View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I thought the job market was supposed to be tough these days

I run the parts department at an RV dealer. It's only April, so it's still pretty quiet, but things are starting to pick up and we've had an early spring. So we're thinking it's going to be a much better year than last year was.

We decided to hire a college student to help out. We wanted someone with no experience (and therefore no bad habits) so that we can train them to do things our way. If we hire someone who is returning to the local community college in the fall, they have a program which pays almost half of his or her salary. It's only minimum wage...but minimum wage here in Ontario is now up to $10.25 an hour. (And we wonder why things are so much more expensive here...).

Anyhow, on Friday this kid comes in who is out looking for a summer job. He doesn't even know that we're looking for someone...we hadn't put an ad out yet. But he happens to go to the local college. It's a total coincidence. So we talk to him, and everything looks good. He fills out the forms and we fast track the paperwork through the girl at the college. We asked him to start yesterday (Saturday) so that I can at least get him trained on cash so he can help out weekday afternoons when I'm doing my blood driving job. We walk him around and introduce him to everybody and say "see you tomorrow at 9am".

The kid never showed up. No phone call, no nothing. I mean, unless the kid and his family are all in the hospital, what possible excuse could he have that would make us take him back? I won't be surprised if we never hear the story.

Reminds me of a day back in the 80's when I ran an auto body repair shop. Hired this new guy on a Friday, with him expected to start on the Monday. He shows up Monday morning, half an hour or so early. Says he's going out to get a coffee and a sandwich for takeout...and never comes back. Never heard the story behind that one either! People are very strange...


  1. I did that once on a tele-marketing job many years ago (in my late teens) - I sat at the desk for the morning till my coffee break learning the telephone system and opening the yellow pages to start my day with calling people and on my coffee break realized that it wasn't for me. So instead of wasting any more of the employers' time, I simply left.
    Maybe he got a better offer somewhere else?
    I certainly don't believe that the unemployment situation is the way it is because of a lack of jobs, it's people that are sitting on EI that don't want to work because they don't have to.
    Simple as that.
    It's the "owe me" generation.

    People are really strange, totally agree.

  2. Well, let us know the rest of the story, if he does come back and what kind of excuse he gives?

    Perhaps he got another job offer and was too embarrassed to call you back to say so, or just too lazy?

    At any rate, that kind of worker you DON'T need in your shop.. right?

    Karen and Steve

  3. Sarcastic mode on

    Actually it's the someone else will pay, and besides we don't want to pay for "anyone that knows what they are doing" management. So we will take the cheapest kid that walks in off the street and then be surprised when things don't work out.

    Sarcastic mode off...

    However from what I saw the last few years I worked pretty close..


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