View from Arneside Knott Viewpoint near Arnside, Cumbria, England.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Hull, East Yorkshire, England.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Albania on June 11th!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Los Barriles (day 4)

Thursday January 31...11:00pm

End of the month, and in adding up our expenses, we find that this has easily been our cheapest month yet. Including miscellaneous expenses such as entertainment, meals out, propane, booze, laundry, etc, we spent a total of $898 to live for the month.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Los Barriles (day 3)

Wednesday January 30...11:15pm

The wind dies down at night, but it sure picks up during the day. Temperature was down to 12 at night, and 24 during the day. Very comfortable. We watched the kite boarders again this morning. It sure does look like fun. We've decided it would be like a kind of a combination of water skiing and snow boarding. We think Lindsey would be very good at it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Los Barriles (day 2)

Tuesday January 29...10:15pm

Had Steve, Glen, Malcolm, and Claire over for a pancake breakfast this morning. Malcolm and Claire had never tried real maple syrup before, so this was a good treat for them. It was fun having 6 people in the motorhome for a meal.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Los Barriles

Monday January, 28...9:00pm

Up fairly early this morning...around 7am because we are trying to get on the road fairly early. Still had to flush and drain the tanks and fill the fresh water. Got on the road around 9:30am. The only thing we needed to get was drinking water.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cabo San Lucas (day 4)

Sunday January 27...11:00pm

The plan today was to drop off Malcolm, Claire, Ruth, and Whiskey near the dock for the whale watching trip around 8:15am, then drive back and drop off Steve and Glen. After that, I would drop off the car rental back at the hotel we rented it from, and then make my own way back to the marina in time for our 9am boat trip.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cabo San Lucas area

Saturday January 26...10:15pm

Malcolm and Claire would like to go whale watching with Ruth and I, so we made arrangements to head to the wharf area of Cabo San Lucas early to see what we could book for tomorrow.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cabo San Lucas (day 2)

Friday January 25...11:30pm

Busy day today. Glen and Steve met a fellow Brit and his wife at our campground. Graham and Dee were really nice, and offered to give us a ride to the car rental place.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cabo San Lucas

Thursday January 24...10:30pm

On the road this monring at about 8am. Did the 45 minute drive to Cabo San Lucas and found the Vagabundo's RV park just on the other side of town.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 8)

Tuesday January 22...10:30pm

Went for a nice walk this morning along the dirt paths in between where we are parked and the main highway. We had planned on going for a bike ride along these same paths to the nearby village this afternoon, but when we were ready to do so, I found that both tires on Ruth's bike were flat!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 7)

Monday January 21...10:30pm

Quiet day today. Went for a walk along the beach. Saw some tracks from one of those big sea turtles where it came up on shore and laid it's eggs.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

4x4 fun

Sunday January 20...10:00pm

Got up at 7am and had a quick breakfast. Ruth made us some sandwiches for lunch while I took Whiskey for a walk.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 5)

Saturday January 19...8:45pm

Took Glen and Steve on the hike over to see the dead "thing" down the coast. Met some other people there who said that a grey whale had washed up on the beach a couple of weeks ago and some locals had carved it up a

Friday, January 18, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 4...but different scenery)

Friday January 18...10:50pm

We needed some more milk and fruit juice and a couple of other things so we decided it was a good time to move from the beach club parking lot and rejoin our friends Glen and Steve where they have been parked with a bunch of other RV'ers further down the beach.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 3)

Thursday January 17...9:50pm

Took Whiskey for a long walk along the coast going north from where we are parked. There was a dirt road leading to where they are starting to develop some of the properties and so we walked using that to get to some of the