The beach at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Poor Sherman!

Made it on to our Montreal to Ottawa flight at 7:00am, scheduled for take off at 7:10am. It's just a little twin engine propeller plane seating 24 people. They fired up the first engine, but the outside temperature was -24C (-11F) and they had to warm up a battery in order to start the second engine. This took time, and then when that was done we had to go to the de-icing stall.

So, it was about 7:50am by the time we took off. I can't quite figure why they didn't start doing this earlier...they would have known about the deicing. In the meantime, the interior of the plane was also quite cold. Everyone kept their coats and hats on!

Anyhow, we finally got in the air and warmed up, and just as we got up to cruising altitude we had to start coming back down. It's only a 20 minute flight from Montreal to Ottawa.

Our daughter Lindsey and grandaughter Sadie were there to meet us. Grandson Cameron was in school.

It's cold here! There's certainly no global warming happening in Ottawa this year. It's just a typical Canadian winter. And, it quickly reminded us that we don't like this type of cold!

We relaxed for the day and even had an afternoon nap.

Grandson Cameron (5).

Granddaughter Sadie (3).

Good thing, because they had already made plans for us in the evening. Last time we were here we had done one of those "escape" rooms with our son and his girlfriend and a couple of their friends. It was a lot of fun, so they had asked us to do another one.

There is a new one opened up in Ottawa, and so Ruth and I went with our daughter Lindsey and son in law Justin to meet up with our son Alex, his girlfriend CJ, and Ruth's nephew Matthew. The seven of us were booked in the Boom Rom for 8:00pm.

The record for this room was a 29 minute escape, and only 20% of the groups who try this room manage to get out within the allotted 60 minutes.

We did it in 35 minutes! Alex and CJ are quite good at puzzles and problem solving...and the rest of us all contributed as well. Lots of fun.

Slept well last night. We don't do jet lag...or better yet we don't let it do us. We'll explain that another day.

Woke up this morning to -14C (7F) and it's snowing. They're calling for 12 to 20 cms (5 to 8 inches) before midnight tonight. Welcome back to Canada!

We'll enjoy the next two weeks with family and friends, but it won't likely ever happen again at this time of year!

Taken this morning.

Poor Sherman!

Fantastic deal on a home pressure washer! Check out the price...

GreenWorks 13 amp 1500 PSI 1.2 GPM Electric Pressure Washer

Here in Canada...a good deal on the complete M*A*S*H series on DVD...

M*A*S*H: The Complete Collection

(Side note: I see the Harry Morgan died the other day. He played Colonel Sherman Potter on the show. He was 96 years old...)


  1. Welcome back to Canada, enjoy your family time. keep warm.

    1. Thank you George, we will in enjoy our family time but it might be a little hard to stay warm!

  2. We're at the same temps and weather here in central Wyoming - and also wondering why we delay going down to Yuma and Mexico until after Christmas. One always wants to spend holidays with grandkids, but when the temps are this cold here, but 70 in Yuma, we think we should have the family go down THERE to see us! Glad you made it home safely. We enjoyed our vicarious trip with you!

    1. Yep, it is nice to be with the family over the holidays but in this weather it sure makes us want to have the next family gathering somewhere where it is nice a warm.

  3. Brrr, glad you made it back safely. Enjoy the next few weeks, time will pass quickly.

    Are you staying in Sherman or the house?

    1. Sherman is all winterized and put away for the season.'s -20C! RV's are not made for this kind of weather. Either are we. It's really not suitable for human habitation...

  4. Enjoy your family and friends over the holiday season! Barcelona will be a lot warmer!

    1. Thank you Brigitte, we will definitely be enjoying our family time. Barcelona will be warmer and we are looking forward to it. :-)

  5. Hm. Kinda looks like our front yard right about now. Not a big fan of winter myself, but a heated shop and a few other amenities make it bearable. No hurry to get out and do the shovelling, as that whole "work" thing is far behind us. Sorry for the bad language.

    1. Can't blame you one bit for not wanting to get out there and shovel! It can always wait for a better day. Hopefully there will be some nice days ahead of us. :-)

  6. Poor Sherman indeed. Have a great time with your family. Hope next time they can get out of the snow by visiting you in say........Mexico.

    1. Thanks Sherry, we will enjoy our family time no matter what. We agree, next time we get the family together for Christmas it should be in somewhere like Mexico!

  7. It's in the 50s here and I'm so cold. Snuggling with Skitz under a blanket. Still - so glad to be here and not further north. We have another escape room scheduled after the first of the year. They are fun.

    1. We would be happy now to have temperatures in the 50's! Glad you have Skittlez to cuddle with.

      Good luck with your next escape room, they are lots of fun. :-)

  8. Your place looks like our place in Ohio. We had snow, sleet, rain and more sleet. And that is just today! Enjoy the family.

    1. Yep, crazy weather but that is to be expected when you live in the northern part of the world at this time of the year. It is making the weather we had in Romania and Moldova now seem mild.

  9. Global warming can also bring harsher winters. It's not just about warming. Scientists look at the big picture, not today's weather, to see the impact of climate change. Man-made or natural it is occurring.

    1. Same winters we've been having since I was a kid...

  10. Glad you are back with your family. Enjoy your Christmas Season. Merry Christmas from Sue and I to both of you.

    1. Thank you Lorne! We most certainly will be enjoying our family time.

      Merry Christmas to you and Sue and enjoy that nice warm sunny weather.

  11. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  12. Oh my, Spain is looking better and better!!!!

    (Happy holidays to everyone!)

    1. Spain is definitely looking good at the moment but being able to spend Christmas with the Grandchildren and our families is worth all the snow and bitter cold!

      Merry Christmas to you as well.


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