View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Shouldn't we be half way to Mexico by now?

That's what I was thinking to myself as I watched the snowflakes coming down yesterday.

They had been calling for a big rainstorm starting yesterday afternoon, but at the last minute they changed it to snow. And they called for between 3-7 cms (1-3 inches)!

Sure enough, the big wet flakes started to accumulate on the ground.

It's not out of the question to get snow towards the end of October here in the Ottawa area, but it's not really what you would call "normal". Normal highs for the this time of year are around 10C (50F), and in fact they're now saying that it's going to 12C (55F) tomorrow, so it's all going to melt.

Late yesterday afternoon.

This morning. It's already starting to melt.

This winter will certainly be different for us. It's not what you'd call warm in Romania or Moldova at this time of year. And then we're back here to Ottawa for two weeks at Christmas and it will almost certainly be ice cold here by then. And then two months in Spain and Portugal where it won't be tropical, but certainly comfortable with a sweater on. March and April in Morocco, and maybe Algeria should be nice again, but not hot. 

So, we aren't expecting to be having much shorts and t-shirts weather this winter. But that's okay, we're still looking forward to it!

I had an email from Lonely Planet yesterday. We love their guide books and already have the one for Romania. But if any of you are doing any upcoming international travel, they have a special on this weekend...ALL of their travel guide ebooks are on sale for only $8.99...a huge discount. In fact, I just bought the one for Morocco...

Oh, we confirmed our accommodation for Bucharest. After our couchsurfing cancellation happened, I looked at hostels but didn't see anything decent with a private room for under $40 CAD ($30 USD) a night. So I checked out AirBnb and booked us a private room in an apartment for $21 CAD ($15.30 USD) a night that has really good reviews. The host has already confirmed and sent directions and phone number. Great communication, and that's important.

We will have to take the bus from Bucharest airport, and then transfer to another bus, and then walk half a km to the apartment. I've already got it all mapped out, and it looks really easy. I love my iPhone with the program! 

Fantastic deal this morning on the Omron home blood pressure monitor...

And in Canada...


  1. We take our phones but only buy a tiny plan for hubby's phone when we are gone so we can check our business line 2x per day and then shut data off and just use wifi the rest of the time so thanks for the name of right now. I always research ahead restaurants/things around where we are going to stay and that will be very handy

    1. We always buy a SIM card for ours if we are in a country long enough to warrant one but we will still use it sparingly, that's why we really love any app that you can use offline. The only thing that you have to remember with is that you can only download the area you are in such as, a small country or a state or a province and when you are finished with that map then you delete it and then you just download the next one you need when you have access to WiFi.

  2. Will you be driving your rig in the snow? If so do you use chains for your tires?

    1. No, the motorhome is parked for the season Gary. We're doing Europe this winter!

  3. The first snowfall of the year is's the umpteenth one that gets me thinking of tropical destinations.

    1. We have just had the one so far and we are already thinking of warmer destinations! ;-)

  4. Snow is a four letter word, so is rain...

  5. Sure glad we left Ontario when we did. With any luck we won't see any white stuff other than the distant mountains.

  6. You are going to have a great series of trips! In a funny coincidence, we visited many of the same countries this year (Romania, Portugal, Spain and a sampler of Morocco), so we know you are in for some wonderful experiences. And food. And wine!

    I'm typing this at 2:30 AM, the result of working through jetlag from our latest trip. The only part of far flung travel I don't love!

    1. You have been teasing us with your facebook pictures and making us look very forward to our trip. We have no doubt that we will enjoy every minute of it. :-)

  7. Replies
    1. Trust us, Sherman has definitely seen snow before! It is going to be a long cold winter for him this year though. :-(

  8. We will miss you this year again. Safe travels.

    1. And we will miss you and everyone one else there! :-(


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