View of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

It's a good thing we like it here!

Because it looks like we're staying a few more days.

We had Sherman at the mechanic's for 9:00am, as agreed. We got the bikes off the back, and left Sherman to have his lower control arms installed, as well as the new bell crank for the driver's side that I had bought in the spring and never had installed.

We rode our bikes from the mechanic's to the park where our friend Tioga George was looking for his missing Boid.

George is not young anymore, and his eyesight and hearing isn't as good as ours. He had lost track of where Boid was in the trees, but it didn't take long for Ruth and I to find him.

Boid was way up in this tree. Chirping away, and seemed quite happy.

Ruth was pretty optimistic, while George watched on!

Boid didn't appear to have any interest in his cage, or the available food.

Eventually, we left George on his own and we rode our bikes to the library. With their free internet, I backed up all the info on our Samsung phone and did a complete factory reset to see if it would then connect to the internet. 


Nothing different. I spent some time on the Telcel chat, and they tell me there is nothing wrong on their end. Our line is listed as active, and with sufficient credit. But our phone will still not connect to the network. It's been this way for about 10 days now.

So, what I need to do is to test the SIM card in someone else's phone. And, test a different SIM card in my phone. There are no cellular stores here in Oroville, and we don't plan on going to the larger town of Omak, 40 miles (64 kms) to the south. So it will have to wait until we get back up to Canada. Then, we can find out if the problem is the SIM card, or the phone.

Lake Osoyoos.

It was a calm morning.

After lunch, we rode our bikes back to the mechanic shop to see how he was doing.

He was just finishing up the driver's side, and had both the bell crank and the lower control arm installed. Nice.

But the passenger side was a different story! The part that was in the box was not the right one.

I did some more research, and the part number I had ordered was the correct one. And the part number on the box was the correct one. But the part that was inside the box was not the correct one! It was close, but the place where it mounts onto the engine support was quite different.

By this time, it was almost 2:00pm out here in the west, and the parts place is located in central time. I got on the phone with them, but they didn't have enough time to finish the details of re-ordering the part before they closed. 

I paid for the work the shop had done. $70 an hour U.S. ($93 an hour CAD), not bad, and for five hours work. I'm not complaining. I notice a difference in how Sherman drives and handles, and it's a big improvement. I look forward to getting the other side done!

So now, we wait for another part to show up. My guess is it won't get here until Tuesday, which means we won't get out of here until Wednesday. It's a good thing we like it here, except that we may have to change our travel plans depending on when we actually make it back into British Columbia. I guess we'll just play it by ear.

The large size Coleman 15'x13' Instant Screen House has a nice price drop!

And in Canada...

Clint Eastwood 7 Movie Collection


  1. That's too bad about the part mix up in the box. Hopefully it works out and shows up soon and you can return the incorrect one. Need some more of that one day shipping! Since you're not coming today for some propane, I've decided that I'm playing hookey, closing a bit early and going RV'ing in Washington State! Why not right? Meeting up with my Family who are already down in Lake Chelan. Probably some bowling, Mexican food and County Fair tomorrow. Back to work Monday morning. One of the benefits of living in the South Okanagan! Have a great weekend and I'm looking forward to meeting you in person when you get Sherman fixed up and pass through next week. Cheers.

    1. Yeah, it is a bit of a shame about the part beginning mixed up but things happen and you just have to go with the flow. Our fingers are crossed that they will have the right one in stock and that we can get it ASAP.

      Hope you enjoyed your weekend with family down at Lake Chelan this weekend. Fingers crossed that we will see you next week, we will just have to remember that you play golf on Thursdays! We are looking forward to meeting you as well.

  2. At least you are in your own home there and can be comfortable.
    I see you named that bird after me, my eyesight not so good and neither is my hearing , lol...

    1. Yep, it's nice to have your home with you when these things happen. We have certainly been enjoying our time here. It's been really relaxing. :-)

      Your eyesight definitely musn't be good, the bird's name is Boid not George! Tioga George's name is George though. ;-)

  3. It's when those "plans set in jello" really come in to play. As long as the delay doesn't take too long of course. What are the odds of getting the wrong part in the "right" box? Seriously.
    Nice spot to hang out at least. Pretty awesome that you were able to meet up with George, I've been following him off and on since the beginning, or pretty close to it.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    1. It is always helps to be relaxed when these things happen. It's a good thing we aren't on a tight schedule but it may also mean that we won't be able to see or do everything that we had hoped to do before we leave for Ontario at the end of the month.

      We have had that exact same problem once or twice before, just our luck I guess!

      We have been enjoying our time with George. He gives us inspiration that we could still be living this life for another 25 years or so! :-)

      BTW, we may have a day or so to spare when we are in the Hamilton area, perhaps we could meet up for a quick chat. :-)

  4. You often seem to have problems with the parts for Sherman!

  5. Looks like some of the smoke cleared away. Have you guys jumped in the lake yet? Some summers it was like a bathtub this time of year, but still refreshing b/c of the hot temps. Deep Bay is a good place to swim (at least used to be), about a mile up the lake road, deeper water so maybe cooler. I think it's an official park now, and if you take that first soft right as you go north out of the park, you follow that road until you come to the entrance. (And you ride by the house I grew up in.)Just stay on that road, don't go back up to 97, it's a short distance beyond the first split that goes back up to the highway.

    Believe it or not, I have never been north of Penticton. The valley gets so much more beautiful the further north you go. Enjoy! We're enjoying California's Central Coast, seeing friends from our park in Pismo Beach, and friends who just moved to the area from Napa. Next year we'll be up in the Okanogan / Okanagan. I can only stay away for so long.

    1. Yes, it has cleared a bit. The day before yesterday wasn't so good though, it was very hazy then.

      No, neither of us has been in the water, it has to be really, really hot and the water has to be really, really warm for him to go in and for me, I guess I just haven't been in the mood. Looks like we will have to go for another bike ride around that area. Thanks for the info! :-)

      Who knows maybe we will be near each other in northern/central California around the beginning of November. :-)

  6. We have had the same kind of part problem recently except is was for a refrigerator. Very annoying, hope they get it right on the next try.

    1. Yep, it is annoying but there isn't much that can be done about it so we just grin and bare it and move on and make the best out of the situation. It's a good thing that we aren't having a problem finding interesting things to do here. :-)


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