Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Our first grocery shop back in Canada

Jet lag has never really bothered us that much because we think it's important to adapt to the new time zone as quickly as possible. So when arriving in a new country we try and immediately put ourselves into the new time. That means forcing ourselves to stay awake until at least 10pm even if we're really tired..

Of course our sleep schedules are a little off though. The first night, I woke up at about 3am and ended up getting up at 4:30am. Last night was a little better and I woke up at 4:30am and got up at 5:30am. A couple more nights and we should be back on track. Ruth slept a little better, but still up very early.

Here are the two cats we are looking after for this month...

This is Enke.
He's a nice cat, but he always has that sort of pissed off look on his face.

And this is Syd. She's also nice, but takes a little while to warm up to you.

You may have missed that I posted our August expenses last night. 

The grocery costs are interesting. Despite the food inflation that everybody is aware of, our grocery expenses so far for 2023 are very reasonable, averaging about $460 CAD ($338 USD) per month for the two of us. And that includes the past four months in Ireland and UK.

So yesterday, we did some grocery shopping here in Canada. Yikes. We honestly don't know how the lower income people are surviving here. 

We spent $197 CAD so far this month... and it is only the 3rd! I budgeted $600 for the month, but that may not be enough.

Admittedly, that included some stocking up. We bought the family size packs of chicken breast and ground beef. But even at that, the ground beef is now just under $6 a pound. I remember when you could buy rib eye steak for under $6 a pound. We saw some rib eye steaks... $32 for one steak...lol. There won't be much red meat in our diets this month, which is probably a good thing anyhow.

And, we bought a liter of maple syrup. If there is one thing we have missed about Canada, it is the maple syrup! But of course that has gone up as well. We paid $16, compared to the $13 we paid last year at this time.

Gluten free bread was $7.50, although I managed to find a loaf in the freezer section for $6.50. The same thing in Ireland, UK, and Europe was the equivalent of $4.50.

Anyhow, it is what it is. You have to eat.

Speaking of eating, we went over to visit my mom. The seniors building where she lives had an outdoor lunch on the go, so she invited us for lunch. My older sister and my nephew were there as well. Had a good visit with them, and the food was really good too. Took a couple of photos, but they didn't turn out well enough to keep. We'll have to get some better ones later in the month.

Heading out shortly for our 5 km (3 mile) power walk. It's going to be warm today, with a forecast high of 29C (84F). 

If you're looking for an Air Conditioner, Amazon has a great sale on with many models at record low prices.

And in Canada...

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