Igor and the sunrise. Just south of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Cancun, Mexico on November 11th.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Woke up to a very Christmas like snowfall this morning. They had been calling for 2-3 cms (an inch) overnight, but we've got more than that now and it's still coming down.

It's all very pretty though. And there's no wind, and the temperature is right around freezing, so it's not really that cold. We can put up with this, especially knowing that it's only for a short time.

Ruth's dad had a knee replacement done a couple of weeks ago, and is still in the convalescent home in town. So Ruth and I are here at his house by ourselves. Hopefully he'll be back home tomorrow, and will be spending Christmas with us. Either way, we'll kidnap him Christmas Eve and he'll be here for Christmas Day.

Looking across the road from Ruth's dad's house.

I kept busy yesterday cleaning the windows in his house. He's going to be 82 this year, and while he's doing okay, things don't seem to get done like they used to. It really doesn't make sense that he's in this big house all by himself, but he's stubborn, and it's his life. I guess when you've lived somewhere for 50 years, it's hard to make a change. But, Ruth's brother lives right next door so at least he's around if there's a problem.

Glad we're not going anywhere this morning.

We are going out this afternoon though. First, we'll go in and spend some time with Ruth's dad, but after that we're going into the city. Kind of unexpected, but we had an email from CBC Ottawa morning radio and they want to interview us. And not just a telephone interview...they want to do it in studio.

But the interview is scheduled for 6:40am tomorrow (Friday) morning, and the studio is right downtown. Fortunately, our son has an apartment right downtown, so we're going to stay there this evening and walk to the studio in the early morning.

It's very white outside!

Local Ottawa people can listen in live at 91.5 FM at 6:40am...or on the internet at http://www.cbc.ca/listen/live/radio1/ottawa

But, if you don't want to get up that early, I think there will be a replay link available later on.

So, that should be exciting. We've never done an in studio radio interview before, and this is a pretty popular morning show. Interesting stuff.

Ruth's dad's backyard.

So, hopefully the snow ends before noon and the roads clear up!

The popular iLife robotic vacuum is on sale...

And the great deal on those binoculars from yesterday is available in Canada today. In fact, it's an even better deal than the Americans got yesterday. And so,  we just bought a pair for ourselves this morning!


  1. The radio interview should be fun. Like I said, I can barely get a word out at the time in the morning, even though I used get up and go in to work early, I didn't need to utter a peep until much later. Other than that, I'm sure I only mumbled.
    Curious to know how they zeroed in on you guys? Those producers must be scouring the net for cool stuff I guess.

    1. I won't say we were bright-eyed and bushy tailed at that hour but we did manage to squeak through the interview without too much effort.

      Back in November, a friend of our son wanted to do a newspaper article on us for a small community newspaper in Orleans where we used to live and I guess when that article went out one of the people at the radio station saw it and thought that it would be a neat idea for the morning radio show when we arrived back here to Ottawa in December.

  2. So great about the radio interview - hope you'll post the replay link here so those of us a few time zones behind can have a listen at a more favorable hour. :-)

    1. Yes, we will post the replay link in our next post.

  3. Have fun with the radio interview and enjoy the white Christmas with your family.

  4. Good luck with the Interview and hope to listen to the replay link because I don't do 4:40 MST very well.
    Enjoy the Holidays with your Father and Family.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Kevin will be posting the link in our next post. We don't do early mornings well either, thankfully the show is a little later in the morning here for us than for you in Arizona.

  5. Looking forward to your interview. As for the snow, we had our fair share before we headed to Florida. Merry Christmas you two!

    1. Yep, the snow looks nice, we wouldn't want to have to deal with it all winter long but for two weeks, it's not so bad. ;-)

      Merry Christmas to you and John as well.

  6. Good luck with the interview I know it will be great. Wishing Ruth's dad a speedy recovery. With that many years in that house, he is comfortable there...it is home. My mom stayed in her home for 66 years before she went to assisted living. Hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas with family.

    1. Thank you very much Mike, both for you confidence with us doing the interview as well as your well wishes for my Dad, I will pass them on to him.

      We agree, it is his home and yes, he is comfortable in it but it just seems so lonely to be in such a big house by yourself. It is wonderful to have it though when the whole family gets together for occasions like this Christmas.

      Merry Christmas to you as well.

  7. Your interview inspired us to continue to try to continue exploring our world in retirement!

    1. Thank you Anne! Glad that we have been an inspiration to you, and we hope that you get to explore as much of the world as you can.


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