View of San Sebastien del Oeste, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mascota, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Busy last few days

It's been a busy couple of days for us. Trying to squeeze in some visits with family and friends while we get the chance because we're usually only in Ottawa once a year at the most. The next year will be a little different because of course we're back here at Christmas for two weeks, and then again next April.

On Friday, we went for lunch with my mother and my sister. Thanks Mom!

We went to a nice little Thai restaurant that we've been to a few times before over the years.

I had the beef pad thai.

And then in the evening, I met our son Alex at a popular pool hall and played some pool while we watched World Series game 3. He had just finished writing his 4th actuarial exam and can now relax a bit after three months of intensive studying. He thinks he passed, but won't find out his marks until January!

By the way, he kicked my butt. We had a pool playing marathon...he beat me 18-12.

Then yesterday we went to my older sister Elaine's for lunch. On the way there, we stopped by two thrift stores. We both need new hoody style sweatwhirts and want to take them to Europe with us, but we didn't see anything worthwhile. I think we're going to end up buying new.

Lunch at my sister's, and fixed her computer printer while there. Then, we headed out to our old stomping grounds of Orleans on the eastern outskirts of Ottawa. This is where we owned a house and brought up our children. We lived there for 17 years, from 1990 to 2007.

A couple of weeks ago, we had received an email from new blog readers Gord and Joanne...

We bought a 31ft Forest River Georgetown motorhome today. While we were admiring our new purchase a couple walked by and congratulated us and told us to make sure we follow the "Kevin and Ruth blog". You guys are popular! 😊This is all new to us, we have very limited travel experience, so it's a little scary. However I'm so happy to have a resource like your blog, and Canadian. Keep up the great work, Gord and I will be following your blog!

We found out that they live in Orleans, and so ended up getting together yesterday.

Joanne and Gord with their brand new motorhome!

They've decided to sell their house and take off in the new motorhome next spring. Nice. They don't have any dogs or cats, but they do have a couple of birds, so it'll be interesting to see how they adapt to motorhome life.

Two parakeets. We forgot to write down their names!

Had a good visit with them. Lots to talk about of course, and I remember all the questions we had when we first took off. Happy to help them out on their new adventure, and I hope we get to meet up on the road sometime.

Then, it was a short drive to my younger sister Alison's where we had a nice dinner and a visit with her and her son Marshal. 

So, today we're back up to Ruth's dad's place for the afternoon, and then tomorrow we need to get the motorhome winterized and cleaned up and get ready for our six week trip! Only two more sleeps...

It's coffee day at Amazon! All different types, including the popular Keurig K cups!

And in Canada, Kindle mystery books are 80% off...


  1. Really enjoyed meeting you guys, you are so inspiring! we were so pumped we continued chatting and researching RV related stuff for hours afterwards. Time just flew by, so many questions, so little time. Now that we got the "Meet new people jitters" out of the way, it would be nice to have a longer visit in April. Safe travels!

    1. So glad that we were able to help answer some of your questions. We remember having many of those same questions as well. Thank you for inviting us over for a couple of hours. We look forward to seeing you again, hopefully in April or somewhere on the road. :-)

  2. Always nice to meet up with new RV'ers, I am sure you gave them sound advice!

    1. Yes, it is great to meet new RV's and to see their enthusiasm. We sure hope we passed along some helpful advice.

  3. Did you tell them to put on solar panels? You sure got us hooked no more generators for us. Safe travels

    1. We did mention that we had solar panels and that they are nice to have but it would depend on whether they want to do any boondocking. If you aren't going to boondock there really isn't much need for solar unless you stay somewhere long term where you pay the electricity.

  4. I love thrift lots of stuff from there. Recently went to Colorado and Wyoming and stopped here and there at thrift stores...had to buy a used carry on bag with my loot LOL. I bought a pretty humming bird feeder but I can't open it so my sister suggested I soak it in warm water...have done that yet. Lots of nice hoodies and I bought a canary yellow one...almost new...goes well with my jeans :-)

    1. We love thrift shops too! We have also gotten some great buys but this time we couldn't find a hoodie that was suitable for what we wanted. We don't want writing all over them or brand names that are huge, also we wanted ones with zippered fronts and that were thick and preferably micro fleece. These requirements really put a damper on what we were looking for even for something new!

  5. Busy folks! We don't play pool that much but it sounds like fun.

    1. Kevin and Alex love getting together to play pool! :-)

  6. Usually can find good deals in thrift stores but the inventory changes every day.
    Nice to get things all wrapper up and ready to take off.

    1. Yes, we usually have good luck at the thrift shops but not this time!

  7. Small world...seems to me it was us that met Joane and Gord at the RV show shortly after they bought their georgetown and chatted briefly. We hope to be doing the same thing in the not too distant future. Safe travels to all.

    1. I am pretty sure that it was you two! Thank you very much for suggesting to them to read our blog. Glad to see that you both will be joining the RV full-time lifestyle too in the not too distance future. :-)

  8. Well that time sure went by fast! We'll be following along on your next adventure. Safe travels!!

    1. Yes, it really has flown by but the nice thing is we will get to see all the family again in just over 6 weeks! :-)

  9. Get all those last minute visits in. It is always about family!

    1. That's it we are now finished with all the family visits other than the next day with Lindsey and the family. We have certainly enjoyed our time here and we get to do it all over again in almost 6 weeks time. :-)


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