Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Queen goes RV'ing

Rainy season is pretty much over, and it wouldn't have surprised us not to see any more rain until spring. But we've had some clouds hanging around the last two days, and yesterday it finally opened up on us!

But, only for a half an hour or so. Just enough to make the grass stay green for a few days longer!

But it sure did come down for a few minutes!

Ruth made some gluten free bread and buns the other morning. Sure does smell good in the motorhome with fresh bread baking in the oven. She sets some of the dough aside and puts it in a couple of small pie tins to make some hamburger buns for herself.


We've had two more campers show up. Jergen and Linda came down in their little VW van, but they're renting Barb and Sal's newer fifth wheel for their stay here to be a little more comfortable than staying in their VW. And Don showed up with his 40ft motorhome and tow vehicle. What a rig! Not something I would want to be driving around Mexico, but it proves that you can get around in anything if you want to.

Maybe related to the storm clouds we've had, but the power was on and off yesterday. Sometimes it was off at the campground, and then sometimes it was off in town. We decided to go into town for dinner so that Sal could have a decent Thanksgiving meal, so Don came with us and we went in to Chema's restaurant because he normally does pozole ( a type of soup/stew) on Thursdays. But when we arrived, there was no power. That didn't stop them though, and soon we had candles on the table! 

However, because of the lack of power, they hadn't made any pozole. As we were ordering our drinks, the lights came back on! Three of us had a delicious meal of garlic shrimp and rice and salad, and Sal had a fish fillet. Hadn't brought the camera with us, so no pictures. The bill for Ruth and I was 250 pesos ($20.00) including tip. And that included two beers for me and a tequila y squirt for Ruth. Love it!

And on a funny note, the Queen of England and Prince Philip went for their first ever motorhome ride yesterday. Imagine them pulling into the campsite beside you?! Tally ho!


  1. The Queen in a motorhome. I never would have believed it.
    Bit of a feather in the cap for that manufacturer I'd think.
    Like someone mentioned on the comments page, the royal loo is quite likely bigger than the whole thing.
    I do like European designed motorhomes though. No wasted space.

    1. She never actually went very far in the motorhome, just around the compound at the manufacturer's.

      Yes, the European motorhomes are nicely designed, just won't want to drive something that size over there.

  2. No turkey for us this year - we had Mexican for Thanksgiving dinner - we're in West Palm Beach FL for a field hockey tournament! Even the queen can downsize if she wanted, heh?

    1. Hope the tournament went well and that you are having nice weather.

      Did you take your Class B down with you or are you hotelling it?

  3. The Queen of ENGLAND? Looks like the Queen of Canada to me :)

    1. I was going to say the one and only but I'm not sure, there may be another queen out there somewhere, lol!

  4. Rain! You got rain, but luckily only for a few minutes.
    "Fit for a Queen" will be the companies new slogan.

  5. Too funny, the queen in an RV. But great advertising for the company as George and Suzie pointed out. Gotta love that PINK outfit. She looks quite well and a far sight better than her husband. But 65 years together is pretty amazing.

    Sounds like you've got quite a batch of folks with you. Word is spreading. If everyone who reads your blog heads down, you'll be more than full up. Wish we could.

    1. All in all, I would say they are both doing pretty well, after all he is 90 something. Yep, we agree 65 years together is great.

      Wish you could come down too? Maybe another year?

  6. That bread looks awfully good. Will Ruth share her recipe?

    1. Sandra, my recipe is in a box. I use Glutino Gluten Free Pantry favorite sandwich bread mix. www.glutino.com/our-products/gluten-free-pantry/favorite-sandwich-bread You can buy it at Bulk Barn, the bigger Loblaws stores and a number of other places in Canada and in the States. I find it makes the closest thing to real bread.

  7. Love the story about the Queen. Seems like an oxymoron...Queen and camping

  8. I can just imagine the entourage that would surround the queen pulling into a campground. :cO

  9. And I thought I was the Queen of RVing...I hereto submit to the real queen!

  10. If it's good enough for us then it is good enough for her.

    1. I don't know if our standards are quite up to hers!


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