Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Busy couple of days!

Well, a little catching up to do today as we missed doing a blog post yesterday. That hasn't happened for a long time!

When the alarm went off yesterday morning at 6:30am, we proceeded to fall right back to sleep because the AirBnb where we are staying has a third occupant in the room beside us who was not very quiet!

So we didn't sleep great. And then the same thing happened last night. The place itself is fine, as are the hosts, but the roommate guy in the room beside us is a problem. They need to talk to him, and I'll be bringing that up with them.

This is the first time ever that we have had a problem staying in shared accommodation, and we've done it lots of times to save on overnight costs. And, we'll continue doing that despite this problem.

Anyhow, by the time we got up yesterday morning, there just wasn't time to get a blog post up. So, we have to go back to our day on Friday...

Ruth and I went for another walk in Hamilton, this time over to Gage Park. It's quite nice...

The fountain is actually working.

If this park were in Mexico, it would be full of people! 

Ruth, at the fountain in Gage Park.

We were gone for exactly an hour and did 5.5 kms (3.3 miles). 

After lunch, we drove through downtown Hamilton to the town of Fergus, Ontario. It was only about 80 kms (50 miles) but it took almost two hours because of traffic through both Hamilton and Guelph.

Finally arrived at Fergus, where we met with Paul and Fran, another one of the couples we did the February 2016 Mexico caravan with. Nice to see them again, and Fran made a delicious pot of stew for supper for us.

Paul, Fran, Ruth, and Kevin

After supper Friday, we drove back to Guelph and found our Airbnb where we would be sleeping (or trying to!) for two nights. For $39 CAD ($31 USD) a night, it was a nice enough place... a fairly new three bedroom townhome, where they rent out one of the bedrooms to a roommate, and another to Airbnb guests. Room was sparse, although nice and clean.

Friendly hosts from the African country of Ghana. After talking to them, we want to visit Ghana! Of course, there aren't many countries we do not want to visit...  but it always gives us more incentive when we talk to people actually from these countries. Anyhow, we'll move Ghana up on our "want to visit" list!

As I said, we didn't sleep well Friday night, and eventually I think I remember our host going to knock on the student's door and reminding him that we were next door. I think it quieted down after that.

Saturday morning, we went over to where our daughter Lindsey and her family were staying in another Airbnb rental. Our son Alex and his girlfriend CJ are also in town, at another Airbnb and the group of us got together for brunch at North America's best airport restaurant!


Guelph's small airport has a restaurant that has become popular with the locals because of it's good food and reasonable prices. The Airpark Cafe is also listed on tripadvisor as the #2 rated restaurant in the area, out of 300 listings!

But first, we stopped by to see Guelph's famous covered bridge...

The Guelph covered bridge.

Ruth, at the covered bridge.

Grandson Cameron (7).

Granddaughter Sadie (5).

CJ, Alex, Lindsey, Sadie, Justin, Cameron.

Then, it was off to the restaurant, where they proceeded to live up to everything that I had read about them. Really good food, at reasonable prices!

Airpark Cafe eggs benedict.

Airpark cafe sausage and eggs.

Then, a quick trip downtown to visit the basilica.

Built in 1888.

View from the Basilica.


Lots of stained glass.

Then, we each went our respective ways to get ready for the wedding, where we would meet up again at 4:00pm for the ceremony.

It was Ruth's sister's son who was getting married.

Nice venue, at the Aberfoyle Mill restaurant.

Ready for the big event.

No photos allowed at the ceremony... so we didn't take any!

Dinner tent.

Ruth's dad in the center, with her brother Colin on the right, and his son Matthew on the left.

Ruth's sister Lesley on the left, then her dad Tony, then her brother Colin.


Ready for dinner!

Sadie, Lindsey, Justin, Cameron, Matthew.

Our son Alex, with his girlfriend CJ.

The happy couple, Megan and Marshall.

Lots of fun. Haven't been to a wedding in ages. Only downside was the temperature got too cold, and by the time dinner arrived everybody was frozen! Had to get up and do some dancing just to stay warm!

Meeting everybody for breakfast again this morning, then headed near downtown Toronto to visit my grandmother and grandfather's gravesite, then to visit friends on the other side of Toronto. 

Check out today's deals at Amazon.com

And in Canada at Amazon.ca


  1. Nice to see everyone dressed up. My friend's grandson was married in an outdoor ceremony just after the tornado last Friday.

    1. I wish we had remembered to get better pictures of Lindsey and family, along with Alex and CJ but we totally forgot to do it. There is a picture with the whole Crowe side of the family with Megan and Marshall that was done by the photographer so we will hopefully be able to get a copy of that one.

      I hope that your friend's grandson wasn't having to stand in the middle of destruction zone for his wedding.

  2. Hopefully your second night at the Bnb wasn't as bad.
    Nice pictures about the Wedding. You do look good all dressed up.
    We haven't been to Guelph in a long time. Looks like a return visit is in order.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Actually our second night was worse than our first night. :-(

      I wish that we had remembered to get more pictures of all our family members at the wedding but we just got caught up in the wedding and festivities themself and totally forgot.

      Guelph is a beautiful little city, definitely worth going there and having a nice visit. We would have loved more time there and being able to see more of the surrounding area, maybe some other time.

  3. Thanks for the wedding pics. Interesting shot of the bride and groom.

    1. I wish that we had pictures of the bride and groom of our own but we just totally forgot. The one that Kevin posted was one of the photographer's that we got from Megan. We couldn't take any of the wedding itself and after that the photographer was taking all his pictures which took quite a while and by the time he was finished it was time for dinner so we never really got much of an opportunity. I am sure though that we will get some copies of the photographer's pictures.

  4. What a lovely family. I've seen both Sadie and Cameron grow up...time sure flew.

    1. Thank you Rita! Yes, the kids are growing up fast.

  5. Love when you post family photos! Cute pics of Cameron and Sadie in the trees and family peaking out of the covered bridge. And a good time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Well hopefully over the next couple of weeks you will get your share of family photos. :-)

  6. Lovely pictures of the surrounding area and of the wedding. you both look great. Kevin your son looks like a younger version of you. Enjoy your stay and chat soon.

    1. It's a really pretty area around Guelph, actually most of Southern Ontario is beautiful and it is actually and area that we really haven't spent a lot of time exploring so quite a lot of it is new to us even.

  7. Omg! We live in Fergus and have an empty condo there. You guys could have stayed overnight there! Unbelievable... Connie and Chris

    1. Both Kevin and I forgot that you lived in Fergus, I think you may have mentioned it before. Thank you for the offer though but Fergus was a little further away from the wedding than what we wanted. We wanted something that was really close to the venue and to where our son and daughter were staying in the area so that we could spend a little more time together.

      It would have been lovely to have met up with you though maybe another time. :-)

    2. It would have been great. We are off to Portugal next winter - 9 weeks on the mainland, a week in Madeira and 2 weeks in the Azores. Our family is going to join us there for a week. Should be fun with the grandkids!

    3. Sounds like a great winter! I am sure that you will love it and being able to have the family visit is an added bonus. We really want to get to both Madeira and the Azores someday. :-)

  8. Weddings are fun and nice ti see everyone again. The Aberfoyle mill is a wonderful place an have enjoyed it quite a few times over the years. Keep on having too much fin with family and friends, . we have been so close but so far away over the years and have never met up yet. Someday it will happen I am sure,

    1. Yes, it is always a great time to get together with all the family have have a good party! :-)

      One day our paths will cross George. :-)


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