View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting back to a routine

Well it has now been more than a week since getting back to Kingston and things are starting to get back to a routine, not that I'm happy about routine.

We didn't do a lot this week.  On Easter Sunday we drove to Ottawa to have Easter dinner with his family and celebrate is nephew's 10th birthday, unfortunately he couldn't make it as he was spending the afternoon and evening with his Dad.  We had a great dinner and a wonderful visit.  Kevin's parents live on the 29th floor of a condo unit just a short distance from the Ottawa River.  They have a nice view downtown Ottawa and the Parliament Buildings and also a view of the Ottawa River and the Gatineau Hills.

Downtown Ottawa, the Parliament Buildings are just to the right of the taller building on the left

The Ottawa River looking towards Quebec and the Gatineau Hills

On our way to Ottawa, Kevin and I took Whiskey on a nice walk along another section of the Rideau Trail.  Whiskey really enjoys her walks and all the sniffs along the way.

Kevin and Whiskey on the Rideau Trail

A friendly snake that was sunning himself on the path until we came allong

On Monday evening, Crista and Mike had us over to their place for supper (people that we housesat for here in Kingston for the winter).  It was great getting together with them and swapping stories.  They stayed in BC for the winter, so that they were near her family.  They wanted Crista's family to have time to get to know Kjell and spend time with him while he was so little.  Crista and Mike were looking into buying land and building a small house (800sq ft), but are now thinking of just making theirs adapt to the way they want.  They would like to live off grid, but being in the city that may not be possible.  They were both asking us lots of questions on our solar panel and energy usage and many other things so that they can be as self sufficent as they can.  Crista was also very appreciative of all the cooking and freezing I did for them to try and replenish their destroyed goods in the freezer mishap.

I went up to my Dad's on Wednesday afternoon and stayed with him until Friday afternoon.  We had a nice visit, unfortunately on Thursday I had the start of a cold, mostly sore throat, by Friday I wasn't feeling great.  Thursday evening I got my brother Colin to drive with me to Kevin's sister Alison's place to pick up the his Grandmother's buffet unit that we had left with her.  Alison is changing her livingroom around and no longer has a need for it, we could have moved it down to her basement, but the stairs down aren't the easiest to manouver and our daughter Lindsey said that she wanted it, so Colin and I picked it up and brought it back to my Dad's.  Now it's in his basement, but it will be easier for Lindsey to make arrangements to have it picked up and delivered to her in Nova Scotia.  Another thing we had on our to-do list, done.

We were going to drive to New York state and see Alex's two baseball games on Sunday, but I was still feeling miserable and really didn't feel up to it.  In fact Saturday night I was awake most of the night coughing which in turn kept Kevin awake.  By 3:30am he had, had enough and got up and went to the drug store to buy some Buckley's cough syrup, but still that didn't even help.  Last night was a bit better but not by much.  So instead of going Kevin stayed here as well and worked on removing the old caulking from the back corner of Sherman.  It took him most of the afternoon to just do this one corner section.  Once he had it off, he reapplied some new caulking and it now looks so much better.  He didn't even have this on his to-do list!  So now that has been added to the list as there is still the rest of Sherman to do.  We are hoping to go and see Alex's games next Sunday.  The team is now 20 wins and 4 losses, so they are still doing amazingly well.

I haven't started work at the KOA yet, but I expect that will change by the end of this week.  We will have to start pulling out all the things that were packed away in the cabins, and then cleaning them and the washrooms, to be ready for the May 1st opening day.  I think they are also going to train me on the computer system and then I will be able to do a variety of jobs and can cover where ever I am needed.

We are still in our temporary spot, as the water is still off.  Hopefully we will move over to our regular spot by the end of next week because I am sure the water will be on before the end of the month and if we fill up when we move there, that will take us through until it is turned on.

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