipe on a day when we don't have much to talk about. I couldn't survive without our oven!

  3. I know this isn't a 'cooking' blog, but I'd be interested in the two gluten free recipes!

    1. I will post the cookie recipe shortly. As for the pizza recipe, I use a pizza mix from the "Bulk Store" in Canada. But you could just use another mix and make your own or buy the already make crusts and then just top it with your favourite toppings.

  4. Gotta have a real oven in an Rv as far as we are concerned too. Especially when dry camping.
    As you said everyone has their own preference in Rv's thats why there are so many to choose from, and if you can't find one just build it!

    1. Love using the oven in the cool evenings or early mornings, it helps to warm up the place. Yep, everyone has their own preferences for an RV.

  5. I am spoiled. I could not live in a couple of those RV's but glad they meet the needs of your friends.

    1. I think we could live in either one of those but only for a short time, we couldn't live in them full time for sure and neither do they.

  6. I'm afraid we're missing out. A trip to SA, amazing. Let me know if you need anything to make another pizza!!!!!

    I hope happy hour is a frequent event. See ya soon.

    1. Nope, I have enough pizza mix to do us for a while. I will send you a note of a couple of things I won't mind though.

      Yes, happy hour is normally a daily event here once there are other campers around.

  7. Remember meeting these guys back in 2008, please say Hi from us.

    1. They remembered you both as well, and asked how you were doing. Couldn't say hi to them for you as they had already left. Say hi to Steve for us, hope he is imporving. Take care Glen, we think of you both often.

  8. Love the header pic - looks heavenly! Enjoyed seeing the interesting ways people travel. Ditto on the gluten free cookie recipe - hope you can share it with us.

  9. Those Vermillion Flycatchers are so pretty, I only ever saw one once in Texas. Love all the different types of RV's that can be found in Mexico, our favorites are the German built ones that look like tanks!

    Snow is melting.

    1. There are quite a few of them here. Love seeing them, they are so pretty.

      Hope the snow is gone by the time you leave, definitely not fun having to drive in the snow.

  10. It's funny I was thinking about how much I don't use my oven in the Motorhome the other day, and thought about how it could be better used for cupboard space. However, we only have a regular microwave (I know you don't have one anymore) and pizza just doesn't do it in the microwave, so perhaps the oven is a good thing.
    It sort of scares me to light it though. Not too good with pilot lights and such. Have to look into that later.

    Another request here for the recipie.

    1. Well I guess it all depends on wheather you use it or not. If you know you aren't going to use the oven then it makes sense to use the space as a cupboard, that's what we did with the mircowave. We hardly ever used it so we got rid of it. We like using our oven and I wouldn't do without it. We like using it in the morning and in the evening as a way of warming up the inside of Sherman without having to use the furnace and it also smells so good.

      As for lighting it, I used to be nervous too! It is easy though. It helps to have a BBQ lighter. First open the oven door and the turn the oven knob to "Pilot On" and then kneel down and use the BBQ lighter to ignite the pilot light flame at the back of the oven, close the door and then turn the oven knob to the desired temperature.

      I will post the recipe within the next few days.


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