Igor and the sunset at Victoria RV Park, Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Valle de Juarez, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Feels like coming home

We got up and drove right away after a great sleep. We put in a solid two hour drive before stopping for a break. By 10:00am we had put in a normal day's drive for us!

But, we were on a bit of a mission yesterday, and still had to make it to our old hometown of Ottawa.

The fall colors are certainly starting to come out in the trees. Lots of bright red maple trees. Too bad we didn't have a blue sky sunny day, so the pictures aren't the best. Still, it's a very pretty area at this time of year near the Gatineau Hills north of Ottawa.

Colors in the hills.

Covered bridge and waterfall. 

Scenery along the way.

Getting closer to Ottawa, highway 5 becomes four lanes. Still not much traffic though.

We drove by the site where we did bungee jumping 3 years ago.

Do you remember when we did bungee jumping 3 years ago? Ruth trying to jump off that platform was one of our most watched videos on youtube. Too funny. You can see it here...

We continued on into the city of Ottawa, Canada's capital. Metro population now about 1.2 million. Big city, with lots of traffic. I don't miss that at all! Felt kind of funny to be driving through a city that we know so well. We haven't been here for exactly one year, and the last time was a quick fly in visit for a long weekend. This time, we're here for three weeks.

We stopped in the western part of the city to say hello to my Mom. Just a quick stop along the way though because we wanted to get to our daughter Lindsey's place on the southern outskirts of town before the rush hour traffic started. We'll see my Mom again on Sunday along with the rest of my side of the family, then up to Ruth's dad's to see her side on Monday. (Monday is the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday).

Made it to Lindsey's, and happy to see her and the grandkids! Son in law Justin was working late, but he came home around 8:00pm.

Sadie (3) and Ruth at the nearby playground.

Cameron (5 1/2), showing off his monkey bar skills!

Sadie is quite the tree climber!

She takes after her brother, the monkey.

You may have to put up with quite a few grandchild photos over the next three weeks!

Today, we have a 12 noon appointment to bottle our wine. We had Lindsey go to one of the local "brew it yourself" places to make us a couple of batches of cheap wine, and today it's ready! We're actually going to bag it, not bottle it. 

And what a beautiful day it's supposed to be! They're calling for a high of 24C (75F) with sunshine.

Sherman, happily settled into his parking spot at Lindsey and Justin's house.

Cordless leaf blower on deal of the day at Amazon...

And in Canada, the popular back seat pet hammock is on sale...


  1. Just watched the bungee jump video once more. Got a little "sweaty" all over again.
    Can't believe how fast the kids have grown.
    Have a great visit.

    1. Kevin mentioned going again as we were driving by and my stomach started to jump!

      Yes, the grandkids have grown yet again. They are at such a fun stage right now and oh, so happy. :-)

  2. Welcome Home! Following your travels across Canada lately to learn more about it. Last weekend, our extended family visited us in PA. Originally from Brazil, Hilton lived with us 37 years ago as a Rotary Exchange Student. He along with his wife and two children moved to Kingston Ontario a few months ago. It is so great having them only six hours away now. Enjoy your family time - especially those two grands - my how they've grown!!

    1. Thanks Connie and Barry, wish we had more time going through northern Ontario and Quebec so that we could show you more of what it has to offer. Really beautiful up there and so many lakes to enjoy.

      Kingston isn't too far away from us. That's where we spent two of our summers working and living at the KOA there. I am sure that they love it there. Nice that they were able to come down and visit you.

  3. Hey your home! You got out of Sask at the right time. I'm sure you've seen the snow. We're in Osoyoos waiting to head south at end of the month. Enjoy your families. Mark & Jean

    1. Yep, back with the family again. Over the weekend we will see just about all the family except for my sister and her family who live in Hamilton.

      Got out of Saskatchewan in just enough time for sure, not only did they get snow but it has turned cold as well. Glad that you weren't there for it either. Osoyoos is a nice area enjoy your time there and your drive south next month.

  4. You made it and will be nice to visit with the family again, just like we doing this weekend too.
    Have fun and enjoy all that wine, but not at once , lol...

    1. Thanks George, we will definitely be enjoying every moment here with the family and I am sure you will enjoy your time as well. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. What darling grandchildren you have! Sure wish my daughter had such a nice spot by her house for a visit. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Sherry, they are pretty special! :-)

      We told them that when they bought a house it had to have enough room that we could park there. ;-) They actually have a nice big backyard which is wonderful for the kids.

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, they are definitely changing and the drive was beautiful seeing all the colours in them.

  7. You guys have family in Ottawa? I was there doing my studies 20 years ago as a foreign student. Miss it.

    1. Yes, Ottawa is our home. This is where we were both raised and went to school and then raised our own children! I hope that you enjoyed the city when you were here.

  8. Hope you plan on blogging about the wine bagging. We make wine too and carry about 3-4 cases with us, but I worry about the weight. Bagging sounds like an interesting idea.

    1. We forgot to bring the camera with us so there aren't any pictures but maybe Kevin can take a picture of the wine in the bags to show you. It was a quite a simple process really.

    2. Paul, I guess it depends on your RV. We carry between 14 - 20 cases of purchased wine with us when we cross into Mexico every winter. Not an issue for us with a 40" diesel pusher.

  9. Bungee jumping = NEVER!
    Thanks for the photo of the grandkids. They are so adorable. Love the tree branch photo with Cameron. Enjoy your visit.

    1. Thanks Paul and Marsha, they sure are adorable.

      Cameron loves climbing, he is a real monkey. :-)


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