The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Fall Harvest

The Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia has Atlantic Canada's richest agricultural land. Combined with the climate, it makes for the perfect place to grow apples, pears, grapes, and many other fruits and veggies.

Our daughter Lindsey's house backs onto a huge apple orchard. Yesterday, Ruth and I went for a walk to see the stuff that is ready for fall harvest...

On a Saturday, there are a lot of people out buying Halloween pumpkins...

Pumpkins and squash for sale.


I'm always amazed at how many apples end up on the ground. Lindsey says that there used to be an apple juice factory in the area and they used the ground apples for juice, but that doesn't happen anymore. There seems to be an over supply of apples. And yet the prices in the local farm stores are still higher than you would think given the number that go to waste. Lindsey and family as well as their neighbors are all allowed to go into the huge orchard behind and pick apples for their personal use whenever they want to. So we eat a lot of apples here!

And there are pear orchards as well.

In the evening, we went for a walk on the dyke at the Minas Basin which is part of the Bay of Fundy...

Chester, Ruth, Sadie, Lindsey, Cameron.

Lindsey's husband Justin was working. He's a construction/woodworker guy and they bought a fixer upper house about 15 minutes away that he's been renovating. It's a huge job. I'll try to remember to get some photos for you next time we're over there.

Cameron on the shoreline.


Ruth, Sadie, and Lindsey.

Oh, I forgot that we went for breakfast yesterday morning with Paula and Jerry. We met this couple down in Mexico at Hacienda Contreras and saw them regularly for quite a few years in a row. They only live a half an hour down the road, so we got together to catch up on things...

Kevin, Paula, Jerry, Ruth.

This is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. So it's a holiday up here on Monday. I think the reason it's a different date here in Canada compared to the U.S. is because the harvest happens earlier up here due to being further north. Anyhow, we celebrate pretty much the same way as the Americans, and yes, turkey is involved! We're doing turkey dinner this afternoon at Justin's father's house.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our Canadian readers!

Record low deal on this HP Printer with 9 Month Ink Supply

And in Canada...

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